Page 134 of Hateful Prince
“Tor was with Moira until she began the ritual,” Hades added, as if answering my unspoken question.
“Why would Dahlia wander off alone?” Sunday asked.
“She wouldn’t,” I said, feeling the certainty of it in my gut. “Not now with all that’s happened. She always tells us where she’s planning to be, and usually it’s her room. When she wanders the grounds, one of us is almost always with her. Especially recently.”
Hades’s eyes caught and held mine. He nodded his agreement. We’d both considered the possibility but had to dismiss it. She might be impulsive, but she just wasn’t that irresponsible.
As I stared intently at the doors, a large form moved into my peripheral vision. Tor strode through the sea of people, at least a head taller than most of them and impossible to miss. What was equally impossible not to notice was the absence of Dahlia at his side. My heart sank.
He spotted us and barreled his way through the crowd. “Where is she? Why isn’t she with you?”
At least we were all predictable.
“We thought she might be with you,” I admitted. “She told me she was going to speak with Sunday.”
“And I saw her leave,” Kingston said, gesturing to the doors again. “She went that-a-way.”
“Then what the fuck are we still doing standing here?” he growled, the beast pushing to the forefront.
“We were trying to get to the bottom of it without ripping innocent bystanders to pieces,” I snapped.
“I like my way better,” Tor said, pushing past me and heading toward the exit Kingston had indicated.
I followed, Hades hot on my heels. From behind me, I heard a small scuffle and realized it was Sunday, insisting on coming with us.
“A stor, no. Stay here with Thorne and Kingston. They’ll keep you safe.”
“When has telling me to stay put ever worked for you?”
Caleb sighed. “If you won’t do it for me, do it for Eden.”
“You don’t play fair.”
“No, love. But I learned with you one sometimes has to cheat to get the upper hand.”
“Isn’t cheating a sin?”
“I’ll beg for forgiveness later.”
She must’ve agreed, because when we reached the hallway, only Caleb followed.
“Which way would she go?” Tor asked, glancing first right, then left.
“I’ll check the garden. You go the other way. We can meet back here.” Hades began striding toward the glass door that led outside but stopped short when Caleb’s grave voice rang out, “There’s blood here.”
Something within me went cold and scarily still. It took a second for me to register what I was feeling.
Blood-chilling fear.
“Where?” I demanded, although when I spoke, my voice was that of my dragon.
Beside me, Tor vibrated with fury. He was barely holding on to his control. I didn’t blame him; I was faring little better.
Caleb’s head was slow to turn, but then he blurred and was standing a little ways down the corridor, right outside the powder room.
“Here,” he said, pointing to the ground. Then his nostrils flared and his head snapped toward the open door. “There’s more inside.”