Page 13 of Rhodie
“Tuesday is not a bitch. She’s a fucking genius and in a completely different class to you whores.” I walk through the door behind Marx and my giant brother and they come to a stop side by side, blocking my view, so I have to bend a little and peer through a gap between my brother’s arm and his side. Thank god he never skips arm day and his arms sit a little way out from his body. I see Wire wrap his hands around both Whiney and Monica’s upper arms before manhandling them out of the kitchen. “Tuesday is 100x the woman either of you are. Find someone else to fuck, because me and Rhodie aren’t putting up with your shit tonight. “
I shove through the wall of man to apologize
“Aw shit guys, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to rub them up the wrong way or anything. Don’t deny your dicks for me! I’m all good. I should have kept my science facts to myself. Sorry.” I hang my head because these people are becoming my friends. I feel kinda like I have a chicken flapping about in my tummy when I think of them sticking up for me. No one outside of my family has ever done that before. But at the same time, I don’t want them to ruin their sex lives over me. They have to live here, not me. I’m only wanting to visit to people watch. Wire comes back into the room to hear the end of my monologue and throws a meaty arm over my shoulder, leading me back to the bench.
“It’s all good girl, no one talks about my buddy like that. “
Rhodie frowns at Wire’s arm but nods in agreement.
“Damn straight. You and your family have business with us, and frankly we like you, even if you are a little ‘eccentric’ sometimes,” Marx growls out. I don’t think I’ve ever heard this man not growl. The timer beeps in the background and I get my ass into gear to take the cookies out of the oven. The delicious smell wafts out and by the time I’ve placed them on the bench to cool and look up, I see instead of the 5 of us, there is now half the MC gathered in the kitchen.
“Holy fuck, are those cookies?” I look over and see Rider looking hungrily at them. Before he can reach for one, Wire lunges across the room and slaps his hand.
“Hands off fucker! They’re ours. Chewy made them for us!”
“Well, I mean, I made them to get my brain working, but yeah, sure. Wait, did you just call me Chewy?”
“Sure did. Tuesday is just too long, and you needed a nickname. So Chewy it is. Get it? Like Chewsday?”
“Um, you know that has the same number of syllables, right?” I squint up at him and Rhodie, who are both wearing big smiles.
“Yeah, we know. But we both agreed it was a cute name, and we can’t call you Dayz. That’s what your brothers call you. So Chewy it is,” Rhodie shrugs his shoulders and then slaps a cookie out of Rider’s hand “Back off fucker!” He growls out.
“Hey guys, with the amount of dough we measured out, we have enough for about 120 cookies. Maybe we can share?” I look around at them and a smile splits Wire’s face.
“Well, shit. Better get onto the next batch then Chewy,” I smile up at my new friends. I’ve never had anyone give me a friend’s nickname before. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been called all sorts of things, but no one outside of my family has called me something like an endearment. I’m finding I’m really liking it here. I smile to myself and set about working on the next batch with my friends. I’ll sort out the Kraykowski mystery later.
Watching Tuesday navigate these men is amusing. She has never been anything other than herself. It was important to our parents, hell important to me and my brothers, that she never felt different or small because of the way she is. Is she a pain in the ass? Of course she fucking is.
There have been times in the past where no matter how much we have tried to prepare her for situations or drilled manners into her, she’s made things infinitely worse because of her lack of filter or her inquisitiveness. The only reason she hasn’t been sent to prison is because of our protection. My little sister is absolutely brilliant, if not a little psychotic.
Marx and I grab a couple of cookies and head back out into the main room. We settle into the corner table where we have been unsuccessfully trying to come up with a plan to protect not only his brother Rhodie and the MC, but also my sister. Because I know her, and she is already wrapped up in whatever the fuck is going on here, and she won’t stop until it’s done.
“Right, so with the extra security you and your brothers have put in, we should be a lot safer than we have been. I’ve got more men rotating on the perimeter and Wire’s looking into anything he can find online. Now that we know that Kraykowski’s men found Alan’s body, it won’t take long for him to figure out what happened to him.” I nod my head at him before adding,
“You’ve also got Tuesday and her skill set as well. With this whole Katya thing, I’m sure she’ll be like a dog with a bone. I just can’t figure out why anyone would want to look into Rhodie now.”
“Rhodie was in the military when your parents were murdered, and I’d say whatever he had with Katya was well over by then. But yeah, seems like a weird fucking coincidence,”
“Tuesday would say there is no such thing as a coincidence. If worse comes to worst, I have another contact who can work cyber magic, but unlike Tuesday who prefers to stay a white hat, my contact is happy to dabble on the dark web if needed.” Marx frowns for a bit.
“I didn’t know there was a difference when it comes to hacking?”
“There isn’t usually. I mean, it’s still hacking. Tuesday doesn’t really like the dark web, said it’s full of the worst of humanity and far too many people for her to kill without getting caught, so she stays away. If she has to go there, she will, like when she helped Wire with the sex trafficking cases.” Marx nods his head.
“We appreciated the help on that one.” He signals the Prospect to bring us both a beer. His face is giving away his worry, and if I’m being honest, there isn’t really much I can do to ease that. I’m worried as fuck about my little sister, because even though she isn’t great with people, when she attaches herself to something or someone, she is fierce in her protection. The way she already seems friendly with Rhodie and Wire is giving me some concern. Enough to have texted Jules and Tav to let them know what’s been happening here. They weren’t happy when I told them to stand down. The last thing Tuesday needs is all three of us breathing down her neck. That’ll just piss her off. I open my beer and take a long swig before wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.
“Look Marx, if I can speak freely, I’m fucking worried about my sister. The fact that tonight is the first time in 17, almost 18, years that she’s actually remembered shit from that night worries me. What else does she know? What else hasn’t been unlocked?” He studies my face for a while.
“Can’t you just ask her? Perhaps maybe get her some therapy?”
“If it was that easy, we wouldn’t be in this position. She saw no less than 9 therapists as a kid and no one could get anything out of her. Her psychologist said that someone on the spectrum like Tuesday can compartmentalize everything. So she put it all in a box and moved on with her life. But now…” I let out a sigh. Tav and Jules have been blowing up my phone since I told them about her shutdown and new memory and I feel bad not talking to them about it, but I have a feeling that Marx knows what it’s like to worry about his family, his men. He understands the need to protect and plan and put his needs last. He rubs his hand down his beard for a moment.
“Tuesday is basically a genius, right?” I nod. “I imagine she knows more about science and shit than the average person. So maybe those therapists weren’t clever enough. Or maybe they were too sterile. I’m guessing she’s seen loads of Drs and shit in her time? If you combine that with her ‘special abilities’, you’re looking at someone that is a fuck of a lot different from the usual therapy client.” I nod my head “Go on,”
“What about someone who has seen the worst of humanity? Someone who has also tortured for the greater good?”