Page 56 of Forged In Magic
“We should probably eat,” she said, looking up to meet his eyes. As much as she wanted to make love with Isaac, he was right. They were weak. If they didn’t fuel their bodies, it would take them longer to get their strength back. Not to mention their magic.
She rolled off Isaac and scooted to the edge of the bed, hanging her legs over the side. Glancing back over her shoulder at him, she winked. “Come on, let’s get something to eat and then a shower. Even though we’re clean, I’d love to take one.”
When she pushed to her feet, she realized too late that she should have tested the waters. Her knees buckled and she cried out as she fell forward onto her hands.
“Kate?” Isaac’s panicked cry came before he landed on the floor beside her.
“Isaac!” She tilted sideways, tumbling into him. “Are you okay?”
Laughing, he wrapped an arm around her, pulling her onto his chest. “Yes, I’m fine. I slid off the bed on purpose.”
“Why would you do that?”
He grinned. “I thought it was the fastest way to get to you. Since your legs didn’t want to hold you, I figured mine wouldn’t want to hold me either.”
“You’re nuts.”
“I’m nuts about you.”
She groaned. “Oh, that’s so bad. I think your lines are getting worse, but I love you anyway.” Brushing her lips over his, she aimed for a light kiss. But Isaac had a different idea and several minutes passed before they came up for air.
Since neither of them were fast or steady on their feet, another few minutes passed before they were dressed. Kate wore a pair of Isaac’s sweatpants and a T-shirt.
“It might take me awhile to get used to clothes again.” She grinned at him. “No bra or panties.”
He took her hand as they walked toward his kitchen. “Easy access.”
She laughed. “Maybe so, but after the portable toilet and being naked together for weeks, I’m definitely not shy around you anymore.”
Leaning down, he gave her a quick kiss. “You shouldn’t be.” Then he grinned. “And later, we can go back to being naked. But first, food.”
Kate felt like it took her twice as long to walk to Isaac’s kitchen as it should have. She was surprised, but she pushed the thought to the side as soon as she saw the huge buffet of food spread out on his island. “My mom definitely came through for us, but after not eating for ten days we’ll be lucky to eat more than a few bits. That’s even after being healed.”
Kate hoisted herself onto a stool and took one of the plates.
“You’re eating for two, remember?”
She hadn’t forgotten. Not even for a second since her mom told her.
Picking up a grape, she popped it into her mouth, the wet burst of flavor on her tongue tasted delicious. She ate a few more as thoughts of a baby rattled around in her mind. A baby boy. Would he look like her? Or Isaac? Would he have artistic talent like them?
It had been a long time since she had thought about having children. After Ethan, she figured it would never happen. Placing her hand on her stomach, she tried to imagine a baby growing inside. Since she had conceived less than two weeks ago, the baby would only be the size of a pinhead, but she loved him already.
Isaac turned toward her and placed his hand over hers. “What are you thinking?”
“Do you remember what you said in the room?”
He nodded, not even asking which part she meant. “Yes. Every word. I said I would be honored to make a baby with you, Kate. I love you with everything that I am. And if we made a baby, I would love them equally as much.”
“Do you still believe that?”
His eyes shone with tears, but she knew they were happy tears. “Yes. I meant every word and I already love him.” He rubbed his hand over hers and then put some eggs and more fruit on her plate. “Eat, please.”
“Everyone is so bossy,” she teased but picked up her fork.
They each kept a hand on her belly. It made eating a little awkward, but neither of them seemed to care. She liked him touching her, and it felt right as they lapsed back into silence. Kate had grown so used to Isaac and periods of quiet together that she didn’t feel the need to speak.
By the time they had finished eating and put the leftovers away, Kate was dreaming about her shower.