Page 55 of Forged In Magic
Perhaps Damon understood because he brought his sister closer so Isaac could kiss her. “I love you, Turquoise.”
“I love you too, my lumberjack.”
There were a few chuckles. “I’m looking forward to hearing how those nicknames came about,” Reece teased.
“Me too,” Fiona said, “but later. For now, let’s get them to Isaac’s apartment.”
Once they reached the apartment, everyone said their goodbyes except for Fiona, Damon, and Morgana.
Fiona ushered them all into the apartment and got Isaac and Kate settled on the couch.
“I’m sure you probably both want a shower, but since we cleaned you magically, please wait until tomorrow. You’re both weak, and I’ll worry if I think you’re going to try standing in a slippery shower stall.”
Isaac felt Kate sit straighter, as if to protest, and Fiona must have seen it too.
“Kate, please. Give me this,” Fiona begged softly.
Like a pin in a balloon, Kate deflated against his side as she sunk into him. “Okay. Tomorrow.”
“Good.” Fiona glanced briefly at Damon and Morgana before looking back at him and Kate. Isaac got the feeling that whatever Fiona was going to say had something to do with the dream. No… not a dream. She said it was a vision.
“We’ll all meet at The Magic Plate tomorrow at noon to discuss the last month. But before we go, I want to say two things.”
Fiona walked up to the couch and bent down to give Kate a kiss on the cheek. “Merry Christmas! I didn’t think I was ever going to get to say…” Her words trailed off and Kate wrapped her arms around her mom.
“I love you and merry Christmas,” Kate whispered before letting her mom go. “What’s the second thing?”
“You’re pregnant with my grandson.”
* * *
Kate woke slowly, feeling Isaac’s warmth where she lay half-draped over him. She had come to crave his warmth, and not just because the room had always been cold. It was the connection to him that she needed. She ran her fingers slowly along his chest, and even with her eyes closed, she could perfectly envision the tattoo inked there. Each feather, the dark and the shadows, she could trace without looking.
“Good morning, Turquoise,” Isaac said quietly.
“Good morning.” She placed a kiss on his chest, then tilted her chin up as she opened her eyes to look into his. “Please tell me I’m not dreaming.”
“It’s real.” He rolled toward her, shifting her onto her back. “That was my first thought when I woke up too. The curtains are drawn, but the sunlight was enough to make me think I was dreaming.”
“We’re pregnant,” she whispered. They were going to have a baby.
The news had seemed shocking coming from her mom. No peeing on a stick for her. She shouldn’t have been surprised, not really, but she was. Her mom had always had visions, but the fact that her mom knew about the baby before she and Isaac did seemed strange.
“Yes, we are. You’ve made me the happiest man in the world. I want to talk all about the baby, but right now…” His voice trailed off as he hovered over her and dropped his lips to hers in the softest of kisses. Their tongues tangled together in a slow exploration as she ran her hands over his hips and his back. At first, neither of them hurried it along.
After a while of gentle kisses and caressing touches, Kate wanted more. She wanted to make love to Isaac and take him deep into her body. To remind her they belonged together.
She lifted her hands to his face, running her fingers through his beard and into his hair. Tugging on the long strands at the nape of his neck, she pulled him down and deepened the kiss. He groaned into her mouth, igniting her passion even higher.
Kate’s love and need for Isaac had grown each day to a point where she knew she’d never be sated.
Shoving at his chest, she pushed him onto his back. She wanted to kiss every inch of him in the bright light of the morning.
When he moaned in a way that didn’t sound at all sexy, she froze. “Did I hurt you?”
“I’m okay. My back muscles are just tight. I think they’re still not used to being stretched and wanted to protest.”
She felt a flash of guilt for all he’d endured for her. Even when Isaac could no longer fully stretch out in the room, he’d had Kate drape across him so she could. He’d also given her more water than he took for himself. He may not have flaunted the actions, but she’d known and loved him all the more because of it.