Page 4 of Perchance To Dream
"I didn't kn?w L??t C?ll w?? g?ing to b? on b??rd," he said, l??king b??k ?t hi? ??h?dul?. "Ar? th?? ??rf?rming with m? on th? last night?"
L??t C?ll w?? an ?lt?rn?tiv? r??k band with f?ur m?mb?r?. Kn?x h?d m?t them a f?w ???r? ?g? ?nd ?v?r th? years had run into th?m ?n and off. Th?? h?d played a couple ?f ?h?rit? shows together ?nd h?d ki?k?d ?r?und the idea of co-touring together before Kn?x h?d g?tt?n big. C?lvin ?nd Kn?x'? t??m h?d even ki?k?d around th? id?? ?f them ???ning for him on hi? u???ming tour.
"Cl?ir? Reynolds is on board t??," he n?t?d out loud.
Claire was an u? ?nd ??ming singer/songwriter. She h?d ju?t g?tt?n h?r song ?n th? soundtrack of a big blockbuster v?l?ntin?? m?vi?, ?nd already ?h? w?? g?ining m?m?ntum. Similar t? Last Call, h? h?d m?t her ju?t b? b?ing in th? music indu?tr?. P???l? lik?d t? j?k? that it w?? a ?m?ll w?rld but, in r??lit? it w?? two w?rld?.
There w?r? the t?? ?l???r? who hung ?ut t?g?th?r, ?nd th?n th? l???er kn?wn ?l???r? who w?r? m?king th?ir w?? up, but h?dn't r???h?d it yet. Kn?x had been in the second h?lf f?r a f?w years, so h? h?d his foot in b?th w?rld?.
"Wh?t'? thi??" he ??k?d, ???ing numb?r? ?t th? b?tt?m of a page.
"Th?t'? f?r dinner," C?lvin ?x?l?in?d. "They assign which t?bl? you ?it ?t. Usually it i? just one, but since you are a h?t commodity, you'll sit at a different t?bl? ?v?r? night."
"G?t it."
Th?r? w?? a b???ing by the door ?nd it swung open ?? M?r??? w?lk?d in.
"How's it l??king out there ?ki???r?" Knox ??k?d.
"I d?n't think so," M?r??? ??id.
"Oh ??m? ?n. W?'r? ?t sea. Th?r? is n? b?tt?r time to u?? th?t ni?kn?m? th?n now. W? might n?v?r have thi? opportunity, and I ?m n?t g?ing t? ???? it u?... ?ki???r."
M?r??? ??ntinu?d to fr?wn, but didn't ??? ?n?thing.
"How does it l??k?" h? ??id. H? l?ft out the "?ki???r" part. H? w?uld bring M?r??? ?r?und to th? id??.
"G??d. Thi? fl??r i? v?r? secure, ?? w? d?n't have t? worry about anyone g?tting int? your room. Th? rest ?f the ?hi? won't ?r???nt t?? mu?h ?f a ?r?bl?m ?nd you'll h?v? m? with ??u, ??..."
"N? one ?t?nd? a chance," h? fini?h?d f?r him. Thi? g?t a small ?mil? ?ut of M?r???. "What d? w? do n?w?"
He stood u? ?nd w?lk?d t?w?rd? th? glass d??r?. H? slid one side ???n ?nd t??k in a d??? br??th ?f th? w?rm ?ir. It was ?ix, and th? ?un was ju?t ?t?rting t? sink. There was a scratching n?i?? ?nd a voice fill?d the room, ??ming fr?m some l?ud????k?r.
"Hello l?di?? and g?ntl?m?n. This i? ??ur captain, Thomas Heller, ?nd I w?uld lik? to w?l??m? ??u aboard th? MSS Faraday f?r th? C?l?brit? Bali Crui??,"
th? v?i?? ??id. "The ?r?w is fini?hing ?ff the l??t l??ding and ship ?h??k ?nd th?n we ?h?uld be casting ?ff in th? next hour. T?night we will be m?king our w?? t? ?ur first ?t?? in C?zum?l Mexico.
We will b? at ??? tomorrow, ?nd th?n b? Monday morning arrive ?t th? Cozumel port. I n?w ??k th?t everyone make their w??, with th?ir life jackets, t?w?rd? th? theater, located ?n th? sixth l?v?l. Th? ?r?w will b? ?r???nting the safety ti?? ?nd ?v??u?ti?n plans. That i? ?ll f?r n?w. I hope ??u enjoy your fir?t night aboard the Faraday."
Th? ?nn?un??m?nt ended and Knox ??uld hear m?v?m?nt happening ?ll over th? ship.
"I t?lk?d to th? cruiser w?rk?r about thi? and th?? said you n??d t? g? but w? ??n w?it until th? ?r?wd i? ??ttl?d b?f?r? w? ?n??k in," M?r??? ??id. "Th?? d?n't w?nt any commotion b?f?r? th?? giv? the safety ti??."
"S?und? good," Knox said. H? ??m? b??k into th? r??m. H? w?lk?d t?w?rd? th? door ?nd gr?bb?d the lif? j??k?t M?r??? was h?lding ?ut f?r him.
There was a kn??king on Sk?'? door ?? ?h? fini?h?d ?utting h?r ?l?th?? int? a dr?w?r.
"C?ming!" ?h? called out. Sh? pulled the d??r ???n ?nd f?und a gu? dr????d in full cruise unif?rm. Sh? r???gniz?d him, h?ving probably w?rk?d a ?rui?? with him.
"L?ui? wants t? ??? ??u in his ?ffi??," he said.
"Th?nk?," ?h? said. She qui?kl? changed ?nd gr?bb?d her r??m key. Sk? ??u??d as ?h? left h?r r??m, ?nd pulled th? door ?hut. L?ng h?llw??? extended ?ut ?n ?ith?r ?id? ?f her. Th? ship h?d a ??m?l?x l???ut, but ?h? had b???m? ???u?t?m?d t? it over the ???r?. R?unding a corner, ?h? h??rd v?i??? and f?und a group ?f people ?t th? ?l?v?t?r?.
"Hey Sk?," a girl ??id wh?n ?h? ???tt?d Sk?.
"H?? B??," ?h? said.