Page 36 of Biker In My Bed
“He okay?” I asked with a concerned frown.
“Yeah, I think that his old stomping grounds are down by Morte. He doesn’t talk about it much, but I know he still has family down there that he has completely cut off,” Lock explained.
“Then why’s he going? If it’s gonna be a problem, maybe it’s a bad idea for him to go,” I observed as I shot off a text to Lacie about dinner tonight.
“No clue,” Gunny muttered. “But he’s a solid brother, and I’ve never seen him let personal shit distract him in a crisis. He’ll be okay.”
“If you have faith, then I’m good,” I replied with a shrug before moving my phone into the inside pocket of my cut.
“What are you up to today?” Lock asked me.
“Going bed shopping,” I chuckled. “Wanna come with?”
He grinned. “Why, you wanna make sure you get one we both fit in?”
“Sure,” I shot back with an exaggerated waggle of my brows.
Gunny snorted a laugh as Lock snickered.
“No, for real, I gotta head home. I didn’t know if you wanted to swing by for a beer and to watch the game,” Lock clarified as the three of us made our way outside.
“I’d love to, bro, but I’m tired of sleeping in a toddler bed. Since I’m heading out in the morning, I’m hoping they have one that can be delivered today—even though it’s a long shot. That way, I can get a decent night’s sleep before we head out. If not, at least I can have it there by the time I get back.” I straddled my bike and grabbed my helmet from the grip.
“Avery is over at Nova’s helping with Thanksgiving plans. They’re acting like they don’t still have a month. Anyway, I can run home and get my truck, that way you don’t have to wait for something to be delivered,” Gunny offered.
“Hell yeah, that would be great.”
“Shoot me your address. I’ll ride home and grab my truck, then head over.”
“Sounds good.” I texted him Lacie’s address, and we all went our separate ways.
* * *
“Man, I almost didn’t make it,” I told everyone when we made our first stop on the way down south. We had stopped at a convenience store to gas up and warm up. It might be warmer in Texas than in Colorado, but October was downright cold early in the morning. At least it sure as hell was this year.
“Why, what happened?” Slice asked as he lit up a cigarette.
“I didn’t want to get out of my new bed,” I said with a chuckle as I wrapped both hands around my warm cup. “I didn’t think not having my arms and legs hanging off the bed could be so amazing. Now if I can get my sister to find a better neighborhood to live in.”
“She doesn’t want to move?” Gunny asked.
“Not that she doesn’t want to, I haven’t brought it up to her yet.”
“Speaking of your sister, I’d be careful bringing her around the club,” Gunny warned with a grin before he took a sip of his hot coffee.
My brows knotted as I shot him a narrowed-eyed glare. “I thought you were happily married?”
He held up a hand. “Oh I am. I didn’t mean it for me. But I’m not blind and we have a few brothers and prospects that aren’t attached. Just fair warning.”
“Noted,” I replied with a sigh. It wasn’t something I hadn’t thought about.
After shooting the shit long enough for us to take the chill off, we got back on the road. The rest of the trip down was uneventful, which allowed me to daydream about the next time I’d see Luna.
And come hell or high water, there’d be a next time.
* * *
Thankfully, the entire week down south was pretty uneventful. Other than Slice taking off for several hours to “deal with some shit,” it was a chill visit. All we did was ride around a lot to make our presence known.