Page 1 of Frank
Chapter One
Christmas Morning...
Everyone was celebrating.
Sitting at the bar, I watched as brothers congratulated Scribe while the women squealed and chirped animatedly with Henley.
Cameron, not so much.
My little buddy stood off to the side, shaking his head in disgust, holding the chemistry set I got him for Christmas, complaining of too many Bettys in the club and stupid monkey suits.
I didn’t blame him.
Not about the Bettys.
About the monkey suits.
I hated getting dressed up too.
You see, my brother Scribe just asked the love of his life to marry him, and Henley said yes.
I was happy for Scribe. He deserved all the happiness in the world, and Henley was such a sweet woman.
I really liked her.
She talked to me.
Everywhere I looked, it seemed as if everyone was finally getting their happily ever after. Everyone but me.
No one wanted me.
“Well, it looks like another one bit the dust.”
“What?” I asked, facing Enigma, who leaned against the bar near me, watching the merriment.
“Face it, Frank. We’re loners. Men like us don’t get our happily ever after.”
“Maybe you’re right. No one wants someone like me.”
“Nothing wrong with you, Frank. It’s them. The other sex. They all want a particular type of man and we don’t fit that mold. Men like us refuse to be trapped in their web. Count your blessings, buddy, because no one is ever going to trap me,” Enigma said flatly and walked away.
I never thought of it that way.
Was being in love a trap?
I didn’t think so.
I thought it would be nice to find someone to love and who loved me back. I wanted someone to wake up to every morning, someone to hold when I fell asleep at night. Someone to talk with, laugh with, maybe start a family with.
I wanted the dream.
The problem I had was no one paid me any attention. Typically, when people saw me coming, they turned and walked the other way.
Don’t worry, I was used to it.