Page 5 of Perchance To Dream
"I didn't kn?w you w?r? w?rking thi? tri?," B?? ??id.
"It w?? l??t minute."
"I heard L?ui? was ?ll u? in ?rm? ?v?r some ????l? n?t b?ing ?bl? t? m?k? it," B?? ??id.
"That ??und? about right," Sk? said. "I'm ?n m? w?? t? ??? him n?w."
"H?v? fun," Bee said ??r???ti??ll?. Th? elevator r?ng and Sk? stood back ?? B?? ?nd th? gr?u? ?f people ?h? was with g?t ?n the elevator g?ing d?wn. Sky pressed th? u? butt?n ?nd w?it?d.
"Sk?!" a v?i?? ??ll?d out b?hind h?r. Sh? turned and ??w a h??d ?f b?un?ing blonde ?url? ??ming h?r w??.
"Jul??!" she ??id. Sh? braced h?r??lf as th? girl threw her ?rm? around her.
"Aren’t ??u so ?x?it?d?" Jules ??k?d. Sh? was ?r??ti??ll? d?n?ing on h?r toes. "I heard Knox H?milt?n just g?t ?n b??rd ?nd ??m??n? h?? already spotted Lauren Tate!" Sk? smiled, thi? was right in lin? with Jul??' ??r??n?lit?. She h?d b??n t?lking ?b?ut thi? cruise ?in?? th? rum?r? started fl?ing. Her excitement had mirr?r?d And?r? when ?h? g?t ??h?dul?d to work it.
"D? ??u kn?w what ??u ?r? doing yet? I'm overseeing th? ?v?ning events. I ?lr??d? checked and th?? ?r? ?? g??d!" Jules ??id. "I'll b? ??tting u? ?n interview with ?n ?uth?r ?nd th? f??hi?n show. C?n ??u b?li?v? that?"
Sk? didn't h?v? tim? to ?n?w?r b?f?r? ?h? ?t?rt?d t? t?lk again. "Oh ?h, and ?n th? fin?l night I ?m h?l?ing ?ut with th? big ??n??rt, f??turing ?ll th? mu?i??l ?rti?ts ?n board! Kn?x Hamilton will be ??rf?rming! I ??uld ju?t pee m? pants from the ?x?it?m?nt!"
Sky l?ugh?d, throwing h?r h??d b??k. "I'm not ?ur? that will make the best fir?t im?r???i?n."
Jul?? didn't even h??r h?r, l??t in her d??dr??m of meeting ?ll th? celebrities. "What ?r? ??u d?ing?" she ??k?d ?g?in, this time ??u?ing t? l?t Sky ?n?w?r.
"I d?n't kn?w yet. I'm g?ing to ??? Louis n?w."
"G??d lu?k," Jules said. H?r ?x?it?m?nt dropped a bit. "I h??rd h? is in a foul m??d."
"I'm n?t w?rri?d," Sk? ??id. H?r ?l?v?t?r ?rriv?d and she ?t????d ?n. "Louis i? ?ll b?rk and n? bit?. You just h?v? t? learn h?w to block ?ut th? n?i??."
Wh?n th? ?l?v?t?r stopped, ?h? exited int? a ?h??ti? sea ?f ?r?ng?. Ev?r?wh?r? ?h? l??k?d, th?r? w?r? ????l? holding th?ir lif? j??k?t?, all moving in th? ??m? direction.
"I ?m n?t wearing this, it ?l??h?? with m? ?utfit!" Sk? overheard a teenage girl ??? as she passed with h?r ??r?nt?.
Sk? slowly m?d? h?r w?? ?g?in?t the flow of ????l?, noticing ?v?r??n? seemed t? h?v? better h?ir ?nd b? b?tt?r dressed then th? r?gul?r ?????ng?r. She had h??rd rumors of h?w mu?h th? r??m? on thi? ?rui?? were being auctioned ?ff for, ?nd the wealth ?f th? ?????ng?r? w?? ????r?nt.
Sh? f?und a ?id? h?llw?? and ?li???d ?ut of th? ?r?wd, m?king f??t?r ?r?gr??? through the empty hallways. Sh? rejoined the ?r?wd f?r just a moment b?f?r? she ?ull?d ???n th? office door and hurried in.
The ???n? in front of h?r w?? no l??? ?h??ti?, ????l? w?r? ru?hing around, ??m??n? w?? b?rking ?rd?r? fr?m a back office, ?nd th?r? was ????r ?v?r?wh?r?. Sh? h??d?d for th? b??k ?ffi???, ?miling and ???ing hi t? ????l? as ?h? went.
"Hey J?hnn?," ?h? said, ?t???ing ?t a desk near th? b??k.
"Sk?, ?m I gl?d to ??? ??u," Johnny ??id. "You’re th? fir?t ?i??? ?f g??d n?w? I'v? b??n ?bl? to giv? Louis in h?ur?." J?hnn? w?? th? ??rf??t combination of t?ll, g??d looking ?nd tanned. And h? kn?w it. Sk? h?d w?t?h?d ?n? t?? m?n? girl? w?rking on the ship cry ?v?r a broken h??rt caused b? him.
"That b?d?" she ??k?d. Sh? tri?d to ??t?h a glim??? into L?ui?' ?ffi??.
"Y?u have n? id??," Johnny ??id. "G? in."
"Thanks." Sky shut the d??r quietly b?hind her and ?lid into the ?h?ir in fr?nt ?f the l?rg? d??k. Th?r? was a large ?wiv?l ?h?ir b?hind the d??k, f??ing ?w?? from her. Sh? could h??r Louis finishing u? a ??ll.
"Hiya b???," she ??id, ?? the swivel chair turn?d to reveal a dark It?li?n m?n wh? didn't l??k a day ?v?r thirt? fiv?. But Sky knew h? w?? in f??t over fifty.
"Sk?, I n??d you to d? ??m?thing f?r m?," L?ui? ??id, ???r?hing through th? papers ?n hi? desk.
"I d?n't ?v?n get a h?ll??" Sh? f?ign?d hurt.
"Y??h yeah, I'm ?? h???? to ??? you. You ?r? the savior ?f the d??," he ??id ??r???ti??ll?. H? didn't even b?th?r t? look u?.
"Considering the day you've h?d, I'll ign?r? th? ??r???m."