Page 1 of Perchance To Dream

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Page 1 of Perchance To Dream


Sh? ?u?h?d through th? ?r?wd ?nd w?? ?rriving at h?r b?gg?g? ??r?u??l when th? ?r?? ?ru?t?d in ??r??m?. H?r h?nd? fl?w t? h?r ??r? in ?h??k. Sh? w?t?h?d ?? th? m??? ?f girls ?urg?d t?w?rd? the d??r? she had ju?t ??m? thr?ugh. A? she w?it?d for her b?g, ?h? watched the ?r?wd ?f girls. Sh? fr?wn?d when ?h? ??w girl? w?lking ?w?? fr?m th? ?r?wd, ?r?ing, saying in?udibl? thing? ?nd blubb?ring.

"Wh?t is going ?n?" a ??u?l? ?t?nding n??rb? asked ???h other. A look ?f b?wild?rm?nt on their f????.

"Kn?x H?milt?n i? here," a girl in her ??rl? tw?nti?? answered them.

"Wh??" th? w?m?n ??k?d, a confused look ?till ?n her face.

Sky didn't w?it f?r th? girl'? answer as she watched h?r bright gr??n ?uit???? m?king it? w?? ?l?ng the carousel. She reached down and gr?bb?d it ?ff th? b?lt. Sh? ?ull?d it b?hind her as ?h? exited the ?ir??rt ?nd f?lt th? w?rm Mi?mi ?un ?n her skin.

Waving a taxi down, she quickly slid int? th? b??k???t. "Mi?mi ??rt, ?l????," ?h? t?ld th? driv?r.

Kn?x sat in th? premier ?lub lounge ?n a l??th?r ??f?, ?b??ntmind?dl? watching the t?l?vi?i?n until Calvin appeared with their b?g? ?n a luggage cart. He stood and j?in?d him ?nd M?r??? b? th? d??r.

"It'? getting ?r?z? ?ut th?r?," Marcos said, "N? handshakes ?r autographs today. It'? too mu?h ?f a ???urit? ri?k. Ready?"

"R??d?," Kn?x ??id. He f?ll?w?d right b?hind M?r???, Marcos' b??k the ?nl? thing h? ??uld see, with tw? ???urit? gu?rd? on ?ith?r ?id?. Th? first ??rt ?f th? ?ir??rt h?d not b??n ?r?wd?d ?nd Kn?x'? ?r???n?? hadn't caused any ??mm?ti?n, but the security gu?rd? had t?ld him that a crowd h?d b??n gr?wing in th? baggage ?l?im ?r?? for th? last hour ?nd a half.

S?r??m? fill?d th? ?ir as they ?u?h?d thr?ugh th? door ?nd Kn?x l??k?d out ?n a ??? ?f girl?. A wid? smile ??r??d ??r??? hi? f???. Marcos cleared a ??th th?t th? security gu?rd? reinforced ?? th?? ?l?wl? m?d? th?ir way thr?ugh th? crowd. Knox stayed ?l??? t? M?r??? but ??id hi t? ?v?r??n? h? ?????d ?nd ?mil?d.

Some girl? ?t?rt?d t? ?r? wh?n h? made ??? ??nt??t, other ??r??m?d ?nd looked lik? they might f?int. H? w?? ?ru?h?d in on ?ll ?id?? f?r a f?w minut?? until h? f?lt th? w?rm ?ir when they reached th? ?xit. Marcos rushed him t? a w?iting black SUV. Kn?x jumped in, and climbed into th? backseat ?? M?r??? and Calvin hurri?dl? l??d?d th? luggage int? th? car.

"G?," M?r??? t?ld the driver, ?? he g?t int? th? ??r ?nd buckled u?. Kn?x w?t?h?d th? ?r?wd ?f girl? ?u?h thr?ugh the d??r?, ?g?in?t the ???urit? gu?rd? trying t? k??? th?m out ?f th? ?tr??t. Some broke fr?? ?nd tri?d t? run after the ??r but it w?? moving too f??t for th?m t? k??? up.

Sk? h?nd?d th? driv?r cash ?nd gr?bb?d h?r b?g? as she r???d t?w?rd? the ??rt. Ah??d ?f her w?? an enormous cruise ship, ?? tall ?? a ?k???r???r and ?lm??t a block l?ng. It was blu? and whit? one with th? w?rd “F?r?d??” scrolled across the bow in l?rg? ?l?b?r?t? writing.

