Page 43 of Rhodie
Roman looks up from his intense conversation with Katya, her frowning at him, Sasha shaking his head, looking none too happy with whatever is going on.
“It’s been confirmed. Ushakov is dead. My associate says he’s been dead for a week. His business dealings are left up in the air with no leader. I’ll be loading up and taking Lexi with me as soon as I can arrange it, she is the heir since Katya denounced him.” He straightens his lapels and looks directly at Marx.
“I can trust you’ll take care of business here for me? I would hate for anything to impede Lexi’s birthright, and that includes whatever Kraykowski has going on.”
“You never needed protection, did you? You were here simply to make sure Ushakov and Kraykowski were taken out, one way or another. Am I right?”
“Now, now, that’s not the only reason I was here. I needed to know that I could work with you. I’ll need contacts here that I can trust with some of the, shall we say, darker parts of my business whilst I help Lexi settle in Russia. She’s been training for this moment all of her life. Sasha, can you tell our daughter to pack her things? We’ll be wheels up as soon as it can be arranged.” Sasha shakes his head at Roman, clearly disagreeing with this turn of events, and leaves to find his stepdaughter. Every one of my brothers and Chewy’s brothers are looking at Roman a little differently. Did we trust him? Not fully knowing he had something up his sleeve, but we didn’t think he was going to infiltrate us purely so he could use us as his minions.
“She’s not here. Phone and ID are in her room, but her knives are gone.”
“Roman, I’ll deal with your bullshit later. Looks like we have two women who don’t know how to listen. Load up whatever you can, DRMC on bikes, Tombs and Pops will be in the SUVs sending out coordinates. Mount up!”
Marx circles his finger in the air, and we all head out as a unified team. Even Roman and his men get into their saloon car, waiting for further instruction. As much as I want to be in the SUV with Chewy’s brothers, I mount my bike and rev the engine, the rumble below me doing wonders to calm my nerves. I need to hold it together, get rid of all emotion until this shit is done. I hear Marx’s voice over the Bluetooth in my helmet and lead my brothers through the club gates tucked close behind the SUVs. Hold on, I’m coming, baby.
“Lex, saloon car coming up. Been past 3 times now” I throw my head back and laugh, Lexi following my lead. After Pops went out and got himself kidnapped, Lexi and I figured Kraykowski’s men surely aren’t dumb enough to fall for the kidnapping ruse a second time. Instead, we hijacked one of my brother’s cars and decided to get coffee, sitting at one of the outside tables at a cafe on Main Street. To anyone else, we just look like two girlfriends catching up, having a gossip. Little do they know we are both tooled up, knives in our boots and at our backs, blades hidden in our bras, and both of us are wearing defender rings. Lexi and I keep our eyes open, surveilling our surroundings and chatting about nothing for a few more minutes before Lexi spots them.
“Yup, two headed our way. By the looks of it, both have guns. Neither looks wary of us.” Lexi’s wide grin doesn’t quite match her words and I fake laugh once again. A shadow casts over us as both men box us in, one on each side of our table. The one closest to me places his hand on the table and leans over me.
“Get up. You bitches are coming with us. We’ve been looking for you for a long time.” I feel the barrel of his gun press against my soft stomach. I have to use all my strength to keep my hands in my lap, and not grab the knife on the table and jab it into his fat hand.
“No, please, what do you want with us?” I look up at him with wide eyes. I can hear Lexi quietly crying across from me. The man on her side already has his hand wrapped around her bicep and is pulling her out of her chair. My goon jabs me with his gun and I get up, pretending to be the scared girl they’re expecting.
