Page 37 of Cody
“Who taught you how to drive a manual?”
“She did. Her father taught her.”
“I have a feeling I’d like her.”
Addison laughed. “You would. She does not mince words and damn the consequences.”
Cody chuckled as he led her from the car and into the barn. He waited a few seconds to let their eyes adjust, then led her toward the stalls.
“This is Rosy. She’s a quarter horse, about sixteen hands, and sweet as can be.” He stuck his hand through the bars on the gate and the horse walked toward him. “Aren’t you, girl?”
Addison reached out and rubbed the horse’s nose.
“Hi, Rosy. You are so beautiful.”
“She’s what’s known as a chocolate palomino.”
“She just gorgeous with that golden mane against her dark coat.”
“Let me get the tack, and I’ll get her saddled for you.”
“Okay. I’ll be here, talking to Rosy.”
Cody strode to the tack room, picked up the blanket and saddle, then walked back to the stall. He entered it, hooked a lead to Rosy’s halter, then led her out. He changed the halter to a bridle and saddled the horse.
“Let me get my horse ready, then I’ll help you up.”
After getting his horse saddled, he led him out into the aisle and wrapped the reins around a rail.
“He’s beautiful,” Addison said, as she looked at the horse.
“He’s spoiled rotten.” Cody patted the horse’s neck.
“What’s his name?”
“Rio. He’s a six-year-old, American Paint.”
“His blue eyes are so pretty.”
Cody walked toward her.
“As I’ll ever be.”
After helping her onto the saddle, he adjusted the stirrups for her, then looked up at her.
“Does that feel all right? Your feet should be resting comfortably on the stirrups. No pressure, just rest them because if you put pressure on them, you’ll bounce too much.”
“It feels fine.”
“Okay. Let me get on Rio, then I’ll show you what’s next.” He walked to his horse, got into the saddle, and nudged the horse to move. When he reached her, he could see she was scared.
“Just relax. Rosy will feel your tension. If you relax, she’ll relax. Now, just nudge her a little bit with your heels, and she’ll go. Lightly hold the reins, and she’ll follow Rio. Okay?”
Cody watched as she touched her heels to the horse’s flanks and Rosy started walking. He did the same to Rio and they rode out of the barn. He glanced over his shoulder to see her behind him, with a smile on her beautiful face.