Page 95 of Unbreakable Bond
“Murder isn’t the solution to everything,” Tyson replied, but he was more so talking about Marcus than Morgan and Quest.
Gi’s wheels were spinning, but he didn’t address it. At least not yet.
“What did Quest say?”
“Nothing,” Gi replied.
“He’ll crack, but we need to keep tabs on Morgan. That nigga is a wild card, especially when he finds out his brother is missing,” I explained because the last time we underestimated him, Sky got shot.
“I’ll get somebody on it,” Tyson agreed.
“I can’t stay. Marcus is picking up Cam, and I need to be home,” I explained.
“Handle your business. We got this,” Gi replied.
“You good with that?” Tyson asked.
Gi’s head turned from me to Tyson, then back at me. “Y’all nigga’s been making googly eyes since Mack walked in. What the fuck is going on?”
“It ain’t my business to tell,” Tyson replied, putting me on the spot.
“Might as well with that bogus response,” I retorted.
“Murder Mack is plotting on Marcus. Talk some sense into him.”
“You wanna kill Cam’s father?” Gi wasn’t expecting a response. He just wanted me to hear it out loud as if that would change how I felt.
“You’re giving him way too much credit.”
“He matters to Cam, and she matters to you,” Gi rationalized.
“What would you do if it was Lo?” He didn’t respond because his answer would mirror all the thoughts in my head. Knowing him, the nigga would already be dead, but at least I was weighing my options. “Exactly. I’m out.”
Trying to get back to the city during rush hour was a task, but I made it home before Marcus came to get Cam. He was never on time for shit anyway, so I had a few moments to spare. When I walked into the house, Sky was sitting on the Indian-style couch, holding a glass of red wine.
“Why are you sitting in the dark?” I chuckled, sitting next to her and kissing her cheek. “Where’s Cam?”
“In her room.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Marcus told me to have his money when he arrived, or he’d tell you everything. I told him you knew, and I wasn’t giving him shit, so he changed his mind,” Sky explained, embarrassed that she had given Cam such a shitty father. “I told Marcus he needed to tell Cam why he wasn’t coming. He refused and hung up, so I had to break her heart again.” Sky’s eyes floated up, trying to keep her tears at bay. “God, I hate him so much.”
“I got Cam,” I assured Sky, but somehow, that made her feel emotional.
“I probably don’t say it as much as I should. It’s not that I don’t appreciate how you love her; it’s the opposite. You love her so naturally that sometimes I forget she’s not yours, so it’s hard to remember to say thank you.”
“Aye, come on. We’re not crying about that shit. You or Cam. You hear me?”
“I’m not sad, I’m angry. She deserves so much better, and he’s so stupid!”
“Why do you think God sent me? He knows what Cam needs and deserves. You too, now stop crying before I take Cam to get ice cream without you.”
“As much as I love third-wheeling with you guys. I think Cam could use you all to herself tonight.”
“I’ll bring you something back for being a good sport.”
Sky sat the glass down and leaned back into the crook of my arm, “All I want is you.”