Page 120 of Griz Rides Tall
“Not you,” Kate said.
“Why not?”
“Are you kidding, Chewie?” Becca said. “Yeah, we just throw a white coat over your flannel and everyone’s totally going to buy it that you’re a doctor, with your giant beard and your million tattoos.”
“I’m wearing scrubs,” Griz said, looking down at the ill-fitting scrubs Kate had secured for him to wear. “Not flannel.”
“It was a metaphor… just… roll with this, okay?” Becca said.
“I don’t understand why we have to do all of this,” Griz said. “Go to all of this trouble.”
“Because Skinny is in a hospital that I don’t work in, and he’s under guard,” Kate said. “My friend told me there’s a cop outside of his door.”
“We have to get past the cop without him knowing who we are, or we’ll never get to Skinny,” Becca said.
“There’s got to be an easier way to get in touch with Death’s Head,” Griz said.
“No,” Becca said. “It needs to be this. The message needs to come from one of their own. Then Death’s Head might actually listen.”
“I thought you said you knew somebody who works here?” Griz said to Kate.
“I do,” Kate said. “And she’s working tonight. That’s how we’re getting into the hospital.”
“So why are we messing with all of this?”
“Because she can’t get us past the cop guarding the door. Just inside the hospital, that’s all.”
Griz blew out a slow breath and shrugged. “All right. Let’s go.”
“Follow my lead,” Kate said. “I’ll do all the talking. Becca, you’re a specialist checking on the patient. Griz, you’re a medical assistant.”
“Just an assistant?” Griz said.
“Griz,” Becca said. “It’s all pretend, what difference does it make?”
“Next time, Griz, you get to be a doctor, okay?” Kate said. “Now come on. Before I change my mind.”
Becca’s nerves were buzzing again, as they approached the hospital entrance. What if this didn’t work and they were caught in their scheme? What sort of trouble did a person get into, exactly, for pretending to be a doctor?
She didn’t want to find out.
This hospital looked a lot smaller than the one Kate worked at. Once they were through the front double doors, they saw the triage desk, with a receptionist behind it, and the entrance to the Emergency Department off to one side.
A nurse in scrubs was there by the triage desk, looking over a tablet computer. Becca could hear some sort of chatter coming over a radio over towards the ER, and as soon as they came in, the nurse at the triage desk waved to Kate.
That must be Kate’s friend, Becca thought.
“Hey, Janet,” Kate said. “How’s it going?”
“We’re short staffed, as usual,” Janet said. “Like big time.”
“Well, at least there won’t be many people poking around on Skinny’s floor. We should be able to get to his room.”
“It’s this floor, actually,” Janet told them. “That guy you were telling me about? He’s on this floor.”
“Really?” Kate said.