Page 27 of Rock Bottom
Right on schedule Fergus came around the corner into the kitchen and was blocked by a line of dogs. “ ’Ere ye go, ya little rascals.” He dug into his pockets and pulled out a handful of treats. Once the dogs were satisfied, they meandered into the atrium one at a time.
Zoe watched with delight. “Myra, I’ve never seen so many well-behaved dogs in one place!”
Myra smiled like a proud mother. “I can’t take all the credit. Charles and Fergus spent a lot of time with Lady and her babies.” She watched the golden retriever doggie parade move into the other room with Rufus falling in behind them. “They’re not such babies anymore!” Each of the dogs had to stand at least twenty-four inches tall and weigh around fifty pounds. “And if Fergus keeps giving them treats, they are going to have to go on a diet.”
Lady stopped in her tracks and tilted her head toward Myra.
“Just kidding.” Myra gave her a reassuring look and turned to Zoe. “Yes, they have a very large vocabulary. Unfortunately, I used the word ‘d-i-e-t’ for so many years, Lady picked up on it. Now I don’t use that word at all when it comes to my eating habits. Food is good. Good food is even better.”
Charles entered the conversation. “Myra didn’t always have the best ‘d-i-e-t,’ which is understandable coming from a candy empire. But I started experimenting in the kitchen and now I’ve become quite good at it.” He gave Myra a peck on the cheek. “Wouldn’t you say, lovey?”
She returned the peck. “Indeed. It’s truly amazing I am not as big as a whale.”
“That’s because I cook wholesome food.” Charles gave her a pat on her fanny.
Everyone took a seat and devoured the frozen treat. Sounds of delight enveloped the table. Alexis was the first to finish and began gathering up the empty bowls.
“I think I should take this woman back to my house.” Izzie put her arm around Zoe. It was clear Zoe was spent. She was exhausted and exhilarated at the same time. Knowing people had her back was a huge relief. But not knowing what was ahead was terrifying. “Yoko, why don’t you come by for breakfast and we can show Zoe our plans. I know Annie has someone lined up, but I’d like Zoe’s take on everything.”
“Sounds like a very good idea.” Yoko nodded.
Zoe profusely thanked Myra, Annie, Charles, and Fergus for their hospitality and their support. “I cannot tell you how much I appreciate this. Whatever the outcome, it was worth meeting all of you.”
Myra gave her a motherly hug. “Don’t you fret. Annie and I, the Sisters, Charles, Fergus, and our associates will be all over this situation.”
Annie placed her arm around Zoe. “It may seem a little cloak-and-dagger, but it will also be fun. Fun knowing certain people will get their comeuppance and maybe we’ll save a few lives in the process.”
The group walked them to Izzie’s car. Rufus reluctantly jumped in the back seat and Izzie latched him into his harness. “Seat belts for everyone!” she proclaimed. The SUV kicked up a few stones as they made their way down the driveway.
The rest of the group said their goodnights with hugs and kisses. Yoko picked up the empty food hampers and Maggie helped her carry them out to her van. “This certainly was not what I was expecting for this evening,” she said to Maggie. “But I’m happy we are going to help Zoe.”
“Me too,” Maggie agreed. “And thanks for dinner. It was a real treat.”
Yoko chuckled. “Anything that goes into your mouth is a treat.” She gave Maggie a big bear hug and got into the van.
“I really do have discerning taste. I taste it. I like it!” Maggie hooted and waved as Yoko started the engine.
As Alexis, Myra, Annie, Fergus, and Charles reentered the house, they were already discussing their next moves. “Alexis, time to pull out the old wardrobe. We’re going to need a few disguises,” said Myra.
Much later that evening
It was close to midnight. Charles and Fergus returned to the war room and fired up their equipment. There was no time to waste. They had to get the ball rolling if Zoe was returning to work on Monday.
There was a new message on one of the consoles. Charles read it out loud: “Avery confirmed Sasha will be shadowing Zoe. I’ll send Sasha Zoe’s dossier. We’ll let Zoe know Sasha will start on Monday. She’ll meet her at a coffee shop, but they will not acknowledge each other. Sasha will get behind Zoe and pretend she is looking for something in her messenger bag. She’ll casually drop a few pieces of paper on the floor. Zoe will help her pick them up and then Sasha is to drop an envelope into Zoe’s bag. It will contain the usual device and contact info.”
Charles picked up the intercom phone. “Myra, we are getting Sasha set up for Zoe. Sasha is going to shadow her first thing. As soon as Zoe leaves her apartment, Sasha will follow her and hand off contact information. We just need to let Zoe know that the woman who will be standing behind her at the coffee shop is her contact.”
“Good idea. We want Zoe to be aware of who we have tailing her,” Myra said. “She doesn’t need any additional paranoia.”
“Meanwhile, Sasha will keep enough distance between them to see who else might be following Zoe,” Charles added.
“I’ll go over to Izzie’s tomorrow morning with a photo of Sasha and explain what is going to happen.”
“Splendid,” Charles concurred. “Fergus and I have a bit of rifling to do. We’ll probably be down here for a few hours.”
“Annie and I can watch a movie. Let me know if you need us.”
“We always need you.” Charles never missed an opportunity to flirt with his wife.