Page 50 of Unbreakable Bond
“Might not be shit to celebrate anyway,” Mack groaned.
“You’re engaged. What’s not to celebrate?”
“Not today, Hailo. We need to roll now,” Was all Mack said as he turned and walked back out the door.
“What’s wrong with him?” she asked, offended and worried that her favorite had used her government name and shut her out all at once.
“I don’t know. I’ll hit you later.”
“I love you,” she said, but her eyes were still glued on the front door, and she wore a scowl.
“I love you too.”
Joining Mack in the car, he immediately peeled off while I texted Tyson.
“Tyson is meeting us there,” I shared. He was coming from the other side of town handling stadium business this morning when he broke the news about the casino.
“I’m getting tired of handing out passes. It’s always some shit with these nigga’s,” Mack complained.
“One step at a time. First, we need to figure out what’s going on,” I reasoned.
“They’re not handling business, and now we’re not getting our money. That’s all we need to know.”
“Wassup with you today?” I asked because Mack was complaining more than usual.
Mack was lying, but I didn’t press the issue. It would only make it worse, so I chilled in the passenger seat while he drove to the casino. We hopped out of the parking lot near the service entrance. Tyson beat us here and was already walking toward us when he saw Mack pull up.
After slapping hands, we walked inside, where Quest and Morgan were seated at an old bar top table.
“Wassup?” I asked, approaching Quest and Morgan.
“The casino got hit,” Quest explained.
“We know that,” Mack quipped, cutting Quest short. “But we didn’t hear it from you, and that’s a problem.”
Morgan kissed his teeth, irritated because he hated it whenever we were in the same room.
“When it was relevant, I put the call in. You’re welcome for the courtesy,” Quest rebutted with haste in his tone.
“Correction, you do work for us, and at any given moment, we can shut this shit down,” Mack’s voice was no longer level, and the dramatic hand motion he added to make his point had Tyson looking at me.
Quest smiled, trying to compose himself, but the lines on Morgan’s forehead told me he was about to yell out some shit that might get him killed.
“Wassup with your man today?” Quest asked.
Tyson’s hand hit Mack’s chest, stopping him from walking toward Quest and worsening the situation.
“Y’all don’t like seeing us any more than we like coming to these meets, but business ain’t been right, and that’s a problem. I don’t like problems. Get our money back and handle whoever did this shit. The quicker, the better,” I explained.
“Somebody caught a glimpse of one of them. We’re working on tracking them down,” Quest explained.
“We need that call sooner than later,” Mack added, trying to calm the vein ticking on the side of his head.
“If we’re dismissed from the principal’s office, we can get to it,” Quest’s sarcasm couldn’t be missed, but my concern was Mack right now.
This level of irritation was usually reserved for Tyson, but the roles were all mixed up, so I was forced to be the mediator once Quest and Morgan left.