Page 44 of Rhodie
“I’m Tuesday, Rhodie from Devils Rose MC is my, um, well, I’m not sure. But we’re here to get you outta here.”
She looks us up and down before I hear her suck air through her teeth.
“Why should we trust you?” This is a fair enough question. I mean, I know what Lexi and I together look like. We look like we couldn’t fight our way out of a paper bag.
“Because we have Kraykowski rotting at the DRMC compound. Because we are both on his bullshit auction list, and I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I’m cut out for being the sex slave of an old, fat dude.” I shrug my shoulders at her. I watch as a smile breaks out across her face.
“Alright, then Rhodie’s Whatever. Get us outta here.”
Chapter 21
I’ve been white-knuckling this ride the entire way since I heard Marx’s voice over Bluetooth telling me she was in Roxwell, the next town over. I’m definitely going to tan that ass of hers once I get her home, but first I have to grovel at her tiny feet for her to give me another chance. I’ve taken on board the advice everyone gave me, which was basically “Stop being a dumb fuck” and I get it, I really do. Chewy has been living her life, this life, since well before I met her. She can handle herself in ways that I’ll never understand and my overbearing ass has convinced her I think less of her than Lexi and Katya, which is just not true, but that’s something I’m going to have to prove to her.
“She’s at the warehouses on sixth. She went on foot, and Tav tracked the SUV two blocks over on Hale. We’re going to pull in and Savage and his SAA will meet us there. Over,”
I point my bike in that direction and let the rumble of the engine lull me into the state I need to be in.
My MC brothers and I all pull in, backing our bikes into a line behind the Tombs Security SUV. We hear the rumble of more bikes and within moments Savage and his Sergeant Dex pull in and park, Savage heading over to talk tactics with Marx.
“Gather round fuckers. We’re about an hour behind the girls, so we don’t know what we’re walking into yet. I want small teams going in. Rider, Rhodie, and Gus, you’re with me. Dex with your Pres. Tav and Jules, you’re with the vehicles and any surveillance you can hack. The two prospects are bringing the vans to transport the women. Ana and Katya will be with them to help settle the women. They’ll be untrusting of men, and rightly so. Mad Dog and Wire are on compound watch and Roman will be doing whatever the fuck shady deals the Bratva does. The rest of you brothers, fan out and watch our backs.” Marx checks his guns, as do the rest of us, then hands out the earpieces we’ll need to communicate. Once we’re suited up, we walk the short distance to the warehouses, my brothers fanning out around the perimeter on watch.
Our two teams get closer to the building and a quick survey we did shows there is no one on the main door, which is weird, but fuck it, if they’re too dumb to tighten up security, that’s their problem. Marx uses hand signals to point Savage to the rear door as our team heads straight to the main door. We plaster ourselves along the front wall and I check to see if the door is locked. The handle moves freely, so I turn it, using the barrel of my gun to push the door gently forward. It’s silent inside with very little light.
I turn back to my brothers, flick my head toward the door, and crouch lower, whilst Rider comes up behind, his gun over my head, ready to fire if needed. We move slowly forward, my gun out in front, then me following carefully in behind until I feel something press against my temple. I stop dead in my tracks, Rider pausing as well.
“Freeze motherfucker” I hear a feminine voice whisper in my ear before the lights go up, blinding me momentarily.
“What the hell, Rhodie?! We could have killed you!” I blink the light spots out of my eyes and see Chewy standing in the middle of the room, hands on her hips.
“Lexi, what the fuck!?” I hear Rider growl out. I spin my head and see Lexi was the voice behind the gun, positioned right beside the door, ready to shoot anyone who dared enter. She smirks up at Rider before shrugging her shoulders, dropping her arm holding the gun, moving to stand beside Chewy, and walking past a cage that looks to hold two unconscious or maybe even dead men.
I’ve stood here staring at my girl long enough. I eat up the space between us until I pull her into my arms. She stiffens slightly, but I’m not letting her go just yet. Marx comes storming in but stops abruptly as we hear gentle shushing noises. Looking behind Chewy, I can see women huddled together in a bunch, with another woman standing with her head held high, jaw clenched tight in the middle of the group.
“NAT!” She spins to her right and I watch her face crumble as Savage runs towards her and scoops her up before she hits the ground, her head tucked under his chin. He looks toward our group before giving us a nod.
“I owe you a marker, Marx.” Natalie lifts her head, scoffing
“They did nothing. Tuesday and Lexi are the ones that came in, got us out of those cages, and took out those two guards. If anything, you owe these two a marker.” Chewy steps out of my arms to bump knuckles with Natalie. I watch Savage look over my woman and growl at the attention he’s giving her when I hear Natalie laugh.
“So you’re Rhodie, huh? You better make her your Ol Lady. She’s one hell of a woman.” She gives me a wink and then seals her mouth to Savages. I hear Marx grunting behind me, hand on his earpiece.
“Fuck. Eyes on says we have 3 SUVs heading this way at speed. We need to get the women to safety.” Chewy whirls around.
“I know this is going to be scary as hell, but we gotta move. Are you all healthy enough to at the very least walk outta here?” All the women stare at Chewy. Natalie pats Savage’s chest and indicates he put her down. She stands in front of the women, looking to be the leader of the group.
“We can do this ladies. Get your shoes on or whatever other shit you wanna take and we’ll hustle outta here.”
I can hear Marx murmuring away behind me for a moment before he barks out more orders.
“Savage, you lead the women out the back, Gus, you take their rear. My men are in place to cover you. Vans waiting for you back at the rendezvous point. Rhodie, Rider, and I will stand our ground, take out whoever the fuck is running this now Kraykowski is out.”
“We heard the guards mention a Kovalev if that helps,” Nat says to the room, earning a nod from Marx, who has his finger in his ear.
“ETA around 1 minute. Get gone. Chewy and Lexi, you go with the women.” Chewy is already shaking her head from side to side
“Nope, I’m staying. Screw that noise. I’m making sure this Kovalev is put down and out of the skin trade for good.” Marx gives me a look and I step up toward Chewy. I watch her hug Lexi before she watches her race out the door with the other women, gun drawn.