Page 12 of Rhodie
“Thanks Rhodie” I hand him back his cut and I see Marx raise an eyebrow behind him. “Right, sorry about that. Freaking out and freezing up isn’t very tattooed bad bitch of me”. I huff out a laugh to settle the alpha men in the room, but no one laughs at my joke. Dammmnnn, tough crowd. I take my seat back where I was before.
“Dayz, what did you mean when you said Alan wasn’t alone? I thought you couldn’t remember anything that happened that night?” I see the concern on August’s face.
“Usually I remember nothing other than the ambulance people cleaning blood off me. But something must have triggered in the ole dome. Brains are weird like that.” I shrug my shoulders and get my thoughts into some semblance of order.
“I remember there being another voice in the house, not just Alans. It was a man, thick accent, and he kept saying over and over ‘Where is your niece?’.” I look around at the men in the room before landing on my brother “I don’t think Mom and Dad were the targets. I think the Voronovs were and, for whatever reason, the intel was bad.” I watch as Marx comes further into the room, a frown on his face and his enormous arms crossed over his chest as he leans his weight against the far wall.
“So, we can surmise that Kraykowski, or whoever he works for, may have wanted Katya, your old girlfriend-” he tips his head towards Rhodie
“I wouldn’t call her my girlfriend as such. We were kinda friendly, hung out, went on a few dates..”
“Sounds a lot like a girlfriend,” I hear Wire mumble before I see Rhodie try to kick out at Wire’s leg. Wire just smirks and flips him the bird.
“Well, whatever you want to call it, little brother. So they want Katya, decide to go rough up her aunt and uncle who brought her here with them. Instead, end up at the wrong address and get the Tombs. That tracking about, right?” Marx lifts his brow towards my brother and me.
“Sounds about right to me. I guess we need to find out why the hell he wanted Katya. If even Rhodie wasn’t overly sure about his relationship status with this girl, why is Kraykowski now interested, almost 18 years later?” August speaks into the room. This conundrum is really conundruming. Which sucks harder than a $2 hooker on a Sunday and my brain is too fried to even think properly at this stage.
“Argh! My brain isn’t working up to full speed yet, guys. But once I get her up and running like the fine tuned machine she is, I’m sure I’ll be able to figure this all out. God, it must suck to be walking around with stupid normal people’s brains,” I say this mainly to myself, but I notice that when I look up there are a few amused looks aimed my way.
“Mr President, do you mind if I borrow your kitchen for a bit?” Marx’s eyebrows hit his hairline before he lets out a long sigh
“I know for a fact I don’t want to know what you’re up to, but sure, be my guest. Rhodie and Wire? You’re on Tuesday duty. August, if you would like to follow me, we can continue on with our business, if you’re comfortable with your sister being left with my men?”
August looks at me before letting out a snort
“Marx, she’ll be fine. It’s them I worry about” he pats me on the head before following Marx out the door. I look up to see two sets of eyes looking back at me.
“To the kitchen, fellas! I’ve got to fuel this brain and nothing helps me think better than baking.”
“Baking? Like you can do that? Make cookies and shit? We haven’t had fresh-baked cookies since your mom, Rhodie! Fuck Tuesday, lead the way, girl!” Wire jumps up and waits for me to exit first, Rhodie bringing up the rear with an inquisitive look on his face.
“Come on Big Man, tell me your favorite cookies and I’ll see what I can do. ”
“Chocolate chip. I like them simple” The faraway look in his eyes makes him look like a little kid. This is something I can give him as a thank you for lending me his cut so I could regroup. Thanks to Wire as well. I’ve never really had a lot of friends growing up, because of weirdness, I guess.
Don’t get me wrong, my brothers love me, but non related company is a little sparse. I’ve never really had girlfriends, or guy friends, but here at the MC, they just seem to accept me. And maybe even like me. At the very least, they seem to not be bothered by my quirks, and I like that.
I ask Wire and Rhodie to pull out all the ingredients I need, as I’m not sure where they all live and we all get settled at the long stainless steel workbench. Even though I’m in an MC kitchen, it looks nothing like I would have pictured. I figured the place would look more like a gross frat house, but this thing is top of the range, complete with two double ovens and all the equipment you’d expect in a commercial kitchen.
I bark orders to the guys and before long we are in the swing of things, measuring, mixing, getting baking sheets ready, and the first batches go into the ovens, timer set. My head jerks up when an incredibly pungent smell heads my way.
“Jesus hell, what is that smell?” I pull the sides of my cardi together and button it up in front of my nose to block the sickly sweet, cloying smell of perfume. By the time my makeshift mask is complete, I look up to find two women, one bleach blonde and one fire engine red with very little clothing on and very tall hair.
“Who the hell are you?” The blonde one who looks exactly like a praying mantis hisses out at me.
“Oh hey, I’m Tuesday.”
“So? Who the hell are you, and why are you here?”
“Um, I’m pretty certain I answered that when I said ‘Oh hey, I’m Tuesday.” I hear manly sniggering behind me before Rhodie says, “Stop being a bitch, Whitney. If you don’t need anything, head back on out to the common room and find someone else to annoy.” The so-called Whitney narrows her eyes at me and glares for a moment before turning giant, fake, innocent eyes to Rhodie.
“Aw, but baby, I was looking for you. I thought you might want to spend some time with me and Monica, its been months since you last fucked us.” she blinks up at him and I can’t help but snort inside my cardi. Her over mascaraed lashes are flapping about like she has some type of hairy caterpillar stuck in them fighting for his life. She whirls around and jabs a finger in my direction.
“What the fuck are you laughing at, bitch?” she screeches in my direction and I can’t help but jump a little at the sheer volume and pitch this woman reaches.
“Umm, I was just mesmerized by your lashes. Flapping about like that. It’s really rather hypnotizing. I can see why the guys would be into them. Did you know it’s actually referred to as aggressive mimicry? In the animal kingdom, predators use this type of ploy to lure its prey, usually promising sex. Of course, it never works out well for the prey and the predator sucks the life out of them, but it really is fascinating to see such aggressive mimicry at work in an MC clubhouse.” Before I can stop myself, I leave the room and head out to see Marx, interrupting business between him and my brother.
“Hey Marx, quick question. This place is an absolute hotbed of sexual and animal behaviors. Do you mind if I hang out here now and then to observe the inner workings?” He just stares at me through squinty eyes and mumbles, “What the fuck?” before looking at my brother. August is no help because he too also looks a little confused. Before I can open my mouth to argue my case, we all hear raised voices coming from the kitchen. The three of us head that way in time to hear Rhodie saying,