Page 20 of Temp Defense
She flicked a glance to Jarol, and he was grinning. She pushed the lid up, and it settled. Inside, she had to twist a panel and push another, and finally, there were two more pieces lying there on silk. She picked up the larger of the two, and he reached past her and lifted the smaller.
“Are you sure about this? You heard them. There is no going back.”
“I don’t want to go back. We have a future, you and I. I want to be with you every step of the way.”
She smiled softly. “Good answer.” She lifted the ring and slid it on his left ring finger.
He grinned and said, “And now, we are finally as ready as we can be.” He put the ring on her finger.
Light flared between them, and he inhaled as the energy flowed along his skin.
He looked at her. “Is that what it feels like?”
“Like angry alcohol fire? But no pain.”
He chuckled. “Yeah.”
“Do you think you can use it?”
He grinned and straightened his shoulders. “Oh, yeah.”
She could see the energy covering him. It glowed around him, making his hair sparkle. “Are we going to be ready for this?”
He nodded. “I think we are.”
She smiled and looked over at Mr. Tangero, Sarah, and half a dozen researchers with different instruments pointed at them. They were staring with fixed expressions.
Jarol looked at them. “How long were we gone?”
Tangero grunted. “Ten hours.”
“Ah, for us, it was six days.”
Sarah gasped. “You must be hungry.”
Monster pressed against Haley’s legs and yowled. Haley picked her up with a grunt and scratched her ears. The purr shook her soul. Smiling, she turned to walk up the stairs with Jarol putting his hand on the small of her back.
Sarah smiled and led the way.
Mr. Tangero spoke with the researchers as they walked away.
After a roast chicken, potatoes, and salad, Haley groaned as she sat back. “Sarah. That was wonderful.”
Sarah smiled. “You looked hungry.”
Jarol chuckled. “We walked for days, and then we met with elders who explained what needs to be done.”
Haley held up her hand with the ring. “So, we did it.”
Sarah smiled. “You do realize that it’s binding, right?”
She nodded. “They told us. We don’t have to be legally wed, but we are linked. That can’t be undone.”
Jarol looked at her. “Why shouldn’t we be?”
“I don’t know you. We haven’t dated. I am broke as hell. Your house is very fancy. I am decidedly not fancy.”
Sarah chuckled. “That can be fixed.”