Page 7 of Perchance To Dream

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Page 7 of Perchance To Dream

She was ?n h?r w?? to th? kit?h?n when ?h? r?n int? Anders. "Heading towards th? kit?h?n?" He asked ?? he f?ll in ?t?? with her.

"Yup. Louis didn't l?t m? get dinn?r," ?h? ??id.

"How is ?ur dear L?ui? t?night?" he ??k?d.

"Ab?ut ?n? crisis ?w?? fr?m retiring, ?r ?? h? ????."

"H? was b??n thr??t?ning that f?r ???r?." And?r? h?ld the door t? th? kit?h?n open f?r her. Th? ???k? h?d ?ll l?ft long ?g?, but th?r? was a fridge of f??d they k??t ju?t f?r the workers.

Sk? w?t?h?d as Anders ?t??k?d l?ft ?v?r sandwiches on t?? ?f ?izz? ?n t?? ?f ?hi??, and still r???h?d f?r m?r? with hi? fr?? h?nd.

"D? ??u think ??u h?v? ?n?ugh?" she l?ugh?d,

"H?l? me gr?b th?t ??d?, will you?" he ??k?d. He kicked the fridg? shut with his f??t.

"S?ri?u?l? Anders, it l??k? like ??u h?v?n't ??t?n f?r a m?nth," ?h? said. Sh? grabbed the ??d? ?nd followed him ?ut ?f the kitchen.

"Ev?r??n? i? u? ?n deck," he explained. "Th?? ??nt me d?wn f?r provisions."

Sk? ??uld h??r th? voices before ?h? ??uld see anyone, ?? they m?d? th?ir w?? in the dark along th? ?hi?'? d??k. T??hni??ll?, they w?r?n't suppose t? u?? thi? part ?f the ship in their fr?? time but th?? knew L?ui? didn't r??ll? ??r?. As long ?? they didn't g?t ??ught by any ?f th? ?????ng?r?.

"Sky!" Jul?? ??ll?d out. Sh? rushed over. "I ??w ?? many ????l?!" ?h? squealed. "I helped get th? ???kt?il ??rt? f?r all th? ??l?briti?? r??d? ?nd I w?? fini?hing up wh?n th?? ?t?rt?d to ??m? in. It w?? ?m?zing!" Sky l?t Jul?? t?lk as ?h? ???r?h?d through th? f??d for something she w?nt?d.

Th? r??t of the night w?? fill?d with ????l? exchanging ?t?ri?? ?b?ut their ?n??unt?r? with th? celebrities. Anders had ??dl? not ???n Willi?m B?ntl?? but he h?d seen ??v?r?l ?th?r?, including a f??hi?n designer h? couldn't ?t?? gu?hing over. Sk? ate ?nd listened, r??lizing ?h? didn't h?v? a single story to ?h?r?. She h?d b??n t?? bu?? running errands f?r L?ui?.


Sk? was gr?bbing h?r ????nd cup ?f coffee ?nd an ?xtr? ?n? f?r L?ui? when Cara w?lk?d in.

"Morning," she called out. Sh? gr?bb?d a ?t?r?f??m ?u? ?nd poured herself ??m? coffee.

"I thought ??u weren't working thi? one Sk??" Bridg?t said.

"It w?? l??t minut?, L?ui? called m? in."

"Oh how w?? th?t?" Cara ??k?d.

Sky ?mil?d, L?ui?' fir?t day antics w?r? well kn?wn. "N?t ?? b?d as I thought," ?h? ??id. "Didn't ?t?? m?ving until one. W? missed you last night up ?n d??k."

"And?r? tried t? rope me into it," B?? said, "but I knew it w?? g?ing to b? an ??rl? m?rning, so I d??lin?d."

"S?m? h?r?, m? qu??n b?d was ??lling," C?r? ??id.

"Ar?n't the r??m? ?m?zing!" B?? said.

Sk? w?lk?d with th? girls as th?? l?ft the l?ung? ?nd h??d?d u? ?t?ir?, ?ll th? whil? t?lking ?b?ut th? ??rk? ?f h?ving th?ir ?wn rooms.

"Johnny, h?w are ??u this gl?ri?u? m?rning? L?ng tim? n? ???," Sk? ??id as she r???h?d hi? d??k.

The control room was a dr?m?ti? ??ntr??t from th? night before. Th?r? w?r? a few people w?rking qui?tl? at th?ir d??k?, but th? hu?tl? and bu?tl? of th? d?? b?f?r? was gone.

"Wh? ?r? ??u ?? ?hi???r this m?rning?" h? gr??n?d. He stole th? ?u? ?ut ?f h?r h?nd and took a ?i?.

"Wh? n?t?" ?h? countered. Sh? t??k h?r ??ff?? b??k.

"At least ??u br?ught me ??ff??." H? r???h?d f?r th? ????nd ?u? in her h?nd.

"I d?n't think ??. Thi? is f?r L?ui?."

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