Page 62 of Oracle
Not saying a word, she moved further away, near a massive flat stone that was as tall as her waist. She dumped her catch on the top of it and started preparing them for our meal.
Belesh answered me, her mind on her experiment. “Yes, they will. They can still eat. Well, at least anything small enough that comes close to them. If they die, we'll just give them to the scavengers. But most will survive and be available for us to consume.” She rummaged through several piles of paper, pulling out a hefty tome hidden under one of them. She placed it over to the side, as if she didn't want to forget it.
It didn’t take Xotchi long before she was striding back towards us. She laid the fish in a flat pan and built up the fire, feeding the embers that had been into flames.
She didn’t ask for help, and I didn’t ask if she needed any. Instead, I sat down where she told me to, my eyes fixed on the food that she was grilling. I salivated as I waited to eat for the first time in what felt like days.
Chapter Fifteen
Blinking, I discovered I was no longer on Earth, but in a familiar place filled with darkness. And far off in the distance, there was a disturbance.
I was in Lily’s dreamland and in my raven form. So I flew closer to determine if she was here or if it was something else causing the ruckus.
It was Lily, but she was being bombarded by wisps of—Were those pictures? Scenes? Visions? I wasn’t sure what was going on, but they were coming at her, swirling around her and then disappearing. More and more appeared, moving faster and faster. A whirlwind of information flying at her all at once.
She was turning, trying to view every one before they disappeared, strands of her hair whipping her face and her eyes gaping.
Feeling her distress, I could hear her rapid breathing. I tried to get closer to her, but I realized the distance between us never lessened. I stayed where I was, no matter how hard I flapped my wings. Whatever this was, it wasn’t something for me, but for her, and this place wouldn’t let me interfere.
So I hovered in the air, gliding on the currents, and did what I did best when I was with her. I fed her energy.
It took a few moments, but then I saw Lily’s movements slow. She stopped twisting around and stood facing me, her eyes on the winds still swirling around her. Her back straightened and her gaze lowered to meet mine for a second. But that was all it took. She smiled her thanks as she looked back up, standing in the center of that vortex that began to change.
I watched her, my eyes drinking in the sight. I would protect her as much as I could. For now, she knew I was here. That would be enough. It would have to be.
Now, even I could make out some scenes swirling around her. They were of our friends and family, working individually and together to overcome the threat to Earth. I didn’t concentrate on the visions because I didn’t want to know what would happen in the future.
Instead, I willed my body to shift back to human, landing to stand in that one spot, still no closer to her.
Lily noticed, surprise blossoming in her eyes as she smiled. That smile lit up the space, shining a light over everything, while her attention went back to those dancing visions.
“I love you,” I whispered, hoping she would somehow hear.
And her expression filled with joy. She reached up a hand and gestured in the air, and the visions slowed. She blew me a kiss before turning to look up at the floating bits of colors around her, her tone filled with love and affection as she spoke, “It is time for you to go. I will return and we will choose a clear path forward, but it is not time yet.”
These words weren't directed at me. No, she was speaking to her visions. And they slowly dissipated, responding to her intentions.
It was too soon. There were still too many possibilities. Too many paths we could take. But I prayed she had gleaned additional information. Something that might help us determine our next steps.
She turned to gaze at me, affection in her eyes.
And then she was gone.
Sighing, I released the air from between my lips with a quiet whoosh as I too left this place.
The bond I had with Renth tugged at me, guiding me home. I followed the strand that led me back to my familiar, leaving the dreamland behind.
Opening my eyes, I found myself sitting on the ground with the lecanifer half in my lap, facing me, those lime green eyes meeting mine.
“Thank you.” He understood what I was thanking him for. He had given me the path back, even though I was sure I would have made it back on my own. Still, it was good to have the help.
He rumbled deep in his throat, the sound a deep purr as he answered me. I was there to protect you, young witchling. Your mate would have shown you the way, if she wasn’t still impacted from her time with the god. At least she is no longer imprisoned, but she is traveling a necessary side path and cannot be here yet.
Of course, the lecanifer had to be cryptic. Rolling my eyes, I smiled at him. “She looked good, there at the end. Thriving. It appears as if she has learned how to replenish herself. I still helped her a little, though.”
Renth bobbed his majestic head before turning his gaze away from me.