Page 14 of Griz Rides Tall
“No, I’m good,” Wyatt said. “What was that? A Mac-10?”
“Yeah, I think so,” Griz said.
Wyatt shook his head. “Cocksucker’s spraying down the street with a machine pistol one-handed. He could’ve hit any of these people walking around.”
They rose up from behind the parked car. The Mustang was long gone, having flown past them and back toward the restaurant until it was out of sight.
“You don’t think he’s going after Kate and Becca, do you?” Griz said.
“No, no,” Wyatt said. “That was for us. I doubt that asshole had any idea anyone was with us.”
“Still,” Griz said.
“Yeah, let’s head back,” Wyatt said. “Better safe than sorry.”
They returned toward the restaurant at a slow jog, which picked up when they saw a crowd gathering close to the restaurant entrance. Griz could pick out Becca standing on the sidewalk near the crowd, pacing around like she didn’t know what to do with herself, and he could also see that there was someone lying on the street.
“Who is that?” Wyatt said as they drew closer.
“I don’t know,” Griz said. “I see Becca but not Kate.”
“I swear to God, if he hurt her…” Wyatt said, and then they were amongst the crowd of onlookers.
Kate was in the street, kneeling over a young woman who was lying on her back. A dozen or more people clustered in close, watching the drama unfold.
Griz let out a sigh of relief when he saw that Kate was all right, and that Becca was unhurt. He scanned over the heads of the crowd to see if the Mustang was still nearby, but it was long gone.
“Griz, keep that traffic back on this side of the street,” Wyatt said, then, to Kate, added, “What happened?”
“That car came out of nowhere and hit this lady as she was crossing the street,” Kate said, checking the injured woman over.
“How bad is she hurt?”
“Bad,” Kate said. “It’s bad, Wyatt.”
“What can we do?” Griz said, holding back the traffic on their side of the street with an upraised hand.
“Call 911 and keep those people back,” Kate said.
“I’m already on with 911,” Becca called out from the sidewalk, holding up her phone.
“Tell them to hurry,” Kate said.
Griz couldn’t hear Becca now, he just watched as she paced back and forth while she talked on the phone to 911. He glanced down at the injured woman in the street, then back to Becca.
This was supposed to be a quiet night, a fun night, to get Becca’s mind off of her problems. Instead, she’d been accosted by Death’s Head, there’d been an attempted drive-by shooting with an automatic weapon, and now there was a woman who looked to be dying on the street in front of them.
“They’re coming,” Becca said, stepping out into the street next to Kate. “They said there’s an ambulance coming.”
“They’d better get here quick,” Kate said, putting her hands on the woman’s chest and starting to push down rhythmically. “She’s stopped breathing.”
Griz felt a little helpless, standing there with a woman dying on the street behind him. He knew Kate would do whatever could be done, since she was a nurse practitioner who worked in the local emergency department, but still, doing nothing but standing there and keeping the cars back made him feel like a lump on a log.
Another young woman tried to push her way through the crowd, and Griz stopped her with a hand on her shoulder, gently, but firmly.
“Stay back, Miss,” he said.
“No, no, no, that’s my friend,” the woman said. “I work with her.”