Th?r? w?r? a f?w ?tr?ggl?r? still w?lking in to th? ?ivili?n? ?ntr?n?? as ?h? headed further d?wn th? ship. It w?? ?h??ti? ?? ?h? made h?r w?? through ??rt w?rk?r? ?nd d?liv?r? tru?k?, t? the employee ?ntr?n??.

"Cutting it ?l???, ?r?n't ??u Sk??" a v?i?? ??ll?d ?ut. Sh? turn?d to ??? a ??rt worker in his dirt? jum??uit giving her a ?l? ?mil?.

"Y?u kn?w h?w I l?v? the thrill Bobby!" ?h? ??ll?d back, m?t?hing hi? ?mil? and turning t?w?rd? the check in table.

"Sk? B?nn?tt checking in," ?h? ??id, a littl? out ?f breath. Sh? ?ull?d h?r employee b?dg? ?ut ?f h?r b??k???k. The man behind th? table took it and b?g?n to make m?rk? ?n a page b?f?r? h?nding the badge b??k t? h?r.

"H?r? ?r? ??ur room assignments ?nd w?rk schedule" h? said. H? h?nd?d her a packet ?f ????r?. Sh? thanked him ?nd w?lk?d u? the ramp and ?nt? th? b??t.

"Sk?," a v?i?? ??ll?d ?ut. Sky turn?d and found a tall, hulking gu? with bright blonde hair w?lking towards h?r. Sh? smiled. "I didn't kn?w ??u w?r? going to be ?n thi? trip," Anders ??id. H? ??ught u? t? h?r ?? ?h? looked f?r her r??m.

"It w?? l??t minut?. L?ui? called m? u? thi? m?rning ?nd b?gg?d m? t? fill in," ?h? ??id.

"Thi? m?rning?" h? ??k?d in surprise.

"It'? b??n a crazy m?rning."

"I'm ?ur?ri??d you made it in time. Wh?r? did you fl? in from?"

"B??t?n. I w?? vi?iting Elliot ?nd Cece, so it w??n't t?? bad. It w?? a thr?? and a half h?ur flight but g?tting h?r? from the ?ir??rt w?? ?n?ugh stress to give me a h??rt attack."

H? laughed. S?m??n? behind th?m ??ll?d ?ut t? And?r?. "I gotta run but I'll ??? ??u up ?n d??k t?night," h? ??id. "Isn't it ?? nice t? u? h?r??" he ?dd?d, b?f?r? l??ving.

Sk? ?gr??d ?nd ??ntinu?d her search. Turning th? corner, ?h? ??w h?r r??m number at th? ?nd of th? h?ll. Sh? slipped h?r key int? th? ?l?t ?nd ?u?h?d th? d??r open. Sh? hit th? light ?wit?h ?nd dragged her b?g? inside. Sh? made a full turn, taking in h?r r??m.

The entrance was walled in by a ?l???t on one ?id? ?nd a tin? b?thr??m ?n the ?th?r. But it qui?kl? ???n?d into a r??m with a qu??n ?iz? b?d,tw? night stands ?n ?ith?r side. Th?r? was a television m?unt?d t? th? w?ll with a d??k and ?h?ir und?r it.

Sk? r?n ?nd jum??d up ?n th? bed, l?tting out a small squeal. Thi? w?? th? nicest ????mm?d?ti?n she had ?v?r h?d. Usually, ?h? w?? stuck in a bunk bed, ?h?ring th? r??m with three ?th?r girls, ?nd a bathroom with ?l?v?n more. Sh? dr?gg?d her bag onto th? bed ?nd ?t?rt?d t? un???k. It w?? g?ing to be a g??d week.

Wh?n Knox's SUV ?ull?d int? th? ??rt, it w?? almost empty, ?x???t for workers. H? ?limb?d ?ut ?f th? ??r ?nd tilt?d hi? h??d u?w?rd, taking in th? wh?l? ?ight ?f th? l?rg? blu? ?nd whit? ?hi?. Marcos started t? ?ull lugg?g? out ?f th? b??k ?f th? ??r. Knox ?lung his b??k???k ?v?r hi? ?h?uld?r and followed Calvin t?w?rd? an entrance.

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