Page 49 of The Samaritan
“You wanna run out to town, now ya got your ride.” He geared up for the response to his next statement. “Then ya come back here.”
She smirked. “Not kicking me out?”
He scowled. “You’re not going anywhere.” He dipped his head, taking one last kiss before he left. It lasted longer than he intended but ended before he wanted.
Chapter Nine
She’d spent the afternoon in Turnersville. With the newfound freedom of her car, she went to the one place she knew. The park. It was a bit of a torturous reminder, but it also did something for her, showing her what could have been and what wasn’t. Bittersweet.
She’d spent a few hours in town, grabbing some groceries to stock her fridge at the apartment and a few items Caden had requested when she mentioned she’d be stopping at the store. By late afternoon, she headed home. Marissa parked next to her unit and got out, walking around to her trunk to retrieve her bags.
The roar of engines caught her attention. She heard them before they came into sight. Four big black motorcycles. They pulled in the gates and parked by the fencing. The patches on the back of their jackets were enough identification for her. They were the exact vests Kase had worn when she met him.
She was about twenty feet from the men. One by one, each man, one larger than the other, but all intimidating, got off their bikes. She recognized Caden’s brother as the first in line. He stretched his arms over his head, said something to the man next to him, and laughed.
They were too far away to make out their words. They huddled near Kase’s bike, all donned in black leather and denim.
Marissa grabbed the small bag and walked through Caden’s yard, which was diagonal from her unit. She didn’t pay much attention to the men. She rested the bag against Caden’s back stoop. She considered knocking, but with the new arrivals, she figured he’d be busy. She turned around and side-glanced the crunching gravel heading her way. Kase was center with another man, and the other two were a foot behind flanking their sides.
Her back stiffened on their approach. Having a run in with Kase was not on her to-do list. Her best bet was to fly under the radar while he was in town. Too late now. There was something sinister about him. She took a wide berth from them in hopes they would pass her without speaking to her. No such luck. They stopped a few feet in front of her.
She glanced up to see all four men staring at her. She gave a quick glance to each of their faces, one harder than the other, until she landed on Kase. His brows were tensed and knitted tightly together. If she had to guess, he was less than thrilled she was still in town.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
She clamped her lips and internally chuckled. This was how he spoke to people? His tone was meant to put the fear of God into her. It’s what he wanted, but she wasn’t going to give it to him. She smiled and tilted her head.
“Hi, Kase.”
The way his jaw tightened and his scowl deepened, one would have thought she told him to fuck off. He stepped forward, but she refused to step back. It was all for show.
“I see Cade took you up on your offer for a free fuck, huh?”
She refrained from gasping in shock. This man was a complete asshole looking for a reaction. Don’t give him one. She eyed the other men standing beside him. No one seemed affected by Kase’s sharp tongue.
“I don’t think who I fuck is any of your business.” She cocked her brow in challenge. “Did I ask who you were fucking since we last saw each other?”
A small spike in his brow followed by his eyes squinting was enough to know Kase wasn’t used to going head to head with a woman.
“Nadia, Carly, Jules, and Rachel.”
She tightened her lips, keeping her smile at bay. Marissa widened her eyes. “Wow, you’ve been busy.”
His glare bore right through her. She licked her lips. She needed a diversion tactic. She had a feeling Kase’s main goal at the moment was to set her running back to her apartment in fear. It was the objective for most bullies. She tore her gaze from him and scanned the men surrounding him. She drew in a breath and stepped forward, jutting out her hand to the man next to Kase.
“Hi, I’m Marissa.”
He stared for a brief second before reaching out his hand. The corner of his mouth tugged upward. “Saint.”
She smiled. “Oh yeah, which one?”
He was hard to read, but she saw a glimpse of humor in his eyes.
She chuckled, which seemed to ease his scowl. “Probably not the first time you ever heard it, huh?”
He raised his brows and slowly shook his head. Obviously, he was a man of few words. Then he did something she didn’t expect. He jerked his head to the right. “Trax.” Then gestured to the man on the other side of Kase. “Rourke.”
She glanced up at Trax and smiled. “Nice to meet you.”