Page 133 of Hateful Prince
“I’m gonna need you to take several seats, dragon,” Kingston said, his voice more wolf than man as he defended his mate.
“I need to talk to Sunday.”
“Not with those eyes, dragon boy. You’re at about a twelve, and you’re going to need to drop to something below seven before we let you anywhere near our mate.”
“He needs to be at a zero,” Caleb muttered.
“Agreed,” Noah said.
Sunday, to her credit, wasn’t going to be contained by her protective mates. “You guys, I’m fine. Kai won’t hurt me.”
“How do you know that, a stor? He burned down a whole village without a second thought.” Caleb glanced at her over his shoulder. “I won’t put you at risk.”
“Then you shouldnae have brought her here, vampire. Blackwood isn’t exactly known for its occupants’ good behavior.”
“Why do you think the three of us accompanied her?” Noah countered.
“I dinnae have time for this. I’m looking for Dahlia. She said she was going to come talk with you. Have ye seen her?”
Sunday’s eyes went wide and she shook her head. “Not since we got here.”
“I saw her,” Kingston offered. “She made a beeline for those doors.” He pointed to the side exit.
Where in the name of the goddess had she been going? The hallway beyond led to a powder room, the kitchens, and... oh, bloody hell, she wouldn’t have gone out into the gardens alone, would she? Perhaps Cas had found her and swept her off her feet? Or Tor?
“Where is Dahlia?” Hades asked from behind me, his voice catching me off guard and causing my dragon to flare with defensive instinct.
Turning to face him, I snarled on reflex. “That’s what I’m trying to figure out.”
“You mean you lost her? She was with you. We can’t let her wander off, not with the Ripper.”
“You think I don’t know that?”
“He’s here. On the grounds. Oz overheard him plotting.”
“That little power outage? It wasn’t a coincidence. There are no coincidences. Oz heard his thoughts when he was planning to strike.”
Caleb cleared his throat. “How exactly do you know this?”
“It’s easy to learn things if you simply listen, Father.”
Kingston piped up, an eager puppy looking for attention. “We call him Daddy G now.”
“No, we don’t,” Caleb snapped.
“Do too.”
“So help me, Kingston, do not start that shit right now,” Noah groaned.
“I’m just sayin’ . . .”
“We’ll help you find her. Where could she have gone?” Sunday offered, stepping around a stormy-faced Caleb.
“Out for a midnight stroll in the garden?” Hades asked. “It’s not implausible. She might’ve gotten overwhelmed with all the people and energy in this ballroom. Or Hook might have stolen her away. He’s been known to do that.”
I found it interesting he only listed Hook and not Tor.