Page 21 of Temp Defense
Jarol looked at her. “What?”
“Your family has plenty of money, Jarol. Always has. One of your great-grandmothers buried it near where the rift appears. It has been too hot for the last fifty years for standard humans to investigate. You will have what you need the moment that you wrap up the incursion.”
Haley looked at her. “You are sure that someone can do this with no training and less skill?”
Jarol answered. “I have seen how hard you can push yourself. You will be able to manage it.”
Haley nodded. “What is the longest that an incursion has gone on?”
Jarol winced. “Six days.”
“The shortest time?”
“Three days.”
Haley nodded. “Right. Well, I am still on the clock, so Tangero had better be filling out my time card.”
Jarol smiled.
Dessert arrived in the form of strawberry shortcakes. Haley ate and sipped at her coffee. “I am going to weigh a thousand pounds. No wonder the women of this house could hold back an army.”
Sarah smiled. “I could not wish for a better compliment. Now, get a solid night’s sleep, and tomorrow, Jarol can show you the portrait gallery.”
Monster jumped up on her lap and purred, rubbing her head against Haley.
Sarah chuckled. “It seems that she is untroubled by your new increase in radiation.”
“She’s made of tough stuff.”
Haley yawned and stretched. “I am not. I am wiped out. Thank you for the meal.”
Monster held her down.
“Uh, fuzzy buddy, I want to head to bed.”
Monster reached out and carefully bit her chin.
“Ow. Okay, that’s it.” She slowly stood up, and Monster climbed up until she was standing on her shoulder.
She wore her cat up the stairs and to her bedroom. That is when Monster went crazy. She hissed, she clawed, and she refused to let Haley in.
Haley healed the scratches, sat down in the hallway, then turned to her side, and slept. Thanks to the little spirit walk, she could sleep anywhere.
She woke up with Jarol curled around her. Monster was in her arms.
His low voice said, “Sleeping in the hallway?”
“Monster wouldn’t let me into my room. She clawed the hell out of me. Blood is still on my sweats.”
He looked at her cuff. “Bad kitty.”
Monster purred.
Haley muttered, “Traitor.”
He chuckled and held her. “I think she knows we are used to this.”
“Not with bodies. Just our spirits.”