Page 15 of Griz Rides Tall
“Please just stay back,” Griz said. “Kate’s a nurse, she’s going to do everything she can.”
“You don’t understand, she’s pregnant.”
“What?” Griz said.
“Like two or three months, I think?” the woman said. “She just found out a little while ago.”
“Kate?” Griz said loudly over his shoulder to be heard over the buzz of the crowd of onlookers. “Did you hear that?”
“Hear what?” Kate said, continuing to perform compressions on the woman’s chest.
“She’s pregnant.”
“Oh, God,” Kate said. “Where’s that goddamn ambulance?”
Griz found himself clenching and unclenching his fists in quiet anger as they waited for the ambulance to arrive. He’d seen friends of his get hurt in accidents before, some of them pretty badly. It was part of the risk of riding a motorcycle; there simply wasn’t the same amount of protection to the rider as to the driver of a car.
But this was different. This was just some poor innocent young woman, just starting out in life, who had been minding her own business while crossing the street.
This was Death’s Head. Bad enough that the son of bitch in the Mustang had fired blindly at them while tons of bystanders were on the street, any one of which could’ve been hit by a stray round. Even worse that in his haste to flee, the driver of the Mustang had hit and very possibly killed this woman.
This was exactly why they couldn’t let Death’s Head keep coming into their territory. They were psychos; violent, uncaring pieces of human garbage, and this was a perfect example of what Griz stood against.
It was their job, his job, to protect this community from people like that. From Death’s Head and others like them. All these people milling around, staring down at the injured woman on the street, had no idea what was really out there. They had no idea about the savage animals that Griz and his MC kept at bay, kept out of this town.
The longer Griz looked down at Kate trying to keep the injured woman’s heart pumping for her, the angrier he became. This had to stop. Death’s Head had to be stopped. And he was the man to stop them.
Finally, the ambulance arrived, pushing its way through the line of cars to come to a halt nearby. Two paramedics hopped out of the ambulance and rushed to where Kate continued to perform CPR on the injured woman.
“Kate?” one of them said.
Kate didn’t look up, focused instead on what she was doing. “Is that you, Billy?”
“Yeah, what do you got?”
“Pedestrian female, hit by a motor vehicle. She had a weak pulse but it’s gone. Not breathing. I’ve been doing compressions since we called you. And her friend just told us she’s three months pregnant.”
“All right, let us take it from here,” Billy said. “You have to be exhausted.”
“I’m fine.”
“Kate, let me swap out with you,” Billy said.
Reluctantly, Kate drew back, letting Billy and his partner take over for her. Griz and Wyatt helped her to her feet; from the looks of it, her lower legs had fallen asleep from kneeling over the hurt woman for so long.
Griz heard Billy say, “Let’s get her on the bus.”
“I’m coming with you,” Kate said, following them to the ambulance. “She could be hemorrhaging internally… Becca?”
“Yeah. Yeah?” Becca said.
“Meet me at the hospital, okay? Drive my car.”
“I…I need the keys,” Becca said.
“My purse in on the ground there,” Kate said, climbing into the back of the ambulance along with the paramedics and the hurt woman, who was now on a gurney. “Wait with Wyatt and Griz for the police.”
“Okay,” Becca said.