Page 14 of Rhodie

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Page 14 of Rhodie

“I’m not sure if Rhodie would be a suitable candidate, not with their fledgling friendship or whatever is going on there.” I see Marx tilt his head at me, understanding in his eyes. I think we both can see the interest our siblings have in each other. Well, Rhodie definitely, Tuesday won’t know until one of us spells it out to her.

“Not Rhodie. My ole man, Mad Dog. Was military then enforcer before he was the Prez, has had to make a lot of hard calls and put down a lot of scum. He’s good at lending an ear and a lot of the guys with PTSD have all sat with him at different times to sort through their shit. Tuesday seems to be comfortable around men. Might be a good fit.” I let his words run through my mind and I have to admit, the idea sounds like a good one.

“Shit man, that might just work. You think your dad will be down for that?” Marx looks up from where he’s been texting.

“Done. He’ll be here tomorrow around 4pm if you want to bring her in then.” I nod my appreciation and he tips his chin up as we both understand what we each would do to take care of our family. I get up to stand and hold my hand out to shake.

“Right, Prez, thanks for all your help. I better get my pain in the ass little sister, and hit the road. After a shutdown and the adrenaline that follows it, she’ll be getting tired soon. Will probably sleep for 12 hours or so, so I should get her home.” I head back into the kitchen to find Tuesday waning. She’s slumped over on the bar stool, taking really long blinks but still trying to keep up the banter with Rhodie, Wire, and now Rider.

“Come on sleepy head, I better get you home to bed.” She looks up at me, lets out a sigh, and heaves herself up off the stool. I was right. She’s exhausted.

“Don’t worry, little one, you can come back anytime you like.” Rider smiles down at her. Wire comes up to hug her and I don’t miss the growl that comes out of Rhodie. Rider and Wire both smirk in his direction, but he ignores them as he stands and gives her a gentle kiss on the top of her head. She stares up at him with squinty eyes before shrugging and huffing out a breath and shaking herself more awake.

“Don’t worry, Dayz, you’re coming back tomorrow. Mad Dog, the old Prez, wants to have a chat with you, so I’ll bring you back then.” She doesn’t say anything, just nods and lifts my arm, snuggling into my side as I walk her out to the car. I help her in and yet again curse why the fuck none of us got running boards put onto our SUVs so she could get in and out. Shutting the door behind her, I wave out to the men who have followed us out, Rhodie, Wire, Rider, and Marx. I throw up my chin as I get in the car and head home.

I look over at my sister, her messy bun flopping around as her head bobs in the moving vehicle. Her eyes are closed and I can tell by her breathing that she isn’t quite asleep just yet.

“Do you want to talk about what happened back there?”

“Which part? Me remembering stuff or me being weird and ruining the guys’ sexy times for tonight?”

“Whichever part bothers you the most?” I could tell that something had upset her. She’s so good at wearing a mask with people, but when you know her and know her insecurities, she’s easy to read.

“Sometimes I don’t wanna be different, or special, you know? Sometimes I just want to be a normal lady with a normal brain that probably doesn’t store random facts and stuff.”

“Yeah, but if you were a normal lady, then you wouldn’t be able to help all the people that you have helped, Dayz. The kids and women that you’ve kept safe. You’ve been able to do that because you’re you.” She smiles up at me with her crooked grin before snorting.

“That’s right. I’m a mother fucking boss!” I chuckle as I drive toward her little house on the back of our property, nestled between mine and Tav’s place.

“Yeah, a total badass bitch that lives in a cartoon house.” I see her glare from the corner of my eye.

“Whatever dick bag,” she says, unbuckling herself as I pull to a stop in front of her impressive collection of Marvel Super Hero gnomes. She jumps out of the SUV and turns to look at me. “I love you, Gussy. Thank you for always looking after me.”

“Love you too, Dayzy” I watch her walk up onto her porch and unlock her bright yellow door, turn on her lights, and wave to me through her front window before I drive to my house a few hundred feet away. My mind echoed the last words Marx said to me before we left “Take care of that sister of yours, I feel like she’s going to be someone important to all of us”. I couldn’t agree more.

Chapter 7


Iquickly check the time on the wall and yell out to Rider that it’s time to pack it in. Walking over to the washbasin, I try to scrub the grease off my hands. I’m thankful that when I got home, after getting out of the military, and had no idea what I was going to do with my life, my brother had the foresight to purchase an old, run-down mechanic shop. Yeah, it took a while and a lot of hard fucking work to get it up and running, but now it’s a big money-maker for the club. A lot of the town are loyal customers, coming to get their cars worked on, and it means that we always have space to tune up our bikes and whatever other vehicles we have at the club.

To say today has dragged would be an understatement. I think we are all a little on edge over the current state of things, and even though we now know the link between me and Chewy’s family, there are still a shit ton of questions left unanswered. I snigger a little, thinking of the nickname Wire and I gave her.

I’m so eager to get back to the compound that I leave Rider to lock up; that’ll teach him to be a slow bastard. It’s almost 4 pm and I’m eager to see Tuesday. Marx let me know that he’s called in Dad’s help. Maybe he can help unlock some of the shit in her head. I get that she’s wired differently, but the thing about PTSD is it doesn’t give a shit who you are. Chances are she has some trauma from when she was a kid, and that is some shit we need to wade through to hopefully get answers.

But it’s more than just wanting to know what she knows. I want to be there with her when she talks to my old man. I don’t know what it is about her, but I have a fucked up feeling inside my chest like it gets tight just thinking about her. I didn’t think I’d ever want a woman to settle down with and have kids, but there’s something about Chewy that intrigues me. But I’m not thinking too deeply about it just yet.

Pulling into the yard, I see two SUVs with the Tombs Security logo on them and a beat-up pickup truck that I’ve never seen before. Walking into the common room, I can hear Marx barking at someone and a rough voice barking right back.

“Listen here you fucker, I don’t care who you’re the President of. That’s my grandbaby and I will be wherever the fuck I want to be where she is concerned. “

I walk into the room and see a short, stocky older man with a deep tan and white hair combed military style standing toe to toe with Marx even though Marx stands about a foot taller. I take in the rest of the men in the room and note that none of the Tombs brothers seem to be overly worried.

Tav has a grin on his face, August is smirking, and as per usual Jules is blank-faced with a raised eyebrow. I swing my gaze around to find Chewy and when I do; I notice she is also unbothered by the goings-on. She’s wearing what looks to be spray-on jeans and I can’t wait to catch a glimpse of the back of her. She also has on a t-shirt with Willie Nelson on the front and her look is topped off with a pair of platform Chucks. Shit, she’s cute. She’s perched her little ass on a bar stool, swinging her legs back and forth drinking some girly looking drink that the prospect must have made her.

“Listen, old man, I get that you’re concerned for Tuesday’s wellbeing. But I’m telling you, Mad Dog knows what the fuck he is doing, and she will be safe with us-”

“You better watch it, Skid Marx, otherwise I’ll light your ass up!”

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