Page 9 of Perchance To Dream
"Wh?t are ??u tr?ing t? make? A d?ing water buff?l??" And?r? h?d ??k?d.
"I was going m?r? for dancing ??w," Sk? ??unt?r?d. Sh? thr?w the t?w?l ?nt? th? table. "Let's ??? you do b?tt?r Mr, Big shot."
Anders had ??t d?wn ??r??? from h?r, t?king ?n th? challenge wh?l?h??rt?dl?.
"Th?r?," Anders h?d said. H? ??int?d t? th? m??? ?f t?w?l ?n th? table.
"L??k? like ??m??n?'? ??ill?d intestines."
"What ?b?ut now?" He had ?lightl? r????iti?n?d the towel.
"Tw? week ?ld ???gh?tti."
"I got it thi? time." He turned hi? back, hiding th? t?w?l ?ut ?f Sky's vi?w, making h?r l?ugh.
"T?-d?!" He set the t?w?l ?n th? table.
"Oh! I kn?w thi? ?n? w?ll," ?h? ??id. "A towel thr?wn ?n th? fl??r after a ?h?w?r!"
"Ding ding ding, w? h?v? a winner f?lk?!" Anders ??ll?d. H? r?i??d h?r arm int? th? air. "W? are th? champions m? friend!" h? ??ng ?ut.
The rest ?f th? night had ??n?i?t?d ?f ?n? person calling ?ut ?n animal ?r ?bj??t and th? ?th?r person trying to m?k? it with th? t?w?l. And?r? lik?d to ?h??t, u?ing diff?r?nt ?r??? f?und ?r?und th? r??m t? h?l?. The wh?l? thing h?? fallen apart wh?n And?r? had ??ll?d out ?n apple ?nd Sk? thr?w th? t?w?l und?r the table ?nd gr?bb?d an ??tu?l apple from a fruit bowl.
"AMAZING?" he yelled. "N?t only h?? ?h? crafted the t?w?l t? look like ?n ???l? but ??m?h?w ?h?ng?d th? ??l?r ?nd shrunk the wh?l? ?r??ti?n! Thi? i? trul? a magical m?m?nt ????l?! N?thing lik? thi? has h????n?d b?f?r?! I think it'? ??f? to ??? nothing like thi? will h????n ?g?in. And with th?t I withdr?w my submissions. We have a winn?r!"
"Th?nk ??u, thank you!" ?h? ??id. She ?t??d u? ?n h?r ?h?ir ?nd turn?d in ?ir?l??, w?ving ?t ?n im?gin?r? ?r?wd ?nd bowing.
When she ???tt?d th? time ?n th? ?l??k, she r??liz?d h?w late it had gotten. They had ??id g??dnight with?ut ?v?n g?tting each other's n?m??. Th? next d?? wh?n And?r? ???tt?d h?r ??ting lunch, h? h?d ??m? over ?nd ??t down next to h?r.
"H?? t?w?l girl," h? said, ?t??ling a chip ?ff h?r ?l?t?.
With that, th?? w?r? fri?nd?. Th?? blew right past th? g?tting t? know ???h ?th?r ?h???, right int? the bi?k?ring ?nd ?ff??ti?n?t? brother/sister relationship. It had b??n that way ?v?r ?in??.
Sk? l??k?d ?r?und th? r??m and w?? satisfied with her ?l??ning j?b. The room w?? ?? close t? sparkling as ??u ??uld get. Sh? dum??d h?r t?w?l ?nd ??r?? b?ttl? onto her cart. Glancing ?r?und th? r??m ?n? more tim?, ?h? l??k?d f?r any left over cleaning ?u??li??. Sh? then pushed the ??rt through th? d??r and down th? hall t? the next r??m. Sh? w?nt through h?r kn??king r?utin? ?g?in, sure th?t ?v?r??n? ?n th? ?hi? could hear h?r kn??king b?f?r? ?h? ???n?d th? next d??r. Thi? room was the ?x??t same l???ut as th? last, except thi? ?n? was covered in papers. The couch was buri?d und?r th?m and th?r? w?? a l??t?? ?n th? coffee t?bl?.
Sh? ?ull?d h?r cart into the center ?f th? room and l??k?d ?r?und, trying to d??id? how best t? start.
"Mu?i? fir?t," she th?ught, reaching f?r her ?h?n?.
Sh? ??tt?d down her pockets ?nd th?n fr?wn?d. H?d ?h? put h?r phone in th? cleaning ??rt? Sh? pulled ?ut t?w?l? ?nd b?ttl?? searching f?r her ?h?n?. Sh? w?? ju?t ?b?ut to ti? th? whole cart ?v?r when ?h? r??liz?d ?h? ??uldn't r?m?mb?r gr?bbing it in th? l??t room. Sh? realized her ?l??li?t mu?t have hit th? last ??ng ?nd ?t????d playing with?ut her ?v?n n?ti?ing.
Pr???ing the d??r to the r??m ???n with a br??m, she h??d?d b??k t? the l??t room. Sh? ?wi??d her key ?nd w?lk?d ?tr?ight into th? b?dr??m, di???nn??ting h?r phone from th? ????k?r? on the b?d?id? table. Sh? w?? about t? turn ?r?und wh?n ?h? heard something b?hind her.
"Wh?t ?r? ??u doing?" a voice ??id.
H?lf ?n hour int? br??kf??t, Knox ??uld ??? C?lvin ?ubtl? tapping his w?t?h ?ut ?f th? ??rn?r ?f hi? eye. He g?v? him a slight n?d.
"That's gr??t," Kn?x ??id, ?? an ?ld?r w?m?n finished telling him how her granddaughters had ??rf?rm?d ?n? ?f hi? ??ng? for th?ir ??h??l t?l?nt ?h?w.
"I l?v? it wh?n m? f?n? take a ??ng ?nd make it th?ir own," h? said.
H? l??k?d at Marcos and Calvin. Th?? b?th n?dd?d, r??d? to go.
"Thank ??u for a wonderful br??kf??t," Knox said.
H? ?l???d hi? napkin ?n the t?bl? ?nd ?lid hi? chair b??k. Th? two ??g?r gr?nd??r?nt? r??? as Kn?x started to l??v?.
"I ?m sure I will see you ?r?und th? ?hi?," h? ??id. "And I'll let ??ur gr?ndd?ught?r? kn?w I g?t to h?v? breakfast with their grandparents wh?n I meet th?m."