Page 2 of Perchance To Dream
"H?ll?! W?l??m? to th? F?r?d??. We are happy t? h?v? ??u on b??rd," th? t?ll, blonde guy gr??t?d th?m ?t the ?ntr?n?? t? the r?m?. H? was wearing kh?ki ?h?rt? and a blu? ??l? ?hirt. "I ?m here t? help ??u with anything ??u might n??d." Kn?x was im?r????d at the glitz ?nd grandeur of the ?hi? as th?? w?r? l?d through th? maze of h?llw???. There wasn't a ?urf??? h? ??uld ??? th?t didn't ???rkl? or ?hin?. As th?? stepped onto the elevator, Kn?x w?t?h?d ?? a w?rk?r scanned a k?? before ?r???ing ?n? butt?n?.
"This unlocks ??ur fl??r," the w?rk?r explained wh?n h? saw Kn?x l??king. "W? h?v? t?k?n ?ll ???urit? measures to ensure your ??f?t?. No ?n? without thi? k?? will b? ?bl? t? ?????? ??ur fl??r." h? ??id. Kn?x could see M?r??? w?? h???? to hear th?t.
"Thanks," Kn?x said. Th? gold, r?fl??tiv? elevator d??r? ???n?d int? a ????i?u? h?llw??. Th? w?rk?r led th?m down th? hallway and ?t????d ?t th? ????nd d??r. H? h?nd?d Knox a k?? card.
"Thi? is your room. I h??? you find everything to ??ur liking. If ??u need ?n?thing, ?l???? l?t us know," th? worker said. "If you ??m? with me, I ??n show ??u to ??ur r??m?," he ??id to C?lvin ?nd Marcos.
"Y?u good?" M?r??? asked, dr???ing Knox's b?g?.
"I'm g??d," he ??id. Kn?x ?lid th? key into th? ?l?t as C?lvin and M?r??? f?ll?w?d T?l?r d?wn th? h?llw??.
The fir?t tim? Knox had h??rd about the celebrity ?rui?? idea, had been during a br??k while filming a mu?i? video. C?lvin had ju?t g?tt?n off th? phone with ?n? of the t?? ?x??utiv??, from th? Bali Crui?? line, wh? w?? behind th? id?? ?nd h?d ??m? dir??tl? t? t?ll him. Wh?t if ??u could cruise for a week with your f?v?rit? ??l?brit?? E?t with th?m, int?r??t with th?m, l?ung? b? the ???l with them. Th? id?? w?? t? limit the ????? ?v?il?bl?, making it m?r? exclusive and more intim?t?.
Th? cruise lin? w?uld auction ?ff th? r??m? with th? ?r????d? g?ing to ?h?rit?. It w?? a win-win situation f?r th? ?rui?? line in t?rm? ?f m?rk?ting. N?t ?nl? did th? ??l?briti?? make it more appealing but they were ?bl? t? giv? b??k to ?h?riti??. Th? celebrities would b? ??m??n??t?d f?r th?ir tim? ?nd in r?turn th?? had t? ?gr?? t? a ??rt?in ?m?unt of h?ur? mingling with th? passengers and ?ff?ring ?v?nt? b???d on their specialities.
If, when a ?????ng?r w?? biding ?n a ???t on the ship, they specified which ??l?brit? they w?r? int?r??t?d in ???ing, th?ir bid w?uld be d?n?t?d t? a ?h?rit? ?f that ??l?briti?? ?h???ing. Calvin h?d explained h?w the cruise lin? und?r?t??d the int?n?it? of the celebrities ??h?duling, ?nd w?? bringing the inf?rm?ti?n t? th?m m?nth? in ?dv?n??.
Kn?x h?d r?turn?d t? hi? mu?i? vid?? shot, ?r?mi?ing Calvin h? w?uld think th? idea ?v?r. The ????ibl? dates th? ?rui?? lin? w?? proposing ??uld b? w?rk?d int? hi? ??h?dul?. He loved the id?? ?f being ?bl? to ??nd money t? a charity he supported, but h? was n?rv?u? about th? f?n?. Und?ubt?dl?, when n?w? of this broke th?r? w?uld be hundr?d? of thousands of girl? b?gging th?ir ??r?nt? to get them a ???t ?n the ?hi?. S? th?? ??uld n?t ?nl? m??t him, but h?ng ?ut b? th? pool with him ?nd m?r?.
H? w?? ?lw??? the fir?t t? ??? h?w much h? l?v?d his fans ?nd it w??n't in th?t fake way ?? m?n? ??l?briti?? ??id it n?w?d???. H? h?d watched ??l?briti?? ???ut their d?v?ti?n ?nd love for th?ir f?n?, then turn ?r?und ?nd complain ?b?ut th?m. Yes, there w?r? ?????t? ?b?ut thi? lif? th?t h? w??n't thrill?d ?b?ut. But h? ??uld d??l with his l??k ?f privacy, ?nd a normal lif? if it m??nt h? g?t t? d? th? thing he l?v?d. And m?r? than th?t, wh?n h? h?d met f?n? ?t meet-?nd-gr??t?, ?nd th?? w?r?n't ?r?ing and h???rv?ntil?ting, he had a fun time thanking th?m ?nd seeing th?ir f???? light up.
In th? ?nd hi? ?n?w?r had been ???, wh? n?t g?t a w??k off? H? h?d t? w?rk some but he got ??id ?nd it gave b??k to ?h?rit?. But b?f?r? he agreed, h? h?d ??m? conditions. H? would be t?king along M?r???, hi? b??t b?d?gu?rd. H? would b? with Knox whenever h? w?? ?ut and about ?n th? ?hi?. Knox wasn't n?iv? ?n?ugh to forget about th? ?l??? ?n??unt?r? he h?d had with ??m? of th? more obsessed f?n?.
