Page 122 of Griz Rides Tall
Griz nodded. “Okay.”
We’re so screwed, Becca thought, but forced herself to walk the final length of the hallway to where the police officer sat outside the room they needed to get into. He saw them coming and stood up, one eyebrow raised in curiosity.
“Can I help you?” he said.
“Hello, I’m Doctor Forbin…son,” Becca said lamely. “Doctor Forbinson. I’m here to see…”
She couldn’t just call him “Skinny”.
“…to see the patient,” she said. “This patient. The one in this room.”
“Uh-hunh. And who are you supposed to be?” the cop said, looking Griz up and down.
Griz looked at Becca, then back at the cop. “I just work here.”
Becca could tell their little ruse wasn’t working. The police officer’s face looked like he was talking to two drunken idiots who reeked of alcohol and were swearing to him that they hadn’t had a drop to drink all night.
“Let me call this in…” the cop started to say, reaching toward his radio.
Becca swallowed down hard on her panic. If he tried to verify their identity, the game was up and God only knew what kind of trouble they might be in.
“Look,” she said quickly, “this man is showing acute signs of a severe colitis of the esophageal passageway and that could lead to a major bowel obstruction. Do you want to be responsible for the man going into neurological halitosis?”
“I…” the cop stammered. “No, I… of course not.”
“Well, then, stand aside,” Becca said.
She didn’t wait for a response, but simply pushed her way past him and opened up the door. Griz followed her inside, leaving behind the confused looking police officer in the corridor. Once Griz was in the room with her, she shut the door quickly behind him.
Once the door was shut with the cop securely on the other side, Becca finally could breathe. She felt like had to pee, terribly.
“What did you say was wrong with him?” Griz whispered.
“I have no idea,” she whispered back. “It was just a bunch of words I heard on TV.”
Now that they were inside, it was time to figure out what to do next. Skinny was there, asleep, lying face up on the bed in a massive body cast that covered him from the neck down. One of his arms was suspended from a sling that reached down from the ceiling, and a metal hoop was around his head with metal posts stretching down on either side of his neck, immobilizing him completely.
Even as she looked him over, his eyes fluttered open and he awoke. Griz was on top of him in a flash, covering Skinny’s mouth with his big hand before he could say a word.
“Don’t make a sound,” Griz said to him. “Not until I say so. The cop outside can’t get in here fast enough to save you from me. Do you understand?”
No response from Skinny, and now Griz leaned over him, looking like he might crush Skinny’s skull with his bare hands.
“Do you understand?” he said.
“He can’t talk, Griz,” Becca said. “You have a hand over his mouth.”
Griz paused, thought about that, then said, “Nod if you understand.”
“His neck is in a brace,” Becca pointed out.
“Blink if you understand.”
Skinny’s eyes looked like they might bulge out of their sockets from fear as he looked back and forth from Griz to Becca, but he blinked. Griz took his hand off of Skinny’s mouth, and as promised, Skinny didn’t yell for help.
“Okay, so listen…” Becca said, reading Skinny’s given name off of the dry marker board set near his bed. “Trevor Horton? Your name isTrevor Horton? Are you kidding me?”