Page 103 of Winning Play
Hewatched her hesitate. “Idon’t want to interrupt…”
“You’renot.Sitfor a few minutes—tell me what’s new?”
Kimslid onto the bench beside him, taking a breath to calm the sudden pounding of her heart.
“Justtrying to get through exams,” she said.Sheshook her head when he offered her a hamburger. “Thanks, but just ate…Theteam’s winning—you’d never know the lineup had changed.Youfeel encouraged?”Shewatched as he nodded, then shrugged.
“Yeah, the new guys play like veterans.Theystepped up.Justwish we’d hear…”Spencepaused, looking around to make sure they were alone. “Nothingon the conference investigation.Hardto concentrate with the unknown hanging over the team.”
Kimsqueezed his arm. “You’vedone everything you can,Spence.Youdeservethe chance to compete for theNationalChampionship.Eitherway,I’mpositive that scouts have watched you play… and will continue to come to your games.Beproud of how you’ve handled this—believe in yourself.”
Acrooked smile crossed his face. “YouwatchingTedLassoreruns again?”Hepulled her against his side when she giggled. “Kim, you knowyoumotivate me.”
Kimpressed her finger against his lips. “Don’t,Spence.Focuson the team—and your classes.Don’tworry about me.”
Heclasped her hand in his. “Notseeing you, talking with you, studying together…”Heshook his head as his voice trailed off.
Kimclosed her eyes, conflicting thoughts racing through her brain. “Imiss you, too.Buttime passes quickly.”Thelast thingIwant—Spencesecond-guessing himself if the season doesn’t turn out how he hopes… the way everyone hopes.Shefelt his hand cup her cheek.
“What’sgoing through your mind,Popcorn?”
Shemet his blue eyes, and the sincerity reflected twisted her heart.Takinga deep breath, she shook her head. “I’mnot going anywhere,ChathamSpencer.Let’sfocus on what’s most important.It’snot that much longer.”
Shesaw his eyes darken, and a wry smile crossed his face. “Kim, you’re more important than…”
Sheshook her head. “Don’t,Iknow—just remember your goals.”Sheleaned to kiss his cheek. “We’llsee each other on campus, at games…”
“Atthe food trucks…”
Kimlaughed. “Watchthose cheat days,Spencer.”Shestood and touched his shoulder. “Nexthome game isFriday?Ifthe midterms don’t destroy me,I’llsee you there.”
Atpractice the following day,SpenceaskedCoachRamirez—again—about the investigation.
“Nothingnew.You’llknow as soon as we hear anything,Spencer.You’replaying great ball.Keepyour mind on the game—you can’t do anything about that situation.Bythe way,I’veheard fromJoshMatthewsthat several teams have expressed interest in watching you and a few other players in upcoming home games.Youknow the rules—if a team contacts you directly, refer them toMatthewsand let me know.”
Spencenodded. “I’mtrying not to think about the draft—NationalChampionshipfirst.”
“Eyeson the prize.”Ramirezsmiled. “AsI’msure you know, you are listed as a top prospect,Spence.”
“Yes, sir.I’mmeeting with my advisor next week to double-check the credits.IthinkIcan graduate after the summer term.”
“…which ends the first week inAugust.Perfecttiming if you decide to sign.”
“IfIget drafted,Coach.”
Ramirezshook his head with a chuckle as he clapped his hand onSpencer’sshoulder. “Goon, get out of here.”
Kimawakened and stretched—for the first time in weeks, nothing nagged her mind.Midtermscompleted, a week of free time stretched before her, and best of all, she lay in the plush queen bed inherroom atDaveandLauren’shome.Daveoffered to pay for a trip anywhere she chose for the week, butKimdidn’t want to go home, and the thought of joining one of the student-created group trips toCancun,Jamaica, or aCaribbeancruise held no appeal.TheStormSurgehad one game scheduled inValdosta,Georgia, onTuesday, then aFridaynight game andSaturdaydoubleheader at home—noSpringBreakfor the team.
Evenif she andSpencehadnottaken a break, he had little free time as the team entered the season’s final weeks.Theconference tournament loomed, followed by the regionals and, she hoped, theNationalChampionshipTournament.Spencechecked in via text several times each week, andKimcontinued attending the home games.Butit just wasn’t the same.
Shemissed talking with him and spending time together.Shethought about the following week when she would return to campus.Shecouldn’t imagine sitting at the same table with him and their friends.CanIact like nothing’s changed?DoToddandEric—andBarbandJeanine—know?Ihaven’t told anyone.HasSpence?Butthe smile when he sees me, the look in his eyes, and the affectionate hugs tell a different story… we could end this pause with one word.
Whatifs cluttered her mind.Whatif the team struggles and doesn’t win the conference?Whatif the conference issues sanctions and disqualifies the team from post-season tournaments?Idon’t wantSpencesecond-guessing himself.Weneed to stick with our decision.
AsKimlay in bed, she thought aboutSpenceand their relationship.Sheconvinced herself that they had made the right decision in taking a break, but that didn't make the pain less acute.