Page 121 of Griz Rides Tall
“We’re not that big of a hospital. Just go down that way, second left. You’ll see the cop sitting outside his room.”
Becca looked down the corridor in the direction Janet had indicated. The radio chatter she’d heard earlier seemed to be picking up in intensity, but she couldn’t really tell what was being said. It didn’t matter, anyway. All she needed was to get to Skinny’s room.
“Thanks for this, Janet,” Kate said. “I owe you.”
“Sure,” Janet said. “Just remember me the next time they’re hiring at that big hospital of yours.”
Kate lead them down the hallway, taking the second left, and there, ahead of them, was another long corridor. Halfway down it, they could see a uniformed patrolman sitting on a chair just outside one of the rooms.
Becca could hear some commotion behind them, back where they first came in, but she ignored all of that once her sister started talking.
“Okay, there’s the cop,” Kate said. “That must be the room. Now remember. Let me do all of the talking.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll definitely be doing that,” Becca said.
The commotion that Becca had just heard behind them got a little louder, and she turned to see Janet was running toward them, waving them down.
“Kate! Kate!” she said.
“Oh, shit!” Becca whispered. “Are we caught? Are we caught?”
“What is it, Janet?” Kate said.
“We just had an MVA come in, multiple casualties,” Janet said, out of breath. “It’s bad. I need your help.”
That must’ve been all the radio chatter they’d heard coming in. The ambulances bringing in the casualties from the MVA that Janet was talking about.
Kate looked back and forth from the cop outside of Skinny’s room to Janet. “I’m not… I can’t…”
“I have, like, almost nobody here, Kate!” Janet said. “We need some extra hands! I’m serious!”
“Kate!” Becca whispered harshly.
“I… I have to, Becca!” Kate said, slowly following Janet back the way they’d come in. “People could die!”
“But… but…” Becca said, but Kate was already off, running after Janet back toward the ER.
Becca stood perfectly still, blinking a few times in disbelief. This was just her luck. Right when they were about to go in, and disaster strikes. If she didn’t have bad luck, she’d have no luck at all.
She glanced down the corridor and could see the police officer was looking at them in curiosity. They couldn’t just keep standing there like idiots. They had to do something.
“What do we do?” Griz said. “Do we abort?”
“We can’t,” Becca said. “Okay. Okay. We can do this.”
“Us?” Griz said.
“Yes, us. Don’t look at me like that. Just… look confident, like you belong here.”
Griz set his jaw and lowered his shoulders, looking like he was about to start a fight with a bull.
“No, no, no,” Becca said. “Not like that.”
“Not like what?”
“You’re not angry about being here,” Becca said. “You don’t want to eat the cop, you just work here, that’s all.”
“I just work here?” he said.