Page 28 of Rock Bottom
Fergus turned on the gigantic plexiglass map and marked the locations of REBAR’s offices and manufacturing plants. He pulled down the menu for the company’s executives and marked their spots on the map. “This chap, Donald Walsh, is not listed as an executive.”
“Zoe said he was the head of quality control. You’d think that would come with a few letters—VP, COO, CEO, COB, no?” Charles asked.
“Maybe he’s not well favored with some of the bigwigs, but he serves a purpose,” Fergus offered.
“And maybe that’s why he has a little side game going on.” Charles nodded. “We’re going to have to get payroll information so we can see how much he earns, and how much he actually has.”
“It’s those Cayman Islands again.” Fergus scowled.
“We’ve done a workaround before.” Charles had a twinkle in his eye. “Remember the last mission when that plonker tried to get money out of the bank?”
Fergus chuckled. “Ah, that Annie of mine.”
“With a bit of luck the funds will be at Cayman National.”
“Right-o,” Fergus agreed. “That would make it a little easier.”
“That would also mean Myra and Annie will have to go down there together.” Charles laughed.
“That is always risky business.” Fergus guffawed. But then his laughing stopped abruptly as he read some new information. “This is interesting. Malcolm Fielder. Been with the company about a year. He’s head of manufacturing in the Caribbean.”
“So does that mean our boy Donald Walsh works for him?” Charles rolled his Branch ergonomic chair closer to where Fergus was sitting.
“Seems likely,” Fergus answered. “But look where Fielder worked before REBAR. FREDO in Santo Domingo.”
“The Dominican Republic. But that’s not too big of a stretch,” Charles said.
“Ah, yes, but he was part of a small group that resigned.”
“Reorganization, perhaps?”
Fergus opened another browser and looked up FREDO. “Ha. About a year ago the government shut them down for two weeks. Safety inspections.”
“Was the company fined?”
“No, but three people, Mr. Fielder included, ‘left the company,’ according to this article.”
“Did they give a reason?” Charles stood and began to read over Fergus’s shoulder.
“You got it, old chap. Reorganization.”
“I find that curious. And coincidental. Looks like the company was given a clean bill, and the press release says they had taken precautionary measures to assure they were compliant.”
“Sounds a bit dodgy. Can we get into the financials of the company?”
“I’m working on it, but it’s going to take a bit. There’s a tremendous amount of deep diving through a lot of firewalls before we can get close to their mainframe.”
“Alright. Let me know if we need to bring Izzie into this. Maybe Abner.”
“Let’s not forget about Libby. She was a tremendous help with her computer and technical experience during our last mission when Nikki was injured in the car bomb explosion.”
“Right.” Fergus yawned.
“I think we should call it a night. Give our noggins a rest. We’ve got to find out what REBAR and FREDO have in common, if anything. Need to start with a clear head.”
Fergus began to shut down most of the monitors, leaving one search program to run overnight.
They saluted Lady Justice as they left the room, locked the door and climbed the stone steps. In the atrium they found all the dogs and two women, dozing in various positions.