Page 17 of Oracle
I studied the bottle in my hands, not meeting his eyes. “Do I have a choice?”
He chuckled humorlessly. “No.”
I nodded. “Didn’t think so.” I raised my eyes and stared back at him.
“You are so young. You don’t even know how to feed your power.” His voice was soft.
Well, that was true. If I could learn that, Soren wouldn’t have to push energy to me all the time.
“Okay. I want your knowledge. But I don’t understand what information I have that you want.”
“Oh, little one, I am already learning so much.”
Yeah, but I doubted it was anything useful.
Samuel led me up a sweeping staircase made of gleaming oak. We walked up at least two flights before he turned and went down a dim hallway.
That was one thing that bothered me about this place. It was so enormous and yet I have only met the three men so far. I guessed they had someone to cook and clean for them; I couldn’t imagine Apollo scrubbing the floors or making a cake. Still, there was no sign of anyone else in this mansion, which was so strange.
Pausing, I realized I had been wool-gathering and Samuel was now standing in front of an open door. He waited, watching me like I was a worm he wanted to snatch up in his grubby claws.
Some part of him reminded me of Soren when he was in his raven form. Except this man would be more like a raptor, a definite predator.
I peeked into the room, keeping well away from him.
All thoughts about the man left my head as I stepped over the threshold, my head turning to take it all in. The room was spacious and yet not overfilled with furniture. I wasn’t sure what it meant, but the room I had entered was a living room with a couch, several chairs, and a fireplace. There were bookcases over on one side filled with books.
I walked over to it and pulled one down. It was old. Perhaps older than time itself. Being careful while opening it, I read the first line before closing it shut carefully. Okay, this was a book for later, because it talked about prophecies and I wanted to learn more about those. I slid it back into its space on the shelf and turned.
Samuel had followed me in and stood by another door. “This is your suite. Living or sitting room.” He waved a hand in an arch to encompass the room we were in. He turned and pointed at another doorway. “Bedroom with an attached bathroom. Yes, the windows do open, but we spelled them. If you try to escape that way, you can’t. Capiche?”
He moved over to one window, opening it fully. Then he returned to where I stood and picked up a small figurine from a table.
He stared at it for a moment. Then he flung it out the window.
It came flying back at him and he caught it, right before it would have smacked him in the face.
I sighed. While I would have loved to have seen it hit him, he had proven his point in the best manner possible. No escaping that way for me.
He must have read my acceptance via my body language. He nodded, sauntering back to the door.
“I will bring your dinner in an hour. There are snacks and drinks in the mini-fridge over in the corner if you need something now.”
He closed the door, and I heard the click as a lock was engaged.
Of course. No going out the window. No going out the door. Assholes!
Everything suddenly hit me. I was the prisoner of one of the most powerful gods. Fuck!
I froze in place for a count of three before rushing to the bathroom, dropping to my knees in front of the toilet to rid my body of everything in my stomach.
Fuck! Not only had I just lost all food in my stomach, I was running on empty, in terms of my personal energy well. I reached out and tried to pluck some from the surrounding air, but I didn't know how. I would have to figure it out soon. I couldn't run out of energy here because I needed to shield my innermost thoughts and that took power. I didn't want Apollo to learn anything more than what I told him.
Rising, I trudged into the bedroom, flopping down on the soft surface of the bed, my eyes closed. I exhaled as I shifted into my dream world.
“Soren!” I called for my mate, but there wasn’t an answer. He wasn’t here. He wasn’t any place where he could hear me. A part of me wanted to give up, but I stiffened my spine and moved over to the pool of energy that was here.