Page 18 of Oracle
It was almost a puddle where it should have been at least a lake. An ocean would be even better. I couldn’t let it disappear or the god would own me.
Throwing out my arms, I tilted my head back, so my face faced up towards whatever was thought of as a sky here. I took several breaths to center myself before starting.
“Mother Earth, I need you. Help me receive what I must have to survive this ordeal.”
A presence brushed against one of my hands. It almost felt like Konner, my brother, who was an Angel, a creature of energy who protected the universes. This wasn't him, though. This entity had a feminine quality to it. No matter, not if it could help me.
It showed me how to reach out and take what was necessary from the lifeforms around me. It reminded me not to take too much from any single place. Still, this world was overflowing with power, being the residence of a god. It didn’t take too long before my puddle had grown, stretching out towards the horizon, full of reserved power that I would need to continue fighting Apollo.
Taking one last sip of the Delphi's sweet nectar, I left, content I finally understood how to accomplish what my mate had tried to teach me before. I would have to apply this knowledge in real life, but that would be something to do another day.
I didn’t open my eyes but fell into a deep sleep, curling up on my side in the enormous bed. For now, I was unconcerned about what the god wanted or how I would return home to Earth and my mate.
I would have to worry about that later.
Chapter Five
I stood, cracking my back as I gazed around the small forest we were salvaging wood from.
My eyes went to my sister as she glided through the trees. It was almost time for us to leave. Lexi and I had celebrated our twentieth birthday a few weeks ago. Wondering how many days had passed on Earth, I worried about Lily and ached to go home.
“What’s wrong, boy?” Tamerin appeared beside me, the man moving like a ghost. That was surprising because I figured he was over a hundred of our Earth years. When I had asked his age, he had shrugged, stating that each world had their own way of measuring time and he had been on several already. How could he answer a question which is built on the premise of a different time measurement?
So true.
That was why we were here. We were trying to mature faster than we would have on our own planet.
“It’s almost time for us to leave. In some small way, I am going to miss this place, Tamerin. This time with just you and my sister and this evil, vicious planet.”
He snorted. “Will you really? I am glad I am going with you when you leave. Not only do I want to see if my brother is still there, somewhere, causing problems, but I want a bit of civilization once again.”
Grinning at him, I wondered what Holden would say when she finds out we were bringing a potential relative of hers back with us.
Lexi shrieked, the sound arrowing through my soul.
Tamerin and I both turned and started for her, the old man faster. He snatched up his spear, pointing the sharp blade before him as he pushed through the brush. I pulled out my machete, which I wore diagonally across my back in its harness, the sound of it releasing from its sheath a quiet hiss.
“Let me go, you fucker!” Lexi’s scream of fright had morphed into anger.
We burst through the trees and saw around five males surrounding her. Another enormous man stood in the middle with Lexi, his arms binding hers to her sides while he sniffed her neck, a lecherous grin on his face.
Tamerin didn’t stop, bursting through the ring of men in front of us, going for the one in the middle. Without hesitating, he stabbed him in the thigh, the point just missing his femoral vein.
The man roared his pain, dropping my sister as he turned towards the attack.
Lexi scrambled free, moving several steps away from him but not crossing the circle of men around her. She eyed them warily, looking for any breaks in their formation before turning halfway around, allowing her to watch most of the others as well as study the two men in the center.
I tossed her a dagger, letting it fly over the heads that were blocking my sight of her, praying it would land close enough for her to use. Lexi must have heard it as it moved through the air since she put up one hand, gripping the hilt as it tumbled towards her. She relaxed, now knowing she had a weapon to use to defend herself.
Two of the men turned to gaze at me. I quickly discounted them as being a problem. Strangely enough, the others remained focused on the hulking man in the center. What was even weirder is that none of them moved, either to defend him to or defend against us three. They just stood there, watching this play out.
The one I suspected was their leader shouted out something I couldn’t understand. Tamerin answered him, his voice calm, as he held out one hand towards Lexi. Taking it, she stood, the knife in her other hand as she faced the man. She didn't lose her situational awareness, though, as her eyes flicked between the ring of men and their leader every so often.
For once, she didn't utter a word. I could feel her uneasiness as well. Something was not right here.
The leader said something again, leaning in towards Tamerin, all of his actions menacing.