Page 37 of Biker In My Bed
On the way home, I was riding slop again. About fifteen miles out of town, I noticed an older model truck that I was pretty sure had been behind us since leaving the city limits. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t have thought twice of something like that, but with the shit going on, I got suspicious.
Not wanting to seem paranoid, I made the decision to continue to watch whoever it was. The miles rolled by and the truck stayed there. When it continued to hang back, despite most vehicles passing us, I decided it was time to let Slice and Gunny know.
With a few quick twists of the throttle as I held the clutch, I got their attention. They both glanced back in their mirrors. I motioned to the next exit. They got off and I followed.
Like I’d suspected, the truck followed. We took a right at the stop sign and pulled off into a small gas station. You couldn’t even call the place a town—it was merely a stop off along the road. The truck went past us and pulled into the raggedy little diner across the street.
“You guys saw that?” Slice asked, casting his gaze toward the truck idling on the side of the building.
“I was beginning to wonder,” Gunny said.
Slice lifted the front of his modular helmet and lit a cigarette as he stared at the truck. Then he took a long drag and exhaled a cloud of smoke. “How do you want a handle it?”
“If they had wanted to do anything to us, they would’ve by now. Not that I like it, either way.”
Gunny darkly chuckled. “I say we pull out and take off like a bat out of hell. No way that truck will keep up with us on these bikes. How many do you see in there?”
“Two in the front seat, one in the back,” Slice replied, then reached up and snagged his phone from the holder on his handlebars. As he typed out a message, he held the lit cigarette in the corner of his mouth. Then he replaced the phone and held the cigarette in his thumb and fingers to take another hit before he said, “I sent a message to Smoke and Straight to give them a heads up.”
“Then finish that fucking thing and let’s go,” Gunny shot back. The look on his face was a little unhinged. Dude seemed to be excited about the prospect of outrunning a tail.
Not gonna say I wasn’t just as anxious to get back on the road. My heart was pounding in an irregular, unsteady beat as adrenaline washed through my veins.
“I suggest we top off while we’re here,” I cut in.
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Gunny seconded before he drove over to the pumps and we all filled up, keeping a cautious eye on the truck.
“Ready when you are,” I told them as Slice dropped his helmet face.
Gunny and Slice nodded.
“Anyone goes down, we stop. No one gets left behind,” Gunny solemnly insisted, all signs of his earlier humor gone.
“Got it,” Slice and I both concurred.
We waited until there wasn’t any traffic and we tore out onto the road straight from the pumps. Dropping down to single file, we raced up the on-ramp as the beat-up truck was squealing out of the parking lot they’d waited in.
Merging onto the interstate, we hauled ass. Weaving in and out of traffic, I kept up with my brothers, but also maintained one eye on my mirrors. It didn’t take long before I couldn’t see the truck, but not wanting to take chances, we kept moving.
By the time we made it back to the clubhouse, we’d long since lost whoever was following us. We were also exhausted. After letting Lacie know I was back but I’d be crashing at the clubhouse for the night, I did just that.
Before I dropped off, I sent a message to Luna to see if she was gonna be around that weekend. I fell asleep with a smile on my face after she replied with a winking face and an “I am.”
With the exception of a week where he’d been out of town for work, Max and I had hooked up every weekend.
I’d given him a key to the room before he left last night.
My last exam before break was today, and I needed some relief after studying all day yesterday. The fact that my ex-boyfriend had started texting me hadn’t helped matters. Thankfully, when I messaged Max, he’d been available and had relieved my stress with no less than four orgasms.
Unsure of how long my exam was going to take, it was easier for him to have a key in case he arrived ahead of me. He was running late, and I’d finished early, so I’d gone straight to the hotel after class. I decided to get cleaned up while I waited.
I kicked off my shoes and socks, then padded to the bathroom. Once inside, I turned on the water to let it warm as I stripped off my shirt. Using the band around my wrist, I wrapped my hair up and leaned over to wash my face.