Page 60 of Hateful Prince
Agony ripped through me as I leveled my gaze on her. “I’m sorry, lass. When the time comes, I’ll have no choice.”
Session Transcript: December 16th
Dr. Masterson: This is Dr. Elizabeth Masterson. It is December 16th, and the time is 10:00 a.m. This is a recorded session with Caspian Hook.
Hook: *annoyed huff* Yes, yes. You’re worse than a bleeding parrot with all your repetitive yammering. Some of us have other places to be, you know. It’s quite rude to hold us hostage simply so you can read the same blasted script ad nauseam.
Dr. Masterson: There’s something to be said for order and procedure. Why don’t you try going to university for four years in the human world and then another four at Ravenscroft, then you can set the procedure. How’s that?
Hook: Or, how about I don’t and we just say I did. It’s not like I had to go to school to be a captain. I just stepped into the role, and it’s worked out brilliantly.
Dr. Masterson: Well, since you brought it up, let’s chat a bit more about that.
Hook: Doctor, why are you taking notes? You usually just record our sessions.
Dr. Masterson: Because with you, I’ve learned I need as many references as I can get when typing up my reports.
Hook: *dubious humming* We’ve been over my rise to fame before.
Dr. Masterson: Not really. All you ever say on the matter is that the role was vacated, and you filled it. How exactly was it vacated? Why are you the one who stepped in? Was it a matter of necessity? Convenience? Destiny? There’s more to this story, Caspian. And something tells me it’s at the heart of your issues.
Hook: There’s always more to every story. Mine’s been told before, but no one gets it right.
Dr. Masterson: Well, you have a captive audience in me, Caspian. So set the record straight, once and for all.
Hook: Fine. Once upon a time, there was a fae prince. Handsome, dashing, a real ladies' man. Honestly, he was an equal opportunity lover, and everyone loved him back.
Dr. Masterson: Delusions of grandeur.
Hook: Oh fuck off, you asked for the story. Are you going to listen or sit there and headshrink everything that comes out of my mouth?
Dr. Masterson: Continue.
Hook: So there I was, poised to take my place as the next ruler of the Sea Court, when the generational tithes came due. There’s no set time frame, so it wasn’t like we knew they were coming. But it wasn’t exactly as though we could avoid paying the price either. I say we, but I guess it was really me that had to pay, wasn’t it?
Dr. Masterson: You’re referring to the fae courts sending one child per court to Ravenndel?
Hook: *sucks teeth* Do you know of any other generational tithes?
Dr. Masterson: Yes, actually.
Hook: Well, la-di-fucking-da.
Hook: Anyway, I was minding my own bloody business when suddenly I’m summoned to the throne room. There she stood, The White Lady, Faerie’s most powerful mage. She took one look at me, and I knew my parents had chosen to get rid of me.
Dr. Masterson: That’s an interesting way to describe it.
Hook: What else would you call it when parents select one child to throw away while keeping all the rest? It’s not like they sat there and played rock paper scissors to make their choice. They hardly blinked before chucking me out like yesterday’s bath water.