Page 50 of The Samaritan
He smiled. “You too, Marissa.”
Then she glanced over to Rourke. He was by far the scariest when it came to appearance. He was the largest of the four. She lifted her hand in a short wave. “Hi, Rourke.”
He continued to glare, and unlike Saint, it never wavered. But his chin dipped.
“Where’s Cade?” A low snarl had her looking at Kase. He was pissed. Mission accomplished.
“The house, I think, or maybe the office.”
“But you don’t know.” He shrugged with a sharp glare. “Maybe he is, but maybe he’s not.” He narrowed his gaze. It was unsettling. “Maybe you’re alone?” It was a threat.
She grasped the strap on her bag and tightened her hold. This was what he wanted, for her to be scared. Don’t give it to him. She smirked and stared back at Kase.
“I don’t know, but I do know the mechanics, all four of them, are in the garage, along with Drake. Grady’s upstairs in the office, and Dylan is right over there.” She pointed when she caught sight of him, watching them from the bay doors. “Oh, and Jack is upstairs, but I’m sure if I scream, he’ll come down here quick.” She folded her arms. “He’s very fond of Colleen, as you may remember.”
Kase smiled, and for the first time since she started this banter, her heartbeat picked up pace. For all his glares and scowls, it was his smile that sent a shock of fear through her blood. She veered her gaze to the other men and saw nothing. If Kase came at her, they’d let him. She had no doubt they wouldn’t come to her defense or protection. She bit her lip and side stepped, watching Kase, who hadn’t moved and hadn’t taken his eyes off her.
She sucked in a deep breath. “Well, I gotta go.” Her voice shook slightly, and Kase narrowed his eyes. He knew he’d accomplished what he’d set out to do. Shit.
She turned to the unit and forced herself not to run, but her steps were quick. She was just at the porch when she heard his voice again.
“See ya soon, sweetheart.” It was definitely a threat. She opened her door, glancing over her shoulder to find all four men in the same spot and all staring at her. However, Kase seemed to be the only one harboring any anger for her. She scanned the group, noticing Trax smirk and shaking his head. He must have said something to Rourke, who turned to Trax and laughed. They started toward Caden’s house, which left Kase and Saint remaining. She should have ducked into the house, but she waited. Saint reached out, resting his hand on Kase’s shoulder. Thankfully, it garnered Kase’s attention. She watched as they spoke. If she had to guess, Saint was being a voice of reason. Kase jerked his head and sent one last glare her way before turning toward the house, giving her his back. Saint glanced over and nodded at her. Kase may hate her, but it didn’t seem to be the shared consensus.
She closed the door and sank back against it. She needed to steer clear of Kase.
Caden had heard the bikes pull up ten minutes ago. He assumed Kase brought the guys out back to check out the trailer before coming in. He walked over to the fridge and was pulling out a beer when he heard the screen door open and the booted footsteps enter the house.
Kase appeared in the kitchen doorway, followed by his brothers. Not brothers by blood, but the bond was just as strong. Sometimes Cade wondered if it was stronger than the one they shared. He lifted his chin.
“How was the ride?”
Kase stood silent, eyeing him suspiciously before he stepped forward. “Twenty minutes.”
Caden hadn’t realized they were staying in Ghosttown already. His usual trip from Blacksburg took a few hours.
“Didn’t know you guys were settling in already?”
Kase narrowed his gaze. “Looks like everyone is settling somewhere, huh, Cade?”
He didn’t miss the insinuation, but he ignored Kase and greeted the guys.
“Hey man,” Trax said, shifting forward to shake his hand. Rourke jerked his chin and then lit up a cigarette, leaning against the frame of the door.
“How’s it going? Heard you and Chey are getting married. Congratulations, brother.”
While Kase didn’t share too much of the brothers’ personal lives, he had mentioned a party at the clubhouse to celebrate Trax and Chey’s engagement. Kase extended the invite last month, which Caden had declined.
Trax smiled. “Fucking tricked her, man.” He shrugged. “Ya find a good woman, ya do whatever it takes to keep her.”
Rourke snorted. “Better hurry the fuck up before she comes to her fucking senses and bails on your ass.”
Trax laughed. “You’re just pissed you gotta fucking wait, asshole.”
Caden turned to Rourke, who gave Trax the finger. He was missing something and furrowed his brows, shifting his gaze between Trax and Rourke. Wait for what?
Trax grinned. “Macy told Rourke she wants to hold off on their wedding until after mine and Chey’s. Something about maid of honor bullshit duties.” Trax shook his head and jerked his chin to Rourke, laughing. “This motherfucker suggested to Mace they just go down to town hall and get married.” Trax burst out laughing, and Caden noticed Saint fighting back a smile.