Page 104 of Winning Play

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Page 104 of Winning Play

Therest of spring break passed in a flurry of activitiesLaurenorganized—visitingShannonat her fitness center, spending an afternoon withLaurenatCaryn’shome, and joining the twins in their pool.CarynandLaurenalso brainstormed ideas withKimfor her independent study for the social media law class.Shespent the day before she returned to campus shopping withCassie.

Kimdebated whether she should attend the three baseball games that weekend.Shehadn’t heard fromSpence, but she knew the team had traveled toValdostafor aTuesdayafternoon game, a grueling two-day trip.

Whenshe walked on campus, she realized how empty it felt.Morestudents would return over the weekend, soKimsupported the team from her seat behind home plate.Shearrived at game time and concentrated on scoring the game.Shetried not to stare, but her eyes soughtSpencesubconsciously.Painsliced her chest each timeSpencelooked over and caught her eye.Assoon as the game ended onFriday, and immediately following theSaturdaydoubleheader,Kimslipped through the crowd and retreated to her apartment.Ithurt too much to be close to him and pretend nothing had changed.

Spencefought the frustration of seeingKimwithout having the chance to talk with her.Heknew why she disappeared immediately after the games—he could call or text her, but it wasn’t the same.Sheresisted meeting up for a friendly dinner.Thelast thing he wanted—to cause further distress.

Theend of spring break marked the beginning of the busiest part of the baseball schedule—leading to the conference championship in lateApril.Hehad only a few assignments remaining for the semester and planned to prepare for finals during the few days' break before the conference tournament.Assoon as he could free himself from at least one of his responsibilities, he vowed to go toKimand prayed her feelings hadn’t changed.Bestcase—resolution from the conference on its investigation, allowing the team to enter the field for theNationalChampionship.Providedwe finish the season strong.

Kimstood in the quadrangle after her last class, debating whether to head to the library or grab lunch at theStudentCenter.

“Whythe frown,KimberlyMartin?”

Spence’svoice startled her.Shetried to smile, keenly aware of his effect on her. "Hi,Spence.Lostin my thoughts,Iguess."Whenshe looked at him,Kim'sheart stuttered.Hisdark hair curled over his collar, and his blue eyes looked straight through her.Therewas no denying the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. "Thingsgoing okay?"

Heshrugged. “Busy—just like you.Youhave time to grab lunch?”

Theoffer drew her out of her head and back into reality. "I'denjoy that."

Spencetook her backpack and slung it over his shoulder.

“Jeez,Kim," he said with an easy smile, "still lugging those textbooks everywhere?”

Atthe sound of his laughter, she giggled. "Nothing'schanged—not this late in the semester.Imay try your hybrid method in the summer semester...Bythe way,whydo you have time for lunch?Noafternoon class?"

“Professor’sgiving the class time to work on the term projects, whichI’vecompleted thanks to your schedule.”Spencepushed open the door to theStudentCenterand nodded toward the food court. “Thisor the food trucks?Insideor picnic table?”

“Doyou mind eating outdoors?"Kimasked. "Sonoisy in here.I’llgrab my usual.”

“I’mgoing for the taco truck.I’llget a table in the shade, babe.”

Everynerve ending twitched when he used that endearment, but she smiled and watched him walk away.Don’tforget why you’re taking a break.Needto stay strong… doesn’t matter how much you miss him.It’snot forever.Right?

Spencefound a picnic table and set his lunch on it.Luckyto run intoKimtoday…Seeingher brightens my world.Beautifulin that knit shirt and jeans... just perfect.Shouldwe revisit this “pause?”

HesawKimapproach, and he reached for her tray and then set it on the table.

“Yourtacos look delicious,”Kimsaid. “Vegan?”

“Yep.Nomore cheat days until the season ends.”

Kim’slips quirked as she shot him a look. “Anynews on the investigation?”Kimasked as she unwrapped her sandwich.

Shakinghis head,Spencebroke off a piece of the taco shell and popped it in his mouth.

“Nonews is good news?”

Spenceheld up a finger as he swallowed. “That’sthe wayI’mthinking.Surely, we’ll know something before the conference tournament.Wishthey’d just let us know, one way or the other.”

Kimcovered his hand with hers. “Icannot imagine the stress.AnythingIcan do?”

“Seeingyou at the games means a lot.”Spenceflashed a crooked smile and offered her a taco. “Mynew favorite lunch.”Hewatched as she tasted it, her eyes widening in pleasure.

“Mmm, so good…Ican see why it’s your new favorite.”Shetried to hand the taco back to him, butSpencewaved his hand.

“I’vegot plenty.Enjoyit.”Theireyes met as they ate.Hesaw a hint of the longing he’d felt every day since the “pause.”Shekeeps me balanced, motivated, and confident.IfIdidn't feel her support,I’dcrack under this pressure.IfonlyIhadn’t mentioned a pause.Inmoments like this, surrounded by the warmth and joy that seemed to followKimwherever she went,Spencefelt grateful that she sat across from him.

Later,Kimpushed her tray aside, surprised at the time.SheandSpencehad been chatting for over an hour, catching up on each other's lives.

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