Page 38 of Cody
They rode to the gate of the west pasture, where he stopped, and turned in the saddle to look at her.
“Those are some of my bulls,” he said, pointing to the field where several of his bulls grazed.
“How many do you have?”
“Six. The other three are at an event in Wyoming. I was going to go but I have to run the ranch until I get a manager. I sent one of my ranch hands this time.”
“That wire holds them in there?”
“Better than wood fencing. They can tear that down in no time. The wire keeps them in there. They touch those barbs once, and they stay away.”
“I see.” She shook her head. “Why would anyone get on one of those things?”
“The excitement of it.”
“That’s not the kind of excitement I’d want.”
“It can be hard on a body. I’m glad I’m done with it. I enjoy raising the bulls.”
“How long have you been raising them?”
“Just two years, but since I was known around the bull riding industry, I was able to make the right connections.”
“I’m glad something good came out of you being tossed around on one of those.”
Cody chuckled. Some people would never understand the pull of it. There were days he did miss it, but not the pain he had to endure at times.
As they rode through the pasture, he gazed around. He was happy that he decided to buy the property. The house was a little too big for one person, but he hoped to have a family one day. He just needed to meet the right woman.
He looked over his shoulder at Addison. Was it possible she could be the one? He liked her a lot already. She was not only beautiful, but had a fantastic sense of humor, and a thriving career. He’d love to see where this could go between them.
Addison glanced around at the lush, green fields. The sun shining down felt wonderful on her face as she raised it to feel the rays. It was such a beautiful day, and she was happy to be spending it with Cody.
She followed behind him, keeping her eyes on his broad back. The T-shirt he wore stretched tight across it. She’d bet he had a great body. Wriggling in the seat, she knew not to think of him that way. Sure, she’d love to go over every inch of him, but she wasn’t quite ready for that. Would she ever be? The thought of being with another man made her hyperventilate. What if she disappointed him? God! What if he disappointed her?
“You need to shut up,” she muttered.
“What?” Cody stopped his horse and turned in the saddle to look at her.
“Nothing. Just talking to myself.”
He nodded, then nudged the horse to go and she did the same.
After an hour, he turned them back toward the house.
“I don’t want you to get sore. Horseback riding uses a lot of muscles. I have some salve you can take home if you’d like. Apply it after a shower or bath.” He raised an eyebrow. “I could put that on for you.”
Addison narrowed her eyes, then laughed when she saw him trying not to laugh.
“You’re a real comedian, Haines.”
He chuckled. “Just trying to help.”
Addison shook her head and laughed. Men.
After returning to the barn, Cody showed her how to cool the horse, then he led her into the house.