Page 59 of Hateful Prince
“Very funny.” Dahlia rolled her eyes at him.
“Why is that funny? Portholes are excellent windows.”
“No, not that. Decorate your room however you want. I meant because we’re not leaving.”
I frowned at her. “We cannae build a life here, gem.”
“We have to. This place is the Scottish Hotel California.”
When we all stared at her like she had grown an extra head, she elaborated.
“You know, you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave?” Then she played a little air guitar.
“I don’t know what you’re on about.”
“Really? Oh God. You really don’t know.” Her entire countenance dropped. “I hate to be the bearer of terrible fucking news, but we’re never getting out of here. Like ever. This is a prison only with a spell instead of bars.”
“Who told you this, beauty?”
“Sorcha. She said no one ever leaves.” Dahlia stared solemnly back at the estate. “Apparently there’s a hidden cemetery with thousands of bodies buried there, I mean here. They kill the ones they can’t control. Well, I guess technically, all of us.”
“That cannae be true. I’ve seen people leave.”
“Did you? Or did you see what the higher-ups wanted you to see? Do we really know where they go once they ‘leave’?”
“She’s right,” Cain said, his eyes bouncing between Dahlia and Tor. “Temperance has files on all of us. Tor and I found them in his room.”
“He’s one of our doctors. What’s so strange about that?” I asked.
“These files predate our arrival at Blackwood. They’re more like what you’d expect to get from a private investigator rather than simple medical records,” Cain clarified.
“There’s something about Temperance I don’t like,” Tor added.
“But Masterson is legit, right? I mean, why else would she try so hard to help us?” Dahlia asked.
“Masterson may not be in on it, but something smells rotten. And with what you learned from Sorcha, there’s definitely more at play here. Blackwood is not what it seems.”
“This doesn’t make sense. Why would they want to keep us here? Also, I’ve left plenty of times. Tor too.” Hook looked as unbothered as I’d seen him. “This is a bunch of poppycock.”
“And yet you came right back. We’re all under a spell. Compelled to return no matter what,” Dahlia pointed out.
Dread sat in the pit of my stomach like a stone. I couldn’t stay here forever. Not even with the promise of Dahlia in my bed. “They willnae keep me here. My dragon would never allow it. Hell, the Shadow Court would never allow it. They have plans for me to take over for my father in Faerie. They’ll take me when my time comes.”
“Wait. You’re leaving?”
“And what about me? Will you take me with you?”
Cain and Tor both visibly reacted to the thought of Dahlia being taken from them.
Sadness punched me in the gut. “Nae, gem. You cannae come to Faerie. You won’t survive.”
Hurt swam in her eyes. “And you didn’t think to mention any of this to me? I thought we were mates, Kai.”
“We are.”
“Then you can’t leave me.”