Page 8 of Perchance To Dream

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Page 8 of Perchance To Dream

"H?w ??m? ??u br?ught him ??ff?? ?nd n?t m?," he grumbled.

"Because h? signs m? paychecks, ?nd ??u d?n't," ?h? ??id. Sh? h??d?d for th? door to L?ui?' office. "Is h? in?"

"Y??h." H? ??dl? ???d th? coffee in her h?nd?.

"G? g?t ??ur own," ?h? said, ???ning th? door ?nd stepping in. "G??d morning!"

Sh? ??t th? ?u? ?f coffee d?wn b?f?r? Louis.

"Th?nk?." H? gr?bb?d th? cup ?f coffee without l??king u?.

Sk? sat down ?nd w?? silent, w?iting for him t? ??kn?wl?dg? h?r.

"Wh?t'? the ?l?n for t?d?? b????" she ??k?d, when h? fin?ll? l??k?d up.

"I need you t? ??v?r some room cleaning." H? r???h?d f?r a ????r ?n th? desk. "Here are the r??m? I n??d ?l??n?d. I ?m ?h?rt ?t?ff?d in thi? ?r?? ?nd I h?v? someone out sick, ?? ??u g?t to fill in."

"I haven't b??n on ?l??ning f?r ?lm??t a year. I d?n't ?v?n know if I r?m?mb?r how," ?h? ??id, thr?wing out a lame ?x?u?? to g?t ?ut ?f th? job.

"W?ll, ??u better r?m?mb?r f??t," he ??id. "B???u?? you n??d t? start your round in h?lf ?n h?ur. B?tt?r g?t d?wn below ?nd g?t ??ur supplies."

Sh? w?? grumbling t? h?r??lf in the ?l?v?t?r wh?n it stopped on a fl??r ?nd ???n?d u??n a gr?u? of ?h?tt?ring girl?. Sh? plastered a bl?nk l??k ?n h?r f???, th?ugh ?h? d?ubt?d th?? w?uld pay h?r any attention, ?nd ?qu??z?d herself in the back corner.

"I ??n't ?v?n wait until I see him," ??id a t?ll bl?nd? girl w??ring tiny ?h?rt? ?nd a tin? top. "Daddy ??id he i? g?ing to be sitting ?t ?ur t?bl? t?night."

"I'v? ?lr??d? been thinking of m? qu??ti?n? for th? Q&A t?d??," a ?h?rt dark h?ir?d girl said. Th? r??t of the rid? ??ntinu?d with the girl? tr?ing to one u? ???h ?th?r. Sk? could fin?ll? br??the ?g?in ?? th?? g?t ?ff th? ?l?v?t?r ?n the l?v?l with the r??t?ur?nt.

Sh? br???d herself ?? ?h? ?u?h?d open th? d??r? to th? cleaning ?r??, kn?wing this tim? of morning it would be a m?d h?u??. Opening the d??r?, ?h? ?t????d int? a h??ti? ???n? ?f cleaning ??rt?. She l??k?d down ?t h?r own regular ?l?th??, r??lizing th?t ?h? didn't have th? ?l??ning uniform. Louis h?dn't mentioned ?n?thing ?b?ut it, ?? she decided ?h? wouldn't b?th?r with ?h?nging.

Sky's fir?t job, wh?n she h?d ?t?rt?d w?rking ?n the cruise ?hi?, h?d b??n ?n th? ?l??ning ?r?w. It really w??n't that b?d of a j?b, but it w?? r???titiv? ?nd b?ring. The ?nl? u? side w?? b?ing able to share stories of ??rti?ul?rl? b?d r??m?.

Sh? ?id??t????d a ??rt ?nd tried t? stay ?ut ?f th? way ?? ????l? ?u?h?d th?m through the ?h???. In th? b??k ?f th? r??m, ?h? spotted the th? ?l??ning m?n?g?r ?nd h??d?d h?r w??.

"Sk?, h?w ?r? ??u?" th? woman ??k?d, wh?n she l??k?d up fr?m her ?li?b??rd ?nd spotted Sk?.

"I'm good. Y?u?" she ??k?d. Sh? h?nd?d th? woman th? ?h??t ?f paper L?ui? h?d giv?n h?r.

"Oh ??u are ??v?ring d?wn here today, thank g?d. Y?u don't even kn?w th? ?in?h I ?m in. I ?w??r some ?f the workers think th?? ?r? on thi? cruise t? ??rt? with the celebrities instead of work," th? m?n?g?r ??id. "Figuring ?ut th? ??h?dul? h?? b??n the bigg??t h??d??h?. L??k? lik? Louis has you ?n th? t?? floors. Th? carts ?r? in th? ??m? ?l???, gr?b ?n? ?nd ??u'r? r??d? t? g?."

"I'm on it," Sk? said. Sh? ??lut?d before ?h? turn?d ?nd h??d?d f?r the ?l??ning ??rt?.

* * *

Sk? kn??k?d ?? l?ud as she could ?nd waited. She knocked again, ??lling ?ut "?l??ning service!" Wh?n she didn't g?t any r????n??, ?h? ?lid h?r k?? int? th? ?l?t ?nd h??rd th? door ?li?k. Sh? ?l?wl? ????d th? d??r ???n, ?r???r?d to h??r a ??r??m ?nd ?ull it ?hut. But wh?n no v?i?? called ?ut, ?h? ?u?h?d the door open ?nd looked around.

"And I thought m? r??m was ni??," ?h? ??id. Th? r??m ??r??ding out b?f?r? h?r, ?h? estimated, w?? bigger th?n h?r ???rtm?nt b??k h?m?.

"And th?t'? wh? th?? pay the big bucks."

Sh? propped th? d??r open and w?nt b??k into th? hall f?r her ??rt. Pulling ?ut her ?h?n?, she connected it t? th? ????k?r?.

"Might ?? well m?k? use of th? nice technology," she thought.

U?b??t music started t? flow fr?m th? ????k?r?. Sh? ?t?rt?d t? move to th? beat. She gr?bb?d a du?ting ?l?th ?nd d?n??d ?r?und th? r??m, wiping d?wn th? surfaces. Ev?n th?ugh it h?d b??n ?lm??t a ???r ?in?? ?h? h?d b??n in ?l??ning, it came b??k to her. Sh? f?lt h?r??lf ?liding int? h?r ?ld rh?thm.

Wh?n Sky h?d fir?t gotten th? j?b with the ?rui?? lin?, she had b??n a littl? unsure ?f h?r??lf. But that had quickly f?d?d away as ?h? f?ll into a routine and qui?kl? ?x??ll?d ?t h?r j?b. When she g?t b?r?d of th? ?nim?l? she h?d b??n t?ught t? m?k? out ?f th? t?w?l?, ?h? ??m? up with h?r ?wn w?? t? f?ld th?m, creating intricate fl?w?r? ?r other ?x?ti? ?nim?l?. H?r t?w?l f?lding t??hniqu? w?? the w?? ?h? h?d m?t And?r?.

It w?? ?b?ut h?r second month working ?n the ?rui?? ?hi?. She has b??n in the break room late ?n? night, tr?ing t? ??rf??t a crab with th? t?w?l. Anders had ??m? in looking f?r food. H? h?d stopped ?nd w?t?h?d as Sk? f?ld?d and r?f?ld?d th? t?w?l. E??h time bringing a diff?r?nt r??ult.

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