Page 87 of The Samaritan
He leaned forward, taking her lips for a kiss.
She’s mine, finally.
Chapter Fifteen
“Now, I see it.” Drake was under the hood of the truck. The same spot he’d been in for over an hour. One of the drivers had broken down mid-way through deliveries and had to be towed back to the garage. Not the best way to start off the day at four in the morning. Their tow truck was not equipped for tractor trailers, and the cost was astronomical.
“Easy fix?” Caden was banking on wishful thinking, which was dispelled when Drake backed out of the hood. “Fuck.”
“I’ll order the parts, but this one is out of commission until early next week. And that’s me being optimistic as fuck.” Drake wiped the grease from his hands with a rag laying on the tool tray. “I can reach out and see if we can get a loaner until this one is up moving.”
It was a setback, which sucked since he’d planned on using this truck for Kase’s deliveries.
This would be another expense he didn’t need right now. He dragged his hand through his hair, pulling at the ends. It had been a long fucking day, and this was not what he wanted to hear right now. The truck hadn’t made it back to his garage until past four, and Drake had spent the last two hours working on the problem.
Caden jerked his head in a sharp nod. “Do that.”
Drake opened his mouth, but his lips clamped shut as his gaze wavered over his shoulder. Caden followed his gaze. Marissa was outside her place. Tiny shorts hugging her ass and a T-shirt that appeared two sizes too small. She was walking toward the office. From where he stood, off to the back in the garage, she wouldn’t be able to see them unless she was looking.
“Lucky bastard,” Drake said and laughed. “You and Riss looked pretty tight last night at the game. It’s a good look on you, man.”
Caden ignored him and watched as she made her way up the office steps and disappeared through the doors. She must have been looking for him. He turned back to Drake, who was grinning like an asshole. Caden scowled, prepared for the next words out of his friend’s mouth.
His mouth pressed in a straight line, holding back a smile, and drew his eyebrows up to his hairline. “Nothing, man, just a little jealous. I’m man enough to admit it.”
Caden was not taking the bait this time. He stalked through the bay doors and made his way to the office. He could hear Grady’s laugh bellowing through the building. He took the stairs two at a time, and when he breached the landing, Marissa, Dylan, and Grady turned their heads.
“What’s going on?” he asked, keeping his tone level and lacking any real interest. It was a sham. He’d had her on his mind the entire day, but with everything blowing up, he hadn’t gotten a chance to see her. He’d left her in her bed, naked, warm, and so damn sweet. It took all his effort to get out of her bed this morning. It wasn’t lost on Caden, this woman was turning him into a whipped pussy. She smiled and gave a short wave.
Grady leaned forward and took a quick glance at her tits before waggling his brows at Caden. Dirty old man. “Riss got a problem in the unit.”
Dylan cackled. “You gotta hear this, Cade.”
His gaze flickered to her. “What?”
Marissa gulped. “I left my door open last night, and something came in.”
He crossed his arms. He spent the night at her place and hadn’t noticed the door left open. Then again, he was stumbling out of her place at four in the morning. Fuck, maybe he didn’t close the door all the way. He cursed under his breath.
“How the hell did this happen?” Caden asked, not quite ready to take ownership of the fuck up.
She shrugged. “I don’t know, I guess I didn’t close it all the way, and it must have just opened while we were sleeping.” She cleared her throat and eyed the group. “I mean, me.”
No one seemed to pick up on her faux pas.
He raised his brows, waiting on her.
Marissa cleared her throat and looked uneasy as her gaze darted between him and Grady. She drew in a breath. “It’s a racoon.”
His face faltered, and his eyes must have widened because she backed up a step as if anticipating him losing his shit. Smart move. “You have a fucking raccoon in your place?”
“Yeah, I got him locked in the bedroom.”
“How long has he been there?” Jesus Christ, had it been in her place all night?