He was h???? to d? it, but h? didn't want t? t?k? a ?tu?id ri?k. The ????nd ??nditi?n w?? th?t h? h?d the fin?l ??? ?n all the activities h? would be l??ding ?n th? ship. He und?r?t??d th? cruise lin? h?d ??v?r?l ideas ?nd h? might ?gr?? with th?m, but h? w?nt?d the final ???. Oth?r then th?t Kn?x told C?lvin t? w?rk ?ut the details, but that he w?? ?n board, both figur?tiv?l? and ?v?ntu?ll? ?h??i??ll?.
The fir?t time Sky h?d heard ?b?ut the idea ?h? h?d b??n w?rking ?n a ?rui?? herself. It w?? a f?w months before the ?ubli? h??rd about it ?nd about th? ??m? tim? C?lvin was g?tting th? ??ll. Rumors started to ?wirl around th? id??. Ev?r? w?rk?r ?r???d it w?? tru? and if so, that th?? g?t ??h?dul?d t? work th?t trip. Not only would th?? get to be ?r?und th? ??l?briti?? but a half empty ?hi? m??nt l??? w?rk. It ?l?? m??nt l??? workers, so everyone was bidding f?r a ???t ?n th?t ?rui??.
Sh? had b??n ju?t ?? ?x?it?d as ?v?r??n? ?l??. A h?lf empty ship meant m?r? fr??d?m for the workers, ?nd b?ing ?r?und th? ??l?briti?? wouldn't hurt. She tri?d to b? th? ?n? voice ?f reason, t? ?x?l?in th?t th?? wouldn't ??tu?ll? b? ?bl? t? interact with any of th? ??l?briti??. It w?uld be in a ??ntr??t the cruise lin? would make everyone sign. Th?? w?uld be invi?ibl?, working in th? b??kgr?und t? m?k? th? ship run.
Anders h?d not b??n im?r????d with th? id?? wh?n h? h??rd ?b?ut it. His point of vi?w b?ing ?n? ?f ???urit?, ?ll h? ??uld picture w?r? rabid fans increasing his j?b a hundred fold. But when th? li?t of possible ??l?briti?? got l??k?d ?nd th? ?r?w got ?h?ld ?f it, And?r? h?d ?h?ng?d hi? mind quickly, wh?n h? saw th?t th? NASCAR r??ing l?g?nd Willi?m B?ntl?? was on th? li?t.
For th? rest of th? ?rui?? And?r? ?nd Sky w?r? working, h? li?t?d ?ff reasons wh? h? w?? r??ll? th? best ?h?i?? when it ??m? to ???urit? guards. L??king at th? situation the cruise lin? would be crazy n?t t? h?v? him ?n th? ?hi?.
Sh? h?d repeatedly r?mind?d him th?t ?h? h?d no control ?v?r th? d??i?i?n. He should take hi? w?ll th?ught ?ut reasons to ??m??n? wh? did. But th?t h?dn't ?t????d And?r? fr?m t?lking t? h?r ?b?ut it.
Wh?n th? w?rk schedule w?? released f?r th? ??l?brit? ?rui??, Sky didn't have time to ?h??k it before ?h? g?t a ??ll from And?r?. H? talked a mile-a-minute ?b?ut ?ll th? things h? w?uld ??? t? William Bentley wh?n he m?t him. It t??k twenty minutes for Sk? t? get him t? ?t?? t?lking, b?f?r? she ??uld ?h??k th? li?t for h?r own name.
It wasn't th?r? ?nd ?h? had to admit ?h? w??n't h?lf ?? di?????int?d ?? Anders w?? for her. Th?r? h?d been ??m? celebrities Sky thought it w?uld be ???l t? meet, like Georgio V?nd?tti who w?? a famous It?li?n ???k or Margo J?nning?, ?n u? and coming fashion d??ign?r. Sky l?v?d her dr????? but unlik? Anders, th?r? wasn't anyone she w?? d?ing to m??t.
Sk? h?d been in Boston visiting h?r ??u?in?, th? McKenzies, wh?n And?r? had called to say goodbye ?nd ??m?l?in about h?w mu?h h? would mi?? her.
"Oh please," ?h? t?ld him. "Y?u won't even n?ti?? m? with William B?ntl?? ?r?und."
"How ??n you say th?t?" Anders said. "Y?u ?r? the main ??r??n I h?ng ?ut with."
"And wh?t are you g?ing t? ??? to Mr Willi?m B?ntl?? when ??u see him?" ?h? ??k?d.
H? had ?r????d?d to div? into a m?n?l?gu?, highlighting hi? f?v?rit? r???? b? B?ntl?? ?nd ?nl? stopped when she threatened t? h?ng up the phone.
"G? ?nj?? ??ur NASCAR love," ?h? ??id.
"I will ?r?b?bl? g?t stuck dr?gging ??m? ?r?z? f?n girl out ?f a ??? ?t?r'? room kn?wing m? luck," h? ??id.
Sk? had been sleeping in after a l?t? night out with her ??u?in? wh?n h?r ?h?n? rang, rud?l? waking h?r u?. Wh?n she ?l???il? r???h?d f?r it, ?h? kn??k?d it ?n th? fl??r and then tumbl?d out of bed tr?ing t? retrieve it.
"H?ll??" she ??id. Sh? tri?d t? untangle h?r??lf from th? blankets.