Page 101 of Winning Play

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Page 101 of Winning Play

“Grabbeda boxed dinner whenIgot off the bus.”Helooked at her books and notebooks strewn across the floor near the sofa. “Swamped?

Kimlaughed as she moved to stack the textbooks. “Underestimatedprep time for midterms.”Herlaugh felt forced. “Can’tbelieve how muchI’veforgotten from the first of the semester.Feelslike new material.”

Spencecrouched beside her to help. “Neverexperienced that before,Kim?Concussionafter effect?”

“Doesn’tmatter—Ineed to know this stuff.Noexcuses,”Kimsaid. “MaybeI’mjust… distracted.”

Spencechuckled at her choice of words. “TalkwithDr.Tom.Maybehe can suggest some test accommodations.”Spencereached for her hand. “Extendedtime, notes, you know.”

“Maybe…Idon’t want to use that as an excuse.”Kimdismissed the issue. “Probablyanxiety since these are the first high-stakes tests in grad school.I’llget through it.Ican better empathize with you, but you have ten times the pressure.”

Spencetouched her chin, lifting it until her eyes met his. “I’llsurvive,Popcorn, and so will you.Weneed to focus our efforts and manage our time.”

Kimsat back on the floor and leaned against the couch. “Spence,IknowI… uh… distracted you the last time you tried to discuss this.”

“Indeed, quite the distraction.”Spencemuffled his laugh. “Youdidn’t hear me protest, did you?”Kimshook her head, and she watched as he gathered his thoughts. “Kim,Inever want you to feelIdon’t care about you—Iwantto be with you.”Spencehesitated, and she watched as he took a breath before continuing. “You’reon my mind even when we’re not together.Idon’t want to disappoint you or for you to feel likeI’mtaking you for granted.”

Kimnodded for him to continue.Spencelooked toward the window and spoke in a low voice as if talking to himself.

“FeelslikeI’mrunning in place.Besideslosing three starters, we’ve heard nothing about the investigation or our status for the tournaments.Extrapractice between games to help the new players adjust seamlessly.Teammeetings, keeping the guys focused on the season… now mid-terms and semester projects,”Spencelooked at her, and she saw conflict reflected in his intense blue eyes. “Youdon’t deserve another crap boyfriend.”

“Spence, you’re not a ‘crap boyfriend,’”Kimreplied, trying to quell inner alarm bells.He’snotFinn.He’snot feeding me excuses.Shetook a deep breath. “Idon’t want to add to your pressure.Youstepped up whenIneeded you; let me do the same for you.”Shepaused a moment and took a deep breath. “Whatare you thinking?”Sheblinked back the sudden surge of emotion and saw a flicker of hesitation in his eyes.

“Iwant to be with you,Kim…Twenty-four-seven ifIcould.”Heshook his head. “Ithink about the team…Ineed to do everything possible to get the team back to theNationalChampionshipand achieve our goals this season.ThenI’vegot to keep my grades high to graduate inAugust.”Hemet her eyes with a small smile.

“Andmuch as we’d like to think, you’re notSuperman,”Kimsaid. “HowcanIhelp?”

Spencetook her hand. “Iwas thinking…Ithought that maybe… taking a break… a temporary break…”Helooked away. “Stupididea.Nevermind.”

Kimtouched his cheek. “Spence,Icontributed to that stress… first withFinn, then stepping up as my ‘boyfriend,’ the concussion—all a ginormous time suck.”

“I’venever thought of our relationship as a time suck.Iwant to spend every day with you.”

Sheshook her head. “SodoI.Butright now, the team must take priority—Iget it.Afterthe midterms,Istart interviewing for an internship.Betweenthat, course projects, and hopefully supportingDavein the playoffs,Iwon’t have much free time either.”

Heshook his head. “That’snot whatIwant.”

“Whatdoyou want,Spence?”Kimtried to control a sudden flare of frustration. “Youjust explained your priorities.”Shewatched as he shut his eyes briefly.

“Kim…”Hepatted his heart. “Thistells me you’re my top priority.”

“Butyour brain says that’s impossible right now.”Kimheld his gaze. “Iget it,Spence.Youneed to follow through on your plans for this year.Iunderstand.”

Spencedidn’t reply for several moments, staring across the room.Kim’swilling to step aside whileIchase my dream and fulfill my responsibilities to the team.Howmany times didHendricksask her to do just that?Promiseher one thing… then sayIdon’t have time for you right now?

Kim’shand on his arm jerked him out of his thoughts. “Spence, still best friends, right?”

“Always…Ihate this,Kim.Idon’t want to…”

“Don’t.”Kim’ssharp tone startled him. “Westarted as friends, then we became best friends.Let’sconcentrate on that for now.”

“Sure… friends...”Hestood, sensing the conversation had ended. “Ishould get back.”

Kimwalked beside him the short distance to the door.

“Seeyou at the games this weekend?” he asked.

“Ofcourse—if it won’tdistractyou?”Kimbit back a smile.

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