Page 102 of Winning Play
Spencerelaxed a little.Sheunderstands and doesn’t want me to feel guilty.“Theentire team would freak if you’re not in your seat.You’reour good luck charm.”
"Weboth know that's not true,"Kimanswered. "ButI'llcheer for the team like always—need to keep my unofficial scorebook up to date."
Whenshe placed her palm on his cheek, a tired sigh escapedSpencer'slips.Shefingered his thick, dark hair. "Dowhat you need to,ChathamSpencer," she said. “I’min your corner—always.”
Spencesaw her eyes glisten before he gathered her into an embrace.Hislips grazed hers as he asked, “MayIkiss you?”
“Caretodistractme?”Kimoffered.Ratherthan wait forSpenceto answer,Kimwrapped her arms around his neck and opened her mouth to accept the kiss.Asthey shared their feelings through the embrace,Spencefeared that he’d just sabotaged their chance for happiness.
Midwaythrough exam week,Spenceemerged from his room after a two-hour study prep.HefoundToddandEricsprawled on the furniture, playing video games.Ericpaused the game and offeredSpencea controller. “Joinus?”
“Thanks, butI’mheading outside for a while.Clearmy brain and maybe grab something from the food trucks.CanIget you anything?”
“I’mmeetingBarbthere in an hour.Whydon’t you andKimjoin us?”Toddsuggested.
Spenceshifted uneasily as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Idon't know, man.KimandI… uh… decided to take a break.”
“What… since when?”Todd’seyebrows shot up in surprise.
“AftertheWestPalmweekend.Withso much going on—preparing for midterms, projects due, the team, the crunch portion of our season coming up…”Heshook his head. “IknowIneed to focus on team responsibilities.”
“Youbroke up withKim?”Toddasked.
“Wedecided to take a break,nota break up.”
“Andshe’s okay with that?”Ericasked, surprise evident in his tone.
“Whenwe returned fromWestPalm,Ihadn’t seen her for over a week;Ididn’t even consider inviting her to the weekend.Toofocused on the team.Shedeserves better than that… so we decided to pause things.”Thelogic felt wrong, even as he explained it to his friends.
“Seriously, man?”Toddsaid. “Iget that you feel overwhelmed.Iam, too.ButBarb'smy touchstone; when we're together,Ican forget all the crap with the team.”Helocked eyes withSpence.
“I’mhappy that works for you,”Spencesaid, then shrugged. “We’reback to best friends for now.”
“Andshe agreed to that?”Ericshook his head.
Spencescowled. “It’snot what either of us wants, but we’re both under pressure.We’llstill see each other, just not as a couple.”
“So, you’re not ‘together?’”Todd'sremark felt like an accusation.
“Whatdo you want me to say?”Frustrationsaturated each syllable.
Ericreached to clap his shoulder. “Hey, just trying to look out for you,Spence.”
Spencenodded. “Understood.Thisis just temporary.”Ihope.
Afterwandering around campus,Spencetook the pedestrian path to the waterfront.Growingup inSavannah, he always felt the call of the water—whether along the riverfront downtown or out onTybeeIsland, where the river joined theAtlanticOcean.MovingtoTampafor college only deepened that bond.Hehoped to play for a team near the coast if he got drafted…Bigif!AsifI’dhave a choice.WonderifKimfeels the same pull after growing up inVancouver.
Restless,Spencewalked along theRiverwalkfor a while, then headed back to campus.Heglanced atKim’swindow as he passed her residence hall.Hishand itched to grab his phone and call or text her.Andsay what?Secondthoughts… acted too hastily… thinkIcan handle everything now… forget about taking that break?
“You’rean idiot,” he muttered as he pushed through the door to the student center.Aglance revealed no teammates to acknowledge or join.Heheaded directly to the food trucks parked in the lot beside the building, passed his usual healthy options, and joined the line for “Tampa’sBestBurgers.”Athick, juicy cheeseburger and curly fries beckoned.
Whenhe sat at a picnic table in the shade and opened the bag, he laughed as he placed the items on the table.Whatwere you thinking,Spencer?Threecheeseburgers?Extra-large fries?Enoughfor at least two meals.Hepicked up a burger to toss back into the bag, then paused when a hand touched his shoulder.
“Cheatday?”Kim’steasing voice felt like a burst of sunshine on a rainy day.Heturned his head toward her and patted the bench.
“Saveme from my lack of self-control?” he invited.