Page 3 of Crossing the Line
Thank God Tam let him in. For some reason, I froze for a minute. Stupid nerves. This was my idea, and I’m making Tam take responsibility for the decision. It’s not fair. I suck in my breath and let it out slowly, shrug my shoulders to loosen the tension, and step forward with my hand outstretched.
“Hi, Darcy.” My voice has gone all shy and soft and I don’t mean for that to happen. My cheeks heat and the embarrassment only compounds the issue, until I begin to wonder if my whole body is going to end up bright pink from this awkward blush.
After greeting Tam, Darcy steps forward with an easy grace and if he notices my discomfiture he doesn’t acknowledge it. He’s definitely younger looking than either of us and slightly shorter than my husband, though clearly more muscled and fit. His hair is brown, tending toward black. Certainly darker than Tam’s medium-brown locks. Darcy’s is not yet speckled right through with grey like Tam’s is, but instead is tipped with silver only at the temples. His eyes are the same intense blue that stood out in his dating profile picture, framed by long lashes that many women would pay good money to achieve at the beauty salon. Faint laughter lines surround his eyes, softening the otherwise slightly severe line of his cheeks and jaw, and his wide mouth is twisted into a quizzical half smile.
He looks exactly like he presented online, quite different to Tam’s long, lean look, and for some reason I’m hugely relieved. I’ve always found tall and lean attractive, and Tam certainly fits that bill, but in this experience I didn’t want another Tam. I wanted someone who could offer each of us something completely different to anything we’ve had before. Seeing the two men standing almost side by side like that, it’s as if everything I’ve ever desired physically in a partner is right there in front of me, but contained within two men rather than one.
I swallow hard, the reality of what we’re about to do suddenly hitting home. This is crazy, utterly crazy, and yet every cell in my body is singing with excitement and I can’t even remember the last time I felt this alive.
Tam is watching me with a slightly narrowed gaze, and we’ve been together so long I’m pretty sure I know what’s going through his mind. He’s worried I’ll find Darcy more attractive than him. Yes, Darcy is clearly sexy as fuck, but Tam doesn’t need to worry. There’s no comparison. Never will be, for me. Tam’s my husband, my life partner, and I love him unconditionally. There’s no denying the sexual vibes practically oozing off Darcy, but that’s never going to take the place of a lifetime of love and relationship. I’m hoping Darcy’s presence, whether just for tonight or on a longer-term basis, will inject some passion back into our lives. Not replace what we have, but enhance it.
Darcy’s eyes soften with what looks like laughter as he stares down at my still outstretched hand. He slowly shakes his head. “Jules.” His tone is chiding. “We’re past the formal bit already, aren’t we? Didn’t we do that online, and over the phone?” He steps in and sweeps me into a huge bear hug, and his delicious scent assails my nostrils. The faintest hint of spice, not overwhelming, but enough to tantalize my senses. He twirls me around until he’s facing back toward Tam. “Can I?” He’s not talking to me. Instead, he’s directing the question over the top of my head. I turn my gaze toward my husband, who is still watching us carefully, but now there’s also a glint of hunger that he’s not bothering to hide.
I know instinctively that Darcy is right to do it this way—to request Tam’s permission first—and my interest goes up a notch. So he’s smart as well as attractive.
Tam nods, and before I can even take in a breath and prepare myself for what might come next, Darcy leans down and captures my lips in an exploratory kiss. It’s the first time in over twenty years I’ve been kissed like that by anyone except Tam, and it feels weird and wonderful, all at the same time. Darcy’s mouth is firm and sure, yet there’s also a questing feel to his exploration. When the tip of his tongue grazes my still-closed lips I part them at the sudden flash that zings my belly. Butterflies, and more. So much more. He takes advantage and claims my mouth fully with his tongue. My clit hums to life so fast I moan into his mouth and my body collapses against his. His cock stirs into hardness. I can feel its thickness right there against my abdomen, and then his hands cup my arse and pull me even closer in to his body and the heat of that erection.
I have no idea how long we kiss, but when we draw apart I turn, automatically searching for Tam. He’s still watching from the same spot as before, but now his eyes are blazing with some kind of leashed emotion, and I can see his cock has begun to tent the white hotel robe he’s wearing. There’s an unexpected ferocity in his features that I’ve never seen before. He looks turned on, and enraged, both at the same time. I open my mouth then close it again, not sure what to say. My heart is racing and my clit is throbbing, but if Tam wants out now, then that’s what we’ll do.
