Page 35 of Queen of Kings
Escorting Jade up to the second-story apartment I live in with Shawn feels weird. I literally had no idea what to do when she told me to get her away from the crowd of photographers, so I drove to the first place I could think of. It’s close enough to the city that it doesn’t take long to get to work or school, but far enough that I don’t have to deal with the crowds or traffic.
“Here we are,” I say, opening the door. “Casa de Austin.”
Giving me a small smile, she glances around the apartment while I close the door. She runs her hands over her arms, and I realize I’m in my jeans, T-shirt, and a hooded sweatshirt. Undoing the sweater, I quickly drop it over her shoulders. “Here.”
“Oh … thanks.”
“No problem.” We both exchange looks, and I watch her nervously bite her lip. “Um, did you want something to drink? I know you don’t drink alcohol, but I can get you bottled water. I think we’ve got some juice, too.”
“No, I’m good. Thanks.”
She continues to stand in front of the door, looking around. “Make yourself at home.” I wave toward the couch. “I’ll be right back.”
Quickly heading into the kitchen, I open the fridge and stare aimlessly into it. I have no idea what the protocol is for this kind of situation. I don’t know when she wants to leave, what to talk about, or how to even act. She looks like she’s calmed down, but she seemed pretty freaked out outside of the club. Pulling out two bottles of water, I grab a bag of chips and head back into the living room to find her sitting on the couch, scrolling through her phone.
Taking a seat next to her, I put the bag of chips and water bottles on the coffee table in front of us. “Just in case,” I tell her.
She smiles for a second, then looks back at her phone, shaking her head. “They’ve already got pictures up of me outside of the club. It doesn’t look like they posted any of you.” Turning the phone off, she sets it on the table, facedown. “Thanks again, Austin.”
“Don’t mention it. So …” I nervously pick at my jeans, unsure if I should ask or if she wants to talk about it. I take a chance. “What happened back there?”
Rolling her eyes, she lifts her legs up on the couch. “Just my brother and my boyfriend, being monumental boneheads again.”
There’s not much I can say to that.
“I love my brother, I do. But he can get on my last nerve sometimes with this whole thing he has with Bret.”
My eyes widen, hearing the name. Is that punk band guy her boyfriend?
“And then, Bret just keeps pushing and pushing me on things. I can’t stand it. If he wants a record deal so bad, he shouldn’t be going to parties and getting drunk with his band. He should be finding gigs and getting any spot he can. But no, he just waits for me to try and hook him up with spots. I swear, sometimes I feel like he wouldn’t even be with me if I wasn’t in the Kings.”
I cringe, letting out a sigh, unsure what to say. “That sucks.”
Her face crumbles with a sad smile. “I’m sorry. I totally shouldn’t be venting to you.”
“No, it’s okay. Believe me, I know what it’s like to have people want things from you.”
She quirks an eyebrow. “Really?”
My eyes bounce around the apartment, remembering she has no idea who my father is. After the night she’s had, I definitely can’t let out that bombshell right now. “Yeah,” I eek out, trying to think of a good reply. “I just mean working at Rich Records, I have friends and what not who want access to the stars. Or tickets to concerts. Stuff like that.”
“It’s horrible,” she replies.
“If you don’t mind me asking …” I trail off, really wanting to know her answer to my unasked question, but afraid to ask it.
“Well … why are you with him? Your boyfriend.”
Chewing on her lip, she stares down at her knees. She fidgets with the sleeve of my hoodie that she’s slipped on, shaking her head. “I … don’t know.” Letting out a defeated laugh, she covers her face. “Oh my God, I’m horrible. That’s such a bad answer.”
“No, it’s fine.”
“No. It is horrible. I guess I’m with him because we started going out and I loved that we are both musicians. When I met him, he had this drive, which he still has now, but … At the time it was endearing. He wanted to make it. The longer we’ve been together, and the more popular me and the Kings have gotten, sometimes I think he resents it. Me. I guess I don’t want to break up with him because I feel like I’d be abandoning him.”