Page 61 of Oracle
Her eyes studied me. It almost seemed as if she had a direct line into my mind. A light shone in her eyes as she whispered, “I think you are the result of that search.”
I cocked my head. “I'm a triplet, Belesh. We refer to one of my brothers as The Gatekeeper. My other brother is now a being of energy, called The Protector. And I am The Oracle.” My voice had changed, sounding like it did when my powers rose in me. “The Gatekeeper’s mate is the incarnation of the goddess Artemis. My own is a witch with a familiar, which I have only met in my dreamland. But this sentient being will eventually make Soren one of the most powerful witches in the universes.”
I stepped closer to her, inhaling her musky scent. “My mate’s foster mother is a Hybrid and his nanny is an Omega, who is married to a Spirit Dragon. The Protector is now the embodiment of Earth and has his own Berserker companion to stand by his side. Other Berserkers now live on my planet as well, integrated with the shifters. The pieces are coming together for the coming confrontation.”
She nodded. “Yes, I see.” She reached out and touched my forehead, and I saw more.
All the scenarios swirled in my head, blinding my eyes to the woman standing in front of me. So many options. Too many things that could go wrong. But a path through all the turmoil existed—its vision was almost clear. And there was another that would take us beyond success, but it was more fuzzy. Both Hermes and Apollo were embroiled in this mess. They were attempting to change the fate of the universes.
My mind filled with the scenarios, the pain growing as I observed all of this, as if it was too much for one person to take in.
But then a raven appeared in my head. Smaller at first, but increasing in size as it made its way closer to me in the center of the storm of possibilities. He couldn't make it all the way, but stopped outside of the cyclone of visions surrounding me.
It cawed to me before changing into a man. Not the boy he had been, but the man he now was. And he fed me strength and confidence as he reached one hand out to me. His mouth formed a word and while I couldn’t hear his voice, I knew what he said.
It was my name, confirming who this was.
It was Soren.
With him being here by my side, I knew I could back away from all of this confusion. I was in control. I was always in control.
I turned back to observe it, looking at all the scenes, searching for the right ones. It was not quite time yet to view the ending of this, though. And because of this, I spoke to my visions, “It is time for me to go. I will return and you can show me a clearer picture later, but it is not time for me to see it now.”
And the storm slowly settled, dissipating. Releasing me from its grip.
I opened my eyes, not realizing I had closed them. And stared into Belesh’s eyes, which were as dark as a night sky.
It hit me. I had seen this in one of the visions that had whirled around me. This woman, this Universa, had to return to Earth with us. It was crucial for our success.
“When we go back, you must come,” I whispered.
She shook her head, breaking her gaze with me, looking over at her tables of instruments and books. “I cannot. My life work is here.”
I cocked my head, feeling that what I was about to say was the right thing. “But your family is there. You have relatives now on my planet.”
The words left my lips softly, making barely a sound, but she heard them, swinging back around to stare at me. “They are?”
I nodded.
She thought for a moment. “Then I will go with you when you return home.”
Xotchi, who had been standing back away from us, took a step closer. “I can always bring you back here later, Belesh. Knowing the way, I can make the necessary gates and protect this place. You won't lose your work.”
I turned my head to gaze at her. “You can form energy gates?”
Belesh backed away from us, her mind already on her experiments. She ambled over to her table to decide what she would take with her on this trip. “Dragons always could. Those on your planet may have lost the knowledge over time, but it is in their cells. It's a part of their magic. They can move through the universes as easy as the ones you call Angels can.” She stated absently.
Interesting. That must have been what I had felt when Xotchi had carried me away from Delphi. She had used a dragon gate.
My stomach gurgled again and Xotchi laughed, walking over to a pile of gear over to the side. She searched through it, finding an energy bar. She threw it at me. “Here. Have this for now. Let me start our meal.”
She walked down to the gigantic lake behind us and studied the banks for something. Stooping down, she grabbed a line and started pulling it in.
Several silvery fish struggled on it, caught on giant hooks. The woman pulled them off and placed them into a bucket before adding more bait and throwing the line back out into the water once again.
“Will those be okay while you are gone?”