Before I can try again to speak, Darcy lets me go. He holds out a beckoning hand toward Tam. “I’m not taking your place, man, I promise. Tonight is about Jules and her needs, but it’s also about you. Come here.”
“I…” Tam swallows, takes a tiny step toward us and stops.
“Both of you, Thomas.” Hearing Darcy use Tam’s real name like that is a bit of a shock. Especially when he utters the words in that gruff, slightly husky voice that rolls right over my skin. I shiver and watch Tam carefully for his response. No one calls him Thomas anymore, except me when we’re in the midst of an argument. How will he react? Does he also feel this same strange connection to Darcy that I do?
“Come on, man.” There’s a coaxing edge to Darcy’s tone now. “Let’s put the real world out of our heads, for the next few hours at least. This is about the three of us, no one else, and this here hotel room is now our world. Nothing else matters, and in here, anything goes, as long as it’s consensual.” He gestures again for Tam to join us. “Consensual by all three of us. It has to be that way. Or not at all.”
The silence is thick, as if charged with unspoken excitement. The gentle hum of the heating unit pushes at the edges of my awareness and I almost laugh. I doubt the steady flow of warm air is necessary, given the emotional heat raising the temperature in the room.
After a moment, my husband nods and then he’s suddenly there in front of us, grabbing me back out of Darcy’s now loosened embrace and leaning in for a kiss of his own.
Whoa! Where did that come from, husband?
Tam’s kiss is fierce, almost punishing, and the most passionate one he’s delivered in at least the past three or four years. It is so different to Darcy’s gentle quest. Tam’s lips, his tongue, his whole mouth devours mine, until my brain switches off and all I can do is feel, and lust, and need.
I need this. I need him. I need them both.
Tam is struggling with this whole concept. I knew it as soon as he opened the door and let me in. He was friendly enough when he shook my hand, but there’s an underlying tension evident in the way he’s holding his body just a little too stiff and unmoving. He’s not trying to hide it either. Maybe he’s an ultra-conventional guy at heart, and he’s only here because he truly loves his wife.
I’m here because the two of them intrigue me. As soon as Jules responded to my message and she drew Tam into our online conversation, I got a gut feeling about this couple. They remind me of what I had with Deb, until that damn drunk driver took my wife, and all my hopes and dreams, in one fell swoop.
Tam and Jules seem to share the same strong love that Deb and I had. I know I can really connect with this couple … but only if they both let me in.
Over the past couple of weeks, as we’ve grown to know a little more about each other in online messaging, then texts, then finally by phone, I’ve been itching to meet them. We got the medical stuff out of the way early. We’re all clean, with medical documents to prove it, and after that Tam did seem to settle in to the idea a little better. Jules has been keen from the start. I suspect she’s the more adventurous of the two.
Poor Tam. How can I get him to let go some of that resentment? I clear my throat, then do it again when they don’t appear to hear me. “Guys.” At last they stop kissing, and Julia stares at me with a dazed, dreamy expression. She seems sweet. Ready for whatever the night brings, but with that underlying confidence in her own desires. It’s rare, that self-confidence, and I’m sure a huge aphrodisiac for those drawn in to her circle.
Tam just glowers. He’s going to have to make a decision soon. In or out. Maybe if I give them some space? “I’m going to take a shower. I’m guessing you’ve already done that.” I gesture at the both of them, looking adorable in those matching white robes. “While I’m in there, decide if this is really what you want. If not, no hard feelings. I’ll get dressed and head on out of here. If it is, then feel free to join me.”
That’s straightforward enough, surely? I leave them to their silent communication and head on in to the bathroom, stripping off my shirt as I go. They stare at me with matching startled looks and I can’t help the small burst of pride in knowing they both find me attractive. Ten years ago when Deb first passed, alcohol and drugs were my crutch. These days the gym is my drug of choice and I’m not going to lie—I’m ripped, and I feel good when people notice. I grin and shut the door on their covetous expressions. I worked hard for this body, and if they want to see the rest, they can both damn well commit, at least a little bit.