We get manhandled to the car we spotted earlier, and we both get slammed up against the side whilst Bad Guy No. 1 walks around and opens the trunk. Yeah, that’s not gonna work for us. Lexi and I had already decided we would take these guys out fast, and then I can hack their phones to find out where they’re taking us. I look at my partner in crime and quick as lightning, her leg kicks out, taking out the knee of the guy holding us at gunpoint. She lunges forward, grabbing the wrist holding the gun, angling it away from her as she slams it down on her knee, breaking his arm. He yells out to his friend, but I’ve already gotten my dagger from my boot and brought it up into the soft part under his chin. He’s gurgling and scratching as I pull it out and slice across his throat. I turn to find that Lexi has also just dispatched her bad guy with a knife to the eyeball.
We look at each other, slightly winded, and laugh as we high-five. Thankfully Bad Guys No. 1 and 2 parked in an alley, so we search their pockets for their phones, then dump their bodies behind a dumpster and cover them with alley crap. It’s what they deserve, really.
We pile into their car and before Lexi can hand me the cell phones; I turn the key to light up the SatNav.
“Keep the phone, Lex. Looks like these guys are dumber than we thought.” SatNav shows us exactly where they’ve been the past three weeks, the prime location being a set of warehouses the next town over. I look at Lex, who puts on her seatbelt, the sunglasses of one of the dead guys, and turns the stereo right up. Looks like we’re set.
We drive by the warehouses to get the lay of the land. Lexi and I agree to park up a few streets over and then go in on foot. We had time to call my brothers but decided against it because who am I kidding? We all know that once Rhodie figured out I was no longer on the premises, he and my brothers would have been tracking me. The way I figure it, they’re probably only half an hour or so behind us, giving us plenty of time for recon.
“Right, so by the looks of it, the trunk is full of goodies for us. Two guns each, complete with Kevlar vests, so I say we suit up.” I nod in agreement with Lexi.
She’s an awesome kid, way more advanced than I was at her age, so I’m happy that she has my back and I have hers. We slip on vests that are way too big on our bodies, but they’ll do the trick in the meantime. I tuck two of the guns in the back of my pants, my knife situated in the middle of my back, guns on either side. Lexi has at least a dozen blades on her. It turns out she’s a talented knife thrower. I am so going to get her to train me up when we get back.
Once we’re set, we look at each other, grins spreading over both of our faces. We fist bump and then make our way closer to the warehouses. From what I can see, there is one that seems to have a couple of guys loitering outside it. I’m guessing this is our target, as it also has lights on the inside.
“Where the fuck are they? They said they had the girls and would be back.”
“How the hell should I know? We’ve been waiting on Kraykowski for further instruction and nothing. Kovalev will be here soon and he’s going to lose his shit if we don’t have everything ready.” Lexi and I look at each other, wide-eyed. Well, well, well, looks like we’re about to hit the mother load. Who the hell is Kovalev?
The guys resume bitching about being left in the dark and what the hell they’re going to do as Lexi and I stick to the shadows and creep ever closer. I slide my knife from my boot, ready to do what’s needed to get into the building when the cigarette butt of one guy goes sailing past my face.
“Fuck it. I need a beer. Those bitches are all secure. They’re not getting outta there without us. Let’s head to that titty bar around the corner. I’m sick of lookout duty. 10 minutes off-site won’t matter, we’ll go in and check the product when we get back.” I watch as he storms off, then flick my gaze to see what his partner is going to do. He looks back at the warehouse, then shrugs his shoulders and follows his buddy. Jeez, Kraykowski needs a better vetting program. The guys he recruits are shit. My head jerks up when I hear the door creak open and I watch as Lexi makes sure the path is clear. She gives me a thumbs up and I follow her in.
The smell hits me before anything else: excrement, rotting food, and body odor. I can hear someone quietly crying and another person consoling them. I look around and see cages on either side of the room we’re in, the dim lighting allowing me to see at least 15 women all up.
“Who the fuck are you?” A raspy voice grits out to my left. I turn to look that way and see a beautiful woman standing with her head held high and hands fisted at her sides. She’s in better condition than some of the others, so I’m guessing she’s one of the latest women taken.
“Are you Natalie? Savages ol lady?” She tilts her head before gritting out,
“Who’s asking?”
I clear my throat