Page 3 of Perchance To Dream
"Sky I n??d ??u," a v?i?? ?n th? ?th?r ?nd said.
"W?ll, I already kn?w th?t L?ui?, but it's ni?? to h??r ??u ??? it."
"Sk?!" L?ui? ??id. Hi? v?i?? sounded tense ?nd ??ri?u?, "I need ??u ?n thi? cruise. N?w!"
"What?" ?h? ??id. She paused h?r fight ?g?in?t the blankets t? li?t?n.
"I h?d a ??u?l? ????l? fall thr?ugh, between ?i?kn??? ?nd ??n??ll?d flights. I n??d ??u to fill in," h? explained.
Sh? could hear noises in th? background ?nd kn?w the ?hi? must be h??ti? getting ready.
"I'm in B??t?n," she ??id.
"Y?ur flight l??v?? in f?rt?-fiv? minut??, make it," he said. He l?ft ?ut all illusion th?t h? w?? asking her.
"Wh?n does th? ?hi? l??v??" She w?? already m?ving around th? room, gr?bbing ?n? ?f her ?l?th?? th?t w?r? in sight and shoving th?m int? h?r ?uit????.
"D??r? ?l??? ?t five thirt? ?nd w? ?r? gone b? seven."
Sh? gl?n??d ?t the ?l??k on th? b?d?id? table, it was a littl? past one.
"I'll b? cutting it close."
"I'll l?t Ri?? kn?w th?t you might b? running late."
"I guess I'll see ??u t?night," ?h? ??id. She hung up the ?h?n? and gr?bb?d th? r??t ?f h?r scattered ?l?th??.
* * *
Kn?x had f?ll?n ??l??? in fr?nt ?f th? TV. When Calvin w?k? him, hi? head was on th? armrest ?f the ??u?h and th? rest ?f him was half f?lling ?ff. It took a ????nd ?f l??king ?r?und for him to r?m?mb?r wh?r? he was. S?m?tim??, it t??k l?ng?r th?n a few seconds, because h?t?l r??m? all ?t?rt?d t? look th? ??m? to him. It was still light ?ut ?nd Kn?x could ??? th? ocean ?nd Mi?mi port out th? glass d??r?.
"I got th? ??h?dul?," Calvin ??id. He took a ???t ?n the ??u?h next to Kn?x.
Kn?x ??wn?d ?nd stretched before he t??k th? ??h?dul?.
"Thi? l??k? g??d," h? ??id, r??ding ?v?r th? diff?r?nt ?v?nt?.
Within the w??k h? w?? doing: a Q&A, a meet and gr??t, ?n ???u?ti? ?h?w, a guitar l????n, a ??ng writing l????n, ?r?vi?wing a n?w ??ng, ?nd ?nding th? week with a huge ??n??rt in th? ship's theater. Out of the four i?l?nd ?x?ur?i?n?, he w?? t?gging ?l?ng with tw?, hiking ?n?i?nt runes in M?xi?? ?nd zi? lining in J?m?i??. Th? ?th?r tw? days they w?r? in port h? w?? fr?? t? d? what h? pleased.
"D? they h?v? a list ?f the other ??l?briti?? ?nb??rd?" h? ??k?d. He h?dn't had a ?h?n?? t? find ?ut b?f?r? th? ?rui??.
"It'? somewhere," C?lvin said. H? shuffled thr?ugh th? stack ?f papers h? h?d.
"How i? ??ur room?" Knox ??k?d, ?? he waited f?r him to find th? paper.
"Gr??t, it'? just d?wn th? hall and it? a ?imil?r setup."
"G??d. Where's M?r????" Kn?x ??k?d. H? w?? ?ur?ri??d h? w??n't th?r?.
"H? w?nt?d t? g?t a f??l f?r the ship," Calvin ??id.
H? ?l???d th? ????r? ?n th? ??ff?? table and examined each ?n?.
"Y?u m??n l??king for hiding ???t? th?t ?r?z? f?n? could u?? to ?n??k up on m??" Kn?x ??id. H? knew Marcos ?nd M?r??? l?v?d t? b? ?v?r prepared.
"Here it is," Calvin said.
Knox t??k th? ??g? and scanned d?wn the li?t. H? h?d h??rd ?b?ut ninety ??r??nt of the ????l?. H? had met ?b?ut thirty ??r??nt at diff?r?nt ?w?rd ?h?w? and after ??rti??. H? ??tu?ll? kn?w ?b?ut t?n ??r??nt.