Page 88 of The Samaritan
“Well, I saw him this morning in the kitchen and barricaded myself in the bedroom for most of the day. Oh, the windows don’t open. I tried, but they must have been painted shut because they wouldn’t budge.” She twisted her lips when he glared at her. “Anyway, I lured him into the room and closed the door. So, he’s in there now. I just don’t know how to get him out.”
Dylan burst out laughing. “Fucking awesome. Cade, man, let me get him.”
Grady pushed away from his desk and stood. “I’ll go with you, make sure you don’t get rabies or shit.”
Dylan rushed past Caden. He was a good guy but definitely had issues of instability if he was this eager to go head to head with a racoon.
Grady passed by, and Caden gripped his arm. “Don’t let him do anything stupid. The last thing I need today is a trip to the emergency room.”
Grady laughed. “I’ll watch him.” The old man descended down the stairs, leaving Marissa and Caden alone.
He stalked past her to his desk. It was close to seven, and he’d been up since four. He was beat, and the last thing he needed was this. He tossed his phone of the desk and took a seat. Marissa stood watching him before turning toward the steps.
“Where ya going?”
She glanced over her shoulder. “I was going to see if they needed any help.”
“No, you’re not. Get your ass over here.” His demand came out harsh. The day was definitely catching up to him.
She turned to face him and clasped her hands in front of her. Her face never changed, but he saw a slight flare in her eyes and a small squint. “You’re not being very nice.”
“Yeah, well, I been up since four with shit getting fucked ever since, so deal with it.” His anger was aimed at her without valid reason, and he knew it.
She stared back at him and moved forward, taking the seat across from his desk. Her eyes were trained on him with no emotion filtering on her face. He ignored her and turned to his computer. Staring at her only reminded him of what a dick he was being. He’d spent the last week making an effort of not being an asshole, and one shitty day had him resorting back to his old ways. Fuck!
She leaned forward, grabbing a handful of papers and piling them on top of one another.
“What the hell are you doing?”
She froze and glanced up. “Making a pile.”
He scowled. “Why?”
She shrugged. “It would probably be easier to work if you didn’t have papers everywhere.”
“Telling me how to do my job now?” he snapped.
She sighed and offered a small smile. “No, just trying to help, Cade. Maybe make your day a little easier.”
He sucked in a breath. Yeah, he was a fucking asshole. He rested his elbows on the desk. “I’m being a dick.”
“Yes, you are.”
His eyes darted up and caught her smirk. “Why are you letting me get away with it then?”
She shrugged. “You’re having a bad day, you need someone to vent to.”
“Most women would have told me to fuck off and left.”
She nodded, not meeting his stare. “Probably.”
“So how come you’re still here?”
She glanced up through her lashes. “I’m not most women.”
He sighed. Thank fuck for that. “You mind filing this for me?”
She smiled. “Sure.” She grabbed the pile, and for the next twenty minutes she filed everything in silence. He liked having her around the office. Aside from the view she gave him every time she bent over, her being in his space did something to him. It eased his tension.