Page 76 of Bound by Adoration
Raid did immediately. He turned and grasped Liam and kissed him hard. Liam kissed him right back.
And this was going to be our happy ending.
The Clubhouse
Cheers went up as several stood, clapping and cheering. Raid was the first one to grab Liam, wrap his arms around him, then kiss him. Whoops and hollers extended the noise, and judging from the smiles on everyone’s faces, happiness bloomed.
Liam was left breathless as Raid pulled away. He adjusted Liam’s black leather cut, the one he’d be wearing for the next year. Unless Cruz allowed him to join earlier. Given the man’s career, it would probably be a year.
The Ravage MC was all about loyalty, trust, and family. Sure, technically their family was wonky, but whose the hells wasn’t? They’d built an entire life around the club and this family. Each one would do anything for the other. Not to mention protect their women with a fierceness no one could match.
These walls had seen a lot of things over the years. Presidents had come and gone. Deaths. Love. Happiness. It was days like these that were the best. Everyone smiling, joking, razing one another, and including others into their fold.
The family here kept expanding.
Liam was bombarded by the other men and women here tonight. Lots of congratulations and get ready to clean the toilets jabs. His reaction to the toilets was priceless. Fear. Shock. Disgust. All of it which he should have. Especially when it was taco night here. Those were rough nights.
Nyx wrapped her arms around Liam and kissed him hard as Raid came up behind them and wrapped them in his arms.
No one had anything to say about their unconventional relationship. Nothing else would be expected from this group of heathens.
Raid had said that love is love.
That was what they had. Love.
Now Liam had to prove himself hands down with the club. He’d do it. He loved Raid and Nyx and would do anything for them. But it was more than that. Liam wanted to be a part of the club. He appeared to crave it. Wanted it. That was the secret sauce for joining here.
He’d be just fine.
Two hours later, the beer was flowing, shots were downed, and dancing had resumed. Nyx was laughing with Austyn and Indie who pulled her onto the dance floor and began dancing seductively. The laughter bubbling up from them could be heard over the music.
They swayed. Then got one behind the other and started grinding against one another with Nyx in the middle.
A few moments later, Ryker, Ax, Raid and Liam barged through and grabbed their women continuing the dance, hands all over one another. Nyx was sandwiched between the two men who would touch each other as they moved to the beat.
Love. Laughter. Family. That was what Ravage was about.
My hands shook as we entered the vault room at the bank. While the key was nowhere to be found, I ultimately had access, and therefore the bank was going to open the box. They were supposed to give me a key, but all I wanted was to see what was inside the box.
From the video, there was a box inside that I knew, but anything else, I had no idea.
But I would soon.
Raid and Liam were behind me, and the smell of disinfectant wafted to my nose.
Moving to the small table, we all stood around it. “Ma’am, would you like me to open it?” the guy from the bank asked. I had to bring papers to prove my ownership here, and it was a pain in my ass when they kept having me go back and get new information.
But now it was